My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 202: It’s really not crazy to be crazy.

After Chen Daqiang left, Meng Fan continued to bend in the room while chatting with Wu Tong.


"Have a draft?"

"Well, I want to mention the update of the comics."

"So fight?"

"I want to be a better self."

"Then I have to work hard."

"You woman is too confused, too disrespectful!"

"Is it to say something about earthy taste?"

"The idea was interrupted by you."

Wu Tong withdrew the previous one and cooperated with a message: "How can I not say anything?"

Meng Fan also measured the previous one and said: "Perfect mess, beautiful is not like it! It is like this, you have to work hard, let others live!"

Well, after this test, the page looks too refreshing.

Wu Tong returned a smile: "I don't care if others live well, you can live well."

what is this? !

Meng Fan excitedly turned circles directly, and then he pumped his mind: "Remove the word!"

When I sent it, I immediately regretted it and quickly withdrew it. However, Wu Tong did not return.

"Don't die!"

Meng Fan screamed in the sky, almost didn't cry, what a good chat atmosphere, was ruined by his own brain.

If you are not good at learning, you have to learn the mouth guns around Zhang!


Just when Meng Fan was downcast, Wu Tong returned this one: "Hurry up and go, I read."

"Good le!"

Meng Fan returned to the room with a chicken blood, and then went back to the room to broadcast live.

"There is only one live broadcast tonight, drawing comics."

After Meng Fan added the announcement, he calmed down and continued to paint "Campus Love Men". He basically didn't look at the barrage, and rarely talked, but he followed the music several times.

The live broadcast room soon poured in 300,000 people, and then came in a little more. I saw that only a few comics have been withdrawn from the evening. Even if Meng Fan’s painting skills are faster, it’s impossible. People are willing to look at it. Relatively speaking, they still prefer more direct and interactive live content.

Of course, there are still a lot of paintings, because this live broadcast was originally a painting, and there are more than 200,000 people who have stabilized after entering and leaving.

Looking at it, the water friends in the live room found the same.

In the past, Meng Fan live-painted paintings, mainly based on illustrations, but also comics, but the comics are all separated and appear in the form of illustrations. This time, there are some differences.

Very consistent painting, one after the other, the content is coherent.

In the live room, there is a lot of fanfare in "Campus Love Men", it is easy to identify the contents of Meng Fan's paintings. This is the content of the latest updates.

The speed of Meng Fan's painting is fast. This is no longer a surprise, but when I look at it, the water friends in the live broadcast are a little scared.

2 hours and 12 minutes!

The content is finished!

What is the speed?

Painting illustrations is fast, but it can be said that simple painting skills are fast, but comics are still so fast. This is not just a simple technique and a hand speed, and the brain is also fast!

The fascination here knows that the comics are basically Zhou, not because the author is lazy but the comics are really difficult to draw. Do you think that you can draw more than a dozen pictures, and tell the story of the big brother!

It's like a code word. Do you think it's ok to type a word on the keyboard? Otherwise, it is not faster than using a face to roll directly.

After painting, Meng Fan looked at the time and was very satisfied with the speed. The content of this speech is a little less and simpler, but the speed is actually faster.

I stood up and took a chance, then I took the live aid and walked straight to the water friend in the live room. "I am ready to finish the "Campus Love Men" at the fastest speed. The next update will be better than before. A lot more, the day is more certain. The second volume of the "Campus Love Men" is already in preparation. After the outing, look at the situation, sell it well, and sell it if it is not good."

When it comes to this, Meng Fan thinks it.

Before the first book of "Campus Love Men" was sent all over. If the second volume is to go through the sales channels, it seems that the first book can also be printed. How to do it depends on how Qin Qin said.

"After the "Campus Love Men", I will speed up the update of "Underground Spirit". The sleepy man is still positive, the text script has been submitted to 50 words, I have to catch up with his progress. After catching up Look at the script given by the sleepy man and decide the follow-up update."

"Someone asked why the "Campus Love Men" was finished so quickly? It is like this. You should be able to see the comics. This is a short story, at most it is a middle article. The scriptwriter has also submitted the manuscript. After finishing this, I have speeded up the update. In addition, I also want to wait for the "Campus Love Men" to finish the book, and then catch up with the progress of the sleepy man, I want to open my own original comics, there is a mind in my mind. The story that I think is still very good has always been wanted to come out and share with you."

It was a pre-announcement. Seeing that it was a barrage of bulls and expectations, Meng Fan was still very happy. The storyteller naturally hoped that more people would hear it, even though this story did not start at all.

After talking a few more words, Meng Fan was broadcasted. After the rest, he continued to paint. This time, instead of painting "Campus Love, Men", he changed his mind to paint "Underground Spirit."

"Underground Spirit" has finished painting for nearly a minute. At this time, Meng Fan has been somewhat sleepy. It can be seen how much such a high-intensity painting consumes Even if there is energy glue, there is no way to Draw it down.

"This is not going to work!"

Meng Fan is really not a man, and he thinks of a crazy way.

It is very difficult for physical fitness to temporarily improve. At least it cannot be improved quickly. Then, change your mind and enhance your ability to stay up late.

How to enhance, of course, is the task of brushing "Night God".

This task Meng Fan has been brushing for a long time before and after, so far brushed 43 attractions, 7 from the 50 requirements of the process three.

Go, brush up!

This is all in a hurry, how can I brush it?

This is not easy, go to the sights to sleep!

Before Meng Fan brushed the night tour, I tried to completely sit still and can brush out the experience, then sleep should be OK.

What can I do if I can't brush it?

Then come back.

When he walked away, Meng Fan put on a black-tech sportswear and put on a coat and went out. He stopped a taxi and went to the Xizi Lake Scenic Area.

There are many scenic spots in Xizi Lake Scenic Area. It is not a problem as long as Meng Fan operates properly and is full of the surrounding area.

Going to the Yongjin Building on the south line of the Xizi Lake Scenic Area, Meng Fan confirmed that it had not been brushed yet. He put on his hat and found a position with no wind. He took a pillow from his backpack and slept in a comfortable position.

There are hats, no one can notice that there are people in the scenic spot so late, and will not scare the men and women who pass by or are so late for some reason.

As for the temperature, the night of November is a bit cold, but whether it is a sportswear or a sweatband with temperature regulation, it can be adjusted to the temperature that is most suitable for sleeping.

Adjust the mobile phone alarm clock, connect the black technology headphones that have been attached to Meng Fan's ear. After an hour, the experience has really risen, and Meng Fan has changed to a scenic spot to continue to sleep.

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