
The appointment site is located in a studio near Songjiang Film Studio, relying on the film and television city, fully equipped, whether it is shooting mv or recording and post-production, it is very convenient.

When Meng Fan and Sun Sister arrived, there were a lot of people outside the studio, all of them were girls, and they held various exaggerated aids.

"It doesn't seem to be coming to the big brother of Yamamoto."

"That, it should be a Han Xing."

"Is it not limited? Solution?"

"In fact, there is no official limit on the upper limit. There is only a kind of tacit understanding from the top down. However, it has been somewhat loose recently. Han Xing, who is coming to China, has a little more, but the activities he participated in are not very open. The number of people is even more limited. Even if the ban is lifted, it will be different in the past. In the past two years, the domestic training and elimination-type star-making mechanism has developed rapidly, and several groups of idols have been produced. Together with the original high-quality idols, the Korean Wave has returned to China. The trend is gone."

"This way. However, it seems that this popularity is still quite high."

"It still has to be said. The domestic idol group is not developing for a long time. The performance level and endurance still have to be tested. The operating capacity of the brokerage company is still lacking. Therefore, the group of Korean powder circles is still very large. Under the contrast of sexuality, the rate of turning powder is not high, that is, part of it has been transferred to the flow of those returning to the country. So, it is really necessary to lift the ban completely. Everything is really unknown. At least, it is a test for companies operating domestic idol groups. Under the brokerage company where Su Qingying is located, there is a team....."

The two chatted and circumvented the fans to the gate.

Suddenly, Sun’s sister saw Meng Fan’s brow wrinkled and curiously looked at the past. However, she did not have Meng Fangao, and there were so many people blocking it, and she could not see anything.

Then, Sun Sister discovered that there was a lot of commotion in the fan group. The group of fans she was facing was like a tidal wave, and her sister’s vision was widened. A girl sits on the ground with her head on her head. Two men in the shape of a bodyguard are kicking and kicking her like a wolf.

Han Xing bodyguard hits people!

Sun sister's look changed, this is how long the news has not happened, and it appears in front of her own eyes.

After the vision widened, the two bodyguards also stopped. They yelled at the girls on the ground and couldn’t understand them. Then they glanced at the other people present and turned and walked toward the Hanxing.

Fans onlookers have horror on their faces, and it seems hard to imagine such a sudden happen.

"Why do you want to beat people!"

"That is, why do you beat people!"

"You didn't see this pen going to Lapu in the sea?"

"This is a group of fans, said to pay attention to order!"

"This is good, and Jay is angry at the sea!"

"That is, Park in the sea is not easy to come, this monk should fight!"

"It must be black powder!"

"The notice went on, the fans who came to the scene, and the video and pictures were strictly sent out, and they must be reviewed before they can be sent. It is impossible to bring a little bit of bad speech to Park."

There are various arguments in the fan base. Although there are dissatisfaction and beating, but because the fans come here are organized by the rice circle, these sounds are quickly suppressed by other voices.

At this time, the fans saw a figure rushing out from the side, arms wide open to the two bodyguards chasing past, very fast from the middle of the two bodyguards ran over.


The man was tall, his arms raised to the height of the back of the two bodyguards, his arms were like the iron bars of the heavy chariots. The two bodyguards were hit by the back neck and were directly slammed into the ground. sound.

This picture, if you add a ring around the ring, it is an American wrestling.

This scene is more sudden and faster than the previous bodyguards, and it is even more incredible.

Sun sister stunned: "Meng Fan?!"

The people present did not react. The one who rushed to the two bodyguards and couldn’t climb up, Meng Fan stepped forward toward Han Xing.


The agent on the side of Han Xing also changed his face, and the guilty sergeant was yelling at Meng Xing in front of Han Xing.

Meng Fancai, who is angry, doesn’t care whether the agent is a man or a woman. When she reaches for a hand, she sweeps her away. Then she grabs the collar of Han Xing and grabs it. It is a slap in the hand!


The slap was loud, everyone heard it, and it was quiet.

"You hit me! Why are you hitting me!"

Park Jae-hyun also smashed, and then called, first in Korean, and then replaced with very standard Mandarin. The hands that were mad and sturdy in the hands of Meng Mengfan grabbed his neckline, and he did not bite his mouth.

"Why didn't you think about why when you hit her?"

Meng Fan Meng turned and directly dropped the Han Xing to the two bodyguards. The strength was great. Han Xing Station was definitely not stable, and he stood on the head of a bodyguard.

The bodyguard just looked up and was hit by a crit.

"I didn't beat people!"

Park Zaihai removed his **** from the bodyguard. This time he had only two bodyguards, plus a female assistant and a female agent. The two bodyguards were directly blasted to the ground, and he was suddenly relieved.

In the past, dozens of bodyguards were guarded!

damn it!

The eyes screamed to the agent and assistant, let them hurry to find a way, this big high is simply a madman!

“Don’t beat people?” Meng Fan stepped forward and pointed to the female fan sitting on the ground holding his head and looking scared and sneaking out. “www.readwn.com~” said, “I saw you hit her and slap and then put She pushed down on the ground and let the two bodyguards continue to fight! She just pulled you!" and pointed to the people who were present in the circle. "So many people look at it, don't admit it!"

When Pu’s eyes were bright, suddenly it was like having a sigh of relief. He stood up and looked at the fans. He said, “You said, I didn’t beat people!”

This group of people is in silence.

However, the silence was quickly broken by a shofar girl wearing a tutu: "Pu Zaihai did not beat people, it was the monks who did not follow the rules to go to the sea, and should be beaten by the bodyguards!" Also brought other The rhythm of the person, "You said it is right, Park is not hitting people at all!"

"Right, Park is not hitting people!"

"That is, how can Pak in the sea hit people!"

"It is the woman who deserves it!"

"Who are you, why do you play Park in the sea!"

"We want to protect Park in the sea!"

"Work with him!"


Meng Fan’s face was completely cold. He looked at the shofar girl: “Are you losing money?” He swept to the other people who followed, “Are you all stunned? Conscience will not hurt!”

These dozens of fans are called, and no one dares to go crazy. It is really a bit murderous for Meng Fan. This blink of an eye is scared again.

"No matter who you are, who are you from the country, no matter you, and you are a star or a fan, are all special, disgusting! I really can't figure out, a few big men will join hands to fight a woman, but even more people can see it." When I didn’t see it, I still guarded it! It’s a wonderful thing to chase stars, you are dirty, dirty!”

Meng Fan was really mad, and he fell to the ground with his own standing Pu Yihai.


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