My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 232: Who apologizes



Meng Fan glanced at the group and knew that it was useless to say anything to them. I was too lazy to say more.

Going over and helping the beaten girl who is sitting on the ground no longer holding her head: "Are you okay? I saw if there was any injury. Do you want to apologize?"

"No, no, I am fine."

The girl looked up, her face was clearly visible on her face, and there were footprints on her body. But after hearing the words of Meng Fan, she shook her head again and again. At the same time, she quickly stepped back and refused to let Meng Fan hold it. Meng Fan was in his eyes. It seems to be more terrible than the two bodyguards, not to help her but to harm her.

"I didn't hurt, I didn't hurt anything."

I don't know if I feel the eyes of the fans. The girl immediately said, "Don't apologize, don't! It's not good for me. I shouldn't pull it in the sea. It's because I don't follow the rules. I deserve it!" ”

Meng Fan is very chilling and very sad.

He is also a star-hunting family. He knows the rules of some cooking circles and knows what the girl is afraid of. Although I really want to slap a fan and wake her up, but... forget it, and then telling her more is really hurting her.

Meng Fan didn't take care of her any more, and didn't even look at what Park in the sea and other people looked at, and went straight to the studio.

"You don't go, you hit people, don't go, give it to you!"

The agent should be an assistant with the agent. The Mandarin is much better. I ran over and saw that Meng Fan would not move forward when he stopped. He wanted to stop Meng Fan from leaving, but he did not dare.

"What do you want to explain? I am waiting inside!"

Meng Fan walked into the studio with a cold face and found a chair in the hall and sat down.

As for the white and Su Qingying inside, Meng Fan didn't want to go to them at this time. After sitting down, he sent a WeChat to Bai Yu: "I am in the hall, something is wrong, you don't mix."

For this matter, Meng Fan does not regret it at all. Even if he knows that he will help, he will not be grateful. He will still do this. It is purely that he can't get through, and it doesn't matter if he does not thank him. Even before he was born again, Meng Fan couldn't be seen as if he didn't see it, but at that time, he might have enough energy and couldn't be as crisp and neat as he is now.

As for what will happen in the follow-up, Meng Fan is not worried.

"Meng Fan."

Sun Jie came over and took Meng Fan to go inside.

Meng Fan said: "Sister Sun, I still don't go in, lest you get to the white sister and the big brother of Yamamoto. I am not a circle of people, it doesn't matter how it is."

"What's wrong!" Sun sister smiled and said, "They let you go advanced. This kind of thing, we deal with experience. Things are clear, who can tell you how to be more involved in the two."

"That." Meng Fan followed in, thought about it, said, "Sister Sun, the female fan who was beaten, I am a bit worried..."

"You don't have to say it, I have arranged people to look at it."

Sun Jie brought Meng Fan to the room of the two, and left.

"Meng Boss is mighty!"

"I used to think about it. How do you feel completely different from your sister's personality? It seems that I am wrong now!"

Bai Hao and Su Qingying have already learned from Sun Jie how it happened. Meng Fan’s coming in is a ridicule.

Meng Fan was embarrassed to be confused by them: "I can't really look at it."

Su Qingying seriously agreed to wave his fist: "Well, I want to be, I have to blow his dog's head!"

There are some pity in the day: "I don't know if there is any video taken. I really want to see how you played. Listening to Sun Jie said that you suddenly knocked over the two bodyguards, licking the Han Xing and the chicken. Awkward."

I couldn't help but pinch the arm of Meng Fan and smiled and said, "It is very strong."

Meng Fan was speechless and relaxed because of her words and deeds: "I was thinking about sitting there waiting to see what they wanted to do. Now they are called in, and they both upset my thoughts."

"how about it!"

Bai Yan’s face sank and said: “If the kid came over to apologize to you, and then apologize publicly, this thing will be forgotten. Otherwise, don’t say that he is difficult to walk in China, and don’t even think about it after returning home! ”

"That is, it's all in 9102, and it can make him jealous!"

Su Qinglan agrees very much. They both heard that Han Xing’s fans were very upset. If other places were counted at other times, they would condemn it at most, but this matter is related to Meng Fan...not to mention Meng Fan and Meng Caiwei. Relationships, Meng Fan alone is related to them, and this kind of thing, you can't care!

"Do not worry, we have arranged it!"

"Come, let's discuss the MV shooting plan while waiting!"


Park Zai-hai and others also entered the studio, went to another room, and waited in the air.

Soon, people are coming.

The person in charge of the domestic brokerage company responsible for docking his event, let Park in the first place here, one is some posters, and the other is to rehearse the contents of the concert.

"Mr. Jiang, you should have heard about it. You said, how to deal with this matter! We are here at Park in the sea, you have to give us an account!" The agent looked changed before the face For the fear of Meng Fan, I look proud.

Jiang Cheng’s heart groaned with a slap in the face, but his face was awe-inspiring: “We really know what we have, and we have already contacted that person, and we will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation. Just, there are some things, I still need to confirm it, so that we can respond to it."

I paused and asked: "First, did Mr. Park Yonghai really hit the female fan?"

The broker decisively shook his head: "Absolutely not!"

Jiang Cheng brow wrinkles ~ ~ said: "Please tell the truth! It is really the palm print on the face of the female fan is too clear, and, at that time, so many people were present, if we are outside when we are outside If the announcement is not correct, it will be bad for you!"

The broker once again decisively said: "Reassure, the fans who are present will have special personnel management, and there will never be any negative information that is not conducive to Park in the sea."

"This way..." Jiang Cheng hesitated, and then asked the second question, "What kind of account do you want?"

"Apologize, compensation!"

Park Yuhai called out: "You must apologize, apologize to satisfy me! Compensation for mental damage, medical expenses of one million... No, five million Chinese coins!"

Jiang Cheng sighed again in his heart and said, "Well, I know your request here, then I told them in the past."

Jiang Cheng came back shortly after he went out and said, "They disagree with them. Instead, they ask you to apologize. If you don't apologize, you will call the police and truthfully disclose what happened today."

"Are they crazy? Alarm? Even if the alarm is also our alarm!" The agent roared, "open, they have nothing to disclose, they have no evidence of Park in the sea!"

Jiang Cheng said: "What if they have it?"


"Then, you are sure not to apologize, are you?"

"Of course! Mr. Jiang, we asked them to apologize, how did they become that they asked us to apologize? Where are you helping?"

"Help you! Oh, then let me talk to them again!"

Jiang Cheng went out again, but after this trip, he did not come back.


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