My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 244: Fought a liar


The mango center building in Malan Mountain is very visible, and you can see the shape of its alpaca from afar.

At 2 o'clock on the afternoon of December 2, Meng Fanbai and his party arrived by car to a hotel near the Beast Building to receive stars and other entertainers.



"First take a break, I will call you at three o'clock."

"it is good."

Meng Fan and Bai Yu separated, entered their room, just put the bag down, came in a phone call, and slammed the basket.

"Iron God, you can't come to the studio for 30 hours." The basket said, "You don't come, I can't really fight the spirit. I used to talk to you." It’s too boring, I can take a nap for five hours after ten hours of recording. Hey, how do you say that, once the sea is difficult for the water to remove Wushan is not a cloud! Get used to your efficiency, then look at others, follow the trouble Playing like."

"You can come less, but when you are with me, you can't call it." Meng Fan smiled. "I am now in the field. If there is any work, please give it to others first. I guess I can go back the day after tomorrow."

"I’ll come back the day after tomorrow, that’s OK, I will keep some of your work that is not urgent. Oh, it’s going to take another thirty or forty hours.”

After a few chats, Meng Fan hangs the phone with a little speechlessness. How can this bearded man still depend on himself?

Only after a short break, someone came knocking at the door, opened the door, and Meng Fan squatted, except for Bai Yu, and Su Qingying. It turned out that Su Qingying was just here to participate in the fast-track recording of Mango tv. Knowing that Meng Fan was there, he and Bai Hao came to find Meng Fan.

Later, the three people went to the Mango Center. Meng Fan was walking with two big stars. People who don’t know will definitely use him as a bodyguard. Of course, it is really not suitable for bodyguards to have a sense of existence.

"I guess it will be recorded soon, and it's done, let's go eat supper!"

Su Qingyan had more contact, and it was very cute and cute. The people who were domineering in peacetime had a bit of a violation. Moreover, they especially liked to eat. When they mentioned Changsha’s snacks and newspaper names, they all said that Meng Fan was hungry.

"It is estimated that this is not a blessing."

This is what Bai Hao said for the second time today. He looked sad and said: "You don't know how terrible the big coffee is. Don't say that you have a night snack. You can rest well and thank you. Wait until you finish the game. After the filming of the publicity, it’s evening. In the evening, don’t think about doing anything other than the endless practice.”

Bai Hao has already seen the strictness of this program on the last time. There are quite a few dubbing clips selected by the program group. It takes a lot of time to fully practice it, and there is a top-level dubbing guide in China, which is extremely demanding. Last time, she was almost all wanted to practice the instructions for dubbing.

So, the tempting suggestion for Su Qinglan can only be a sad sigh: "If you want to stay tomorrow night, if we have finished recording here, it is possible to eat supper together. Otherwise, you can only I am alone. At night, hey, I want to see both of us!"

"So pitiful! Then I can only eat it by myself. Don't worry, I will take photos and send it to you."

Su Qingying stared at Meng Fan and Bai Yan's playful eyes, then turned to the studio where the book was recorded.

Meng Fan and Bai Yu went to the side of the program group, but also happened, just met Zhang Xiaotai, who had a plastic surgery.

Zhang Xiaotai and Bai Yu have cooperated in one drama, but there are not many opponents. The two do not count, and the most is the nod and the like, and the guests are greeted with a few words.

The guest of the invitation of Zhang Xiaotai is Huang Yi, who is known as the national wife. The two have cooperated with the TV series and also cooperated with the film. The private communication is also very good. Plus, the relationship with the mango tv is very good. The invitation will be immediately.

Bai Hao and Zhang Xiao’s uncle are not familiar, but they have a good relationship with Huang Yi. They haven’t seen each other for a while. When they meet, they will chat with each other and the laughter of the two will be left in the whole conference room.

Looking at the two women for a while, they couldn’t stop. Zhang Xiaotai took the initiative to come up with Meng Fan and smiled and said, "I know you, the tower is a real man."

"Little grandfather is good, I am your answer."

Meng Fan will let Sun Jie help the unreliable actors who are prepared to say that if they come out, they laugh and say: "Can you sign a name?"

When I saw the book I wrote, Zhang Xiaotai laughed, took the signature of the brush, and wrote a line of words.

After the two women disappeared, the two groups of guests gave the docking guides separately to the Taiwanese. The Taiwanese version was very simple. It was a little bit of a point. Some points that need attention should be prompted when recording. After Taiwan, it was a publicity photo and a promotional film.

The publicity photos and promotional videos are very simple. Even if Meng Fan has no performance experience, he can still cope with the photographer's guidance. The effect of shooting is to shock the photographer and look up several times. For photographers who are sensitive to subtle changes, Meng Fan is somewhat evil, too special!

Regardless of the value or temperament, it feels at least one level!


"It's over."

"Thank you, I am in trouble." Meng Fan had never done this before, and he was not used to it. After returning to the original costume, he was relieved and asked where the bathroom was, and went to the first place.

"Hmm? Xiaofan!"

When Meng Fan was shaking, the position came to the individual. The urine half called Meng Fan’s name, and then said “something” to hang the phone that was talking.

When Meng Fan turned his head, he also said: "This is unfortunate. You can meet you in the last toilet."

"Smelly kid how to say it!" Tao Dongyi did not breathe a sigh of Meng Fan, "I am not so up to your kid."

"A liar, what are I going to see you!" Meng Fan took the gun and went to the sink. He asked, "How are you here?"

"I will come down to the meeting." Tao Dongyue solved it and went to the sink. He smiled. "How are you here too? Let me guess, what must be the program? You have a lot of recent events." Wouldn't it be ready to enter the entertainment industry? Is there anything I want to help?"

"Come on, I am here to help Bai Hao, you can not mix with me." Meng Fan immediately stopped, wipe the paper towel and said, "Your liar image has been deeply rooted in people's minds, but I can't change it anyway. ""

"Do you want such a stupid boy to avenge this! For more than ten years, I still remember, isn’t it just for you to buy a fake hand? It’s so big.”

Meng Fan squinted: "What is the fake hand? Is that a fake hand? Do you know that you took the Batman wearing your Superman's underwear and went out to show off how long it was being laughed at? I also lied to me that it was taken from abroad. Come, I told you that Batman is awesome for a long time! Did the childhood shadow know?"

Tao Dongyi couldn't do it when he heard this: "You didn't take this to fool the hills later? How can it be evened out?"

Upon hearing the name of his nephew, Meng Fan’s face finally turned from cloudy to sunny, and many photos and videos were obtained from Tao Dongyi. However, the mouth still said: "Throughing? This life is impossible. The things that are done by hand are small things, the most important thing is that you cheated my sister, saying that if you graduate from a good university, you will return to Wenzhou. Hey, I went directly to the US emperor to study abroad, and I have not seen my sister for several years! Later, when I said good, I would go back to Wenshi, but when I went to the Imperial Capital, I could not see two sides in a year. ”

There are four sisters in Meng Fan’s family. The Meng Caiju of the Dabo family is gentle. The other three are either extensive or wild or devil. Meng Caiju is a teenager more than Meng Fan. Meng Fan is a young man. Very dependent on her. When marrying, Meng Fan was still a child, plus a few things including the fake hand, and completely regarded his big brother-in-law as the first big liar.

When I grow up, of course I am sensible, but I am used to this mode of getting along, and no one has deliberately changed it.

"I am going back to the emperor in the evening, do you want to go back with me?"

"I have something to do, wait until you have time to go."

"Then please ask me for a meal before going back?"

"It's estimated that you don't have time, you are still busy with your business."

"Wait, take a photo to your sister. You are too thin to meet last time?"

"Do you think I didn't video with her?"

The two went out of the bathroom, and after a few words, they separated. Meng Fan went to Bailu to find her. Tao Dongli turned to another quiet place to call just opened halfway Some of the things mentioned at the meeting need to be called to find someone to confirm.

Meng Fan went to the shed in the white plaque, and Bai Hao was still shooting.

"Are you finished so soon?"

"My simple."

After about ten minutes, Bai Hao explained all the shooting, and changed makeup and makeup for a while, which was brought to the rehearsal hall by the staff.

When the two arrived, the voice-over guidance had not come yet, and the director took out some dubbing clips to let Meng Fan and Bai Yu choose.

The big big show of the big coffee is a group confrontation, and the eight-winning voice is divided into four groups.

The flow of the program is not complicated.

First, the voice of the big coffee and the guest's personal dubbing show, when recording, both of them must record two dubbing, and the final broadcast will be edited in one paragraph, and even some of the personal dubbing show of the guest speakers will not be broadcast. This depends on the number of guest speakers who are not big enough, or really worthy.

After the end of the personal dubbing show, it was a collaboration show between the big voice and the guest performer. It was also recorded in two paragraphs, and the best-performing broadcast was selected.

Then there is the director's exam. The two voices of each group are performed according to the director's request, and the audience decides to win.

The four groups are all finished, and finally the audience decides the annual championship.

Some of the selected dubbing clips were prepared by Bai Hao himself, and the rest were prepared by the program group. It is said that Meng Fan can also prepare the clips himself, but the time is too late.

Bai Yan said: "Xiaofan, you should look at it first. If you don't have what you like, or if you have a special favorite, you can also talk to the program group."

Meng Fan looked at the prepared fragments, which is really simple for him.


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