My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 245: Dubbing selection


Meng Fan’s dubbing clips on the Internet these days, white or watching the live broadcast, or watching the video, although the dubbing content is mostly spoof and funny, but anyone can see how Mengdu’s dubbing ability is strong, The types of roles that are being controlled are covered in almost all aspects.

Therefore, after looking at the dubbing clips prepared by the program group to Meng Fan, and then looking at Meng Fan’s expression, Bai Yu asked: “Too simple?”

"Alright, I don't know which one to pick."

Simplicity is simple, but Meng Fan is not prepared to pick up the difficulty. As a newcomer who has entered the voice-over circle but has dealt with at least 150 small characters so far, Meng Fan really does not pick And with a simple dubbing, he can also match the flowers.

Bai Hao asked: "Can't you choose? Do you have a clip that you particularly want to match?"

Meng Fandao: "There is no such thing. When I broadcast it, I basically match what I want to match."

Bai Hao rolled his eyes: "You really do it."

Meng Fan smiled and said: "I am obviously very Buddhist."

“It’s the hardest thing to do with the Buddha.”

Bai Hao gave a blank eye, and then thought about it. He smiled and found the staff over and said: "There should be a lot of dramas in the dubbing library? Don't care about the number of characters and the type of the span. It doesn't matter if it is difficult. ”

"Yes, wait a moment." The staff thought that Bai Hao was dissatisfied with the clip of the cooperation show, and soon found some.

The white scorpion swept a bit, and on the one side of the circle, he said, "You can't choose anyway, I will choose you." After the circle, he handed it to Meng Fan and smiled. "I have already shown the show before I came. Group, let them try to look at your dubbing clips first and then choose, it seems that they still do not know enough about your strength, the minimum features are caught. The clips that were prepared for you, even the female voices are not ""

"Female voice, I will play on the live broadcast, and it will be different on this show." Meng Fan took the look.

Bai Yan smiled and said: "Why, I am still worried that the female voice will ruin the prestige of your real tower?"

"That's not it."

After seeing the fragments from the white circle, Meng Fan said: "Sister, you want to have more sisters."

All of them are male and female opponents, and the more familiar ones are all quarreling. You are very excited. You say, for example, the most classic ruthless and unreasonable troubles in Zhugege, as well as the ruthless and shameless imitation of the old white and the shackles. Isn't it necessary to convert his entire male and female voice?

Bai Yan smiled and said: "Indiscriminately, I obviously want both my brother and my sister."

Meng Fan looked at the ones on the list that were not circled, but found a few of them who wanted to match, and the difficulty was really not small. I circled a few of them, and then I fell into the difficulty of selection and handed it back to the day: "The few of my circles, you can pick two for me."

Bai Hao took over and saw the fragment of the 94th edition of the Three Kingdoms Zhuge Liang's tongue and the Confucianism, the last episode of the Da Zhaimen, the three episodes of the three masters, Bai Yingyu, the swallowing cream, the fragments of the wind, the fragments of the wind, the fragments of the feast, the name of the people, the name of the people. The first episode of the conference room, the Yongzheng dynasty, the eight kings of the political discussion...

"With one of the characters, or ... all-in-one!" After reading the white pipa, it was shocking. It was super difficult to match a group of plays, let alone these classics. In this case, if it is selected, it is estimated. Can enter the best group drama top10 in China TV drama!

"When I broadcast the dubbing, these few have not been matched. Many of them have never thought of it. It feels very challenging." Meng Fan said, "Which one would be too high-profile?"

"It’s just a high-profile, it’s just heaven!"

Bai Yan looked carefully and said: "These are all ok, any one can be blasted. It is a long time, you need to cut some. Or... the wind is a must, after all, Two and a half female voices. In other words... you can’t choose the big house door, keep it crying.”

"Okay, then these two."

Meng Fan nodded, or he had to hesitate for a long time, and it was really a torment for two. It would be better to lose two clips to himself.

The two fragments that Bai Hao has to match are already selected. It is that the cooperation show with Meng Fan can't be selected. He is still very confident about Meng Fan. Any role can come, mainly to see himself.

Bai Hao suddenly remembered a clip, suddenly his eyes lit up and asked: "Hey, can you match English?"

Meng Fante's question: "English or American?"

“Really?” Bai Hao took out his mobile phone and pulled out a video that had been kept from inside to see Meng Fan, saying, “Then I can choose this one.”

Meng Fan opened, and there was a girl and a “no” voice-over male voice. On this first picture, Meng Fan knew what the clip was, let alone the volume blessing soon appeared in the picture. .

This is the content of the first episode of the second season of Sherlock, the most classic opponent of the song Sherloe, the most exciting part is the mobile phone password imaled by Irene. I am locked and need to fill in the middle ~ Volume Fu through their conversation when Irene's pulse speeded up, pupils zoomed in to understand her feelings for herself, unlocked the password imsherlocked, I was trapped by sherlock, that is, I fell in love with sherlock.

This scene is a favorite scene of Sherlock’s in addition to the various rounds of cannons, and the degree of like is slightly higher than the basic feeling between Fu Fu and Watson. I didn’t expect Bai Yu to match this. One paragraph.

Bai Hao asked: "Can you match?"

"Can it be, that is..." Meng Fan thought about it and said, "The cooperation show is to be dominated by you. This drama, the male drama, the female drama is much weaker. Otherwise, it is still a big girl. Lord, I will come to you."

"This is a layman, and the opponent must be strong enough for the play to be able to make a lottery. Since you can match it, then this is the case." Bai Yu saved his mind and made Meng Fan shine. "Moreover, isn't there a choice?" Already selected, Xiao Zhuang’s secret history, Da Yu Er and Dol’s, the Daqin Empire’s vertical and horizontal 芈 子 嬴驷 嬴驷 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

These two are actually not male dramas.

"Which is the choice? Is there only these two choices?"

Meng Fan looked at it, as the voice actor, these two opponents naturally know that although the quiet teacher's performance in the Daqin Empire is very exciting, but after all, it is a man's play, so Meng Fan still chose the secret story of the big girl's main drama Xiaozhuang. Yuer you curse me" fragment.

"Well, then match these two paragraphs, and then watch the program group willing to broadcast which section."

After the selection of Bai Yu, she was particularly happy. The two selected clips were all her favorite personally. Usually, there is absolutely no chance to match them. This recording is a dream.

"Then we will practice separately and then practice together."


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