
"Ah? No."

The white pheasant came back and his face was a little hot. However, it was not as shy as a little girl, and his eyes were still staring at Meng Fan. He said, "Xiao Fan, what did you do this? How do I feel about you?" The child has become a lot more handsome!"

It is even more stretched out of Meng Fan's face: "No plastic surgery! It seems that it is not the reason for the appearance, that is, the charm of the whole person has improved several grades!"

"White sister, all oil!"

Meng Fan wiped his face, a piece of oil, and laughed and laughed.

My heart is definitely a little nervous, but this tension is not afraid of what is discovered by the white, but the tension of instinct. After all, the charm is something that is metaphysical. It is really white, it is strange, and nothing can be said. Come.

"What has become a lot more handsome, and the charm has improved several grades. It seems that I am very bad. Your brother is charming. Are you the first time you find out?" Meng Fan haha ​​laughed, "White Sister, are you practicing voice-overs and getting mad?"


White may be so fooled, shaking his head, staring at Meng Fan, and watching the sweeping up and down, snoring a few times: "Your boy must have something to glare at me! Your kid has a secret, and there is a big one. secret!"

Meng Fan is really scared, but his face is still calm, and he knows that this strange and even doubt is affirmative, but as long as he does not say, who can think of it. Listening to the words of Bai Yu, simply lowering the head, going forward, laughing and saying: "White sister, or you check and check if there is a corner on my head." Turning again, the **** twisted, "behind Isn't there a tail?"

Bai Hao did not get angry and reached out to Meng Fan, and smiled: "You will mix it! I will grab your handle sooner or later!"

Meng Fan licked his **** and said, "Bai Jie, you said nothing to me, but don't talk to other men, or you will definitely take advantage of it."

"Go to you! Even the sister's jokes dare to open!"

Bai Hao didn't have a good look at Meng Fan, and then continued to eat, and my heart still wondered how Meng Fan suddenly became so charming, and he almost looked at it.

Meng Fan laughed and quickly transferred the topic and asked how the two sessions of Bai Yan’s personal show were practiced.

"It's still a lot. After much guidance from Teacher Di. I also took the two steps of the cooperation show and practiced it. I won't be able to keep up with your progress."

Not all the white pheasants have eaten, and some staff members are divided. This kind of street food is delicious, but for female stars, it is also a slap in the face, not dare to eat more.

Like Su Qingying, tonight, it is definitely going to go out and let go. After eating, it must be desperately pressed back with fitness and various skin care products.

After a rest, Bai Hao and Meng Fan immediately entered the practice.

I can see from the selection of the cooperation show, she likes the quiet teacher. The original selection of Meng Fan is a quiet teacher's work. It is domineering and charming, gentle and hiding bitter... Bai Hao’s acting for the quiet teacher is very Admiration, the complexity and contradiction of the role is also the direction she has been working hard and eager in film and television.

It may be because they played a more unified role type in film and television. Later, the major teams found her relationship according to the fixed impression. The role type of Bai Hao was narrowly restricted, and there were some breakthroughs in the past two years.

This time, I participated in this program. In a certain way, she also proved herself and proved that she can control more types of roles.

The quiet teacher Zhu Yu is in front of him. It is still very difficult to match the role of Da Yu Er. Obviously, Bai Yu is also well prepared. The preparation of this character is very sufficient. From the beginning, the proficiency of practice, Meng Fan can see It is really hard work to get the character character to hate.

"You don't do this!"

After Meng Fan had penetrated the role, he repeated it once. Bai Hao insisted on half of it and collapsed. He reached out to Meng Fan and smiled and said: "Can you have a positive behavior, do you want to laugh at me?"

Not to mention that it is white, and several staff members on the side are directly smiled by Meng Fan's imitating the roaring emperor's Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Meng Fan said: "Is this effect not very good?"

"The effect is good, but I can't help but laugh!"

This is really not a professional ability, but Meng Fan’s voice is really poisonous, and he also exaggerated Hong Kong and Taiwan.

"That's the way, I will change the way, the sound line is not close to the horse leader. Wait, I look for the feeling."

After Meng Fan had a bit of trouble, he also recovered his seriousness. He found a suitable voice line with his understanding of this character. Unlike the horse leader, it can be recognized as a secret history of Xiaozhuang. The ambitious and affectionate Dolce.

In terms of emotions, Meng Fan let the sentimentality pass the ambitious, so this is full of repression and pain in the fragment of "Yu Er You Man", and Meng Fan will use the voice to Dol. Even if the power is soaring, the act is arbitrarily deliberate, regardless of disregard, but for the loved ones, the humble dust that has been thrown out of the heart is all moved to the day.

After Meng Fan had a positive line, Bai Yu also entered the state completely. He also expressed the rationality of Xiao Zhuang in this drama more than the sorrow of emotion and the horrible movement of secret wounds.


Last time, Bai Yu laughed and wanted to beat people. After this time, only the crying was gone, and it was really a play.

"I take a sip."

The white cockroach rested for five or six minutes before it began to practice.

She is already prepared for this role. Meng Fan did not practice before. It is said that she took him with him, but Bai Bai knew it after several times. Meng Fan is carrying her, and can even say It is to let her.

Meng Fan is holding her all the way. From the first time to the next few times, she is holding her according to her state. She has always maintained the energy density to be similar to her, in order to maintain a kind of opponent. Meng Fan is lowering his energy output and keeping her level.

"How much is this guy you are!"

After several times, Bai Hao really can't stand it anymore. Meng Fan can bring her current state of emotion to the high dynasty every time, and the physical and emotional consumption is very big.

White sighs and gasps: "Resume for a while, don't dare to come back again, and come back to life."

After a short break, the two did not practice "The Secret History of Xiaozhuang" but replaced it with the "I’m-Sherlocked" fragment of "Sherlock".

This episode, both of which are in English, is also loved by this drama and loves this episode. It has been practiced before, the character and pronunciation of the characters have been pondered, and the English pronunciation is also used. It can be said that it is very standard.

Relatively speaking, this part of the film and the lines of Fu Fu is more than Irene's ~www.readwn.com~ male drama, the reason why Bai Yu chose this paragraph, the purpose is also very simple, is to let Meng Fan shine .

The words of Fu Fu are terrible. This is known to all those who have seen it. The sound of the subwoofer is not so fascinating. It’s just that the speed of speech is not something that ordinary people can come to, even in this episode. Volume Fu does not need such a dense mouth gun, but a few of them still need a certain speed to support.

Once again, Bai Hao was really shocked: "Is your English so strong?"

Meng Fan is also British English. The pronunciation is very standard. It is also very advanced. It is enjoyed by listening. It feels like living in London for at least five years.

Meng Fan said with a smile: "You want me to communicate in English. I have a few words to reveal the stuffing, but it is okay to use the lines, and there are skills to imitate."

This is really not Meng Fan modest, his English ability is really not strong, but there is a strong dubbing skills, imitate the original sound can be, and is able to grasp the pronunciation details throughout the process.

This is a bit of a Cantonese song. Many people can sing very standard, but if you want to speak in Cantonese, you can certainly say a few words, but after a few words, you will immediately put it on.

"How is the practice?"

Teacher Di is coming again. She is taking turns to guide the guests in each room. This is another round of it. Of course, she is also very curious about the performance of other fragments of Meng Fan. I came here in advance. .

After listening to the practice of the two men, "Sherlock", Teacher Di’s eyes were bright again, and she called Sun Dao. The two men discussed it and felt that they could give Meng Fan a stage after the cooperation show. Then, ask: "Meng Fan, can you speed up your speech? For example, if you want to analyze the reasoning, you can come here?"


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