
Super long lines are super fast, which is always an extreme pursuit for actors, and it is an ultimate enjoyment for the audience.

"Detective Sherlock" can be said to be one of the representatives, and Fu Fu opened a light-like mouth cannon, which can be said to really let the audience enjoy the minutes and minutes.

There are also representatives in the country, the most famous of which is not the actors, but the flowers that are known as the tongue of China. The singing contest that was hosted by Hua Shao, the first one was not the player, but he was the host.

In the dubbing program of "Sound Big Coffee", there have been many super-sounding voice-over performances before and after, and the most popular ones are undoubtedly the selection of "Sherlock", which appeared twice in the first quarter. The season has also appeared once.

However, they all appeared in the form of translation. Even the emperor Ama, who has English nationality, chose Huaxia.

In fact, it is difficult to translate the system. Of course, the original version is more difficult.

Whether it is Emperor Ama or other stars that have been matched, in fact, the match is good, there is a tone of tone in the speed of speech, but this is based on people who have not seen the original version, knowing the original version, regardless of It is the speed of speech or the harmony of sound and sound, not a level of enjoyment.

Just now, when Meng Fan was equipped with the "I'm-Sherlocked" section, Teacher Di was very surprised. Although this paragraph is not so fast, the connection between one or two sentences and some words is still very high. So, she thought of the thrust of the roll for the first time.

As for the sound line and pronunciation, it goes without saying that it is astonishing as always.

"The volume of the reasoning fragment? Like Zhang, what kind of teacher?" Meng Fan has seen both seasons, naturally know what Teacher Di said, but still modest is more pertinent, "If it is a Chinese translation version, then The difficulty will not be small. The version of the Chinese translation has not considered the requirements of mouth, sentence and connection. It is difficult to achieve the fluency of English. The Chinese version and the original English version, I was in the live broadcast. All tried, the Chinese translation version is more difficult to increase the speed of speech than the original version."

Teacher Di heard the words and laughed. Xu also smiled and said: "It is to let you try the original English version. If it is appropriate, after you and the Baiyu cooperation show, the host will interview the interactive link and will cue you this paragraph. You can do it easily, if you don't want it, you can cut it off."

"That line, I will try."

Meng Fan is also welcome. After the cooperation show, each guest has his own task. Compared with other interviews or interactions, Meng Fan is more willing to be straightforward.

"Which section do you want? I am fairly familiar with the first episode of the second season and the second episode of the second season."

Purely speaking, the reasoning of the hound dog fragment is faster. The emperor Ama and others used this judgment before, but Meng Fan is still kind and not willing to let people compare this paragraph, so he provided The other piece, the speed of speech and the lines are equally terrible, just a little bit worse than the hounds.

Teacher Di said: "Try the flight clip."

The staff found a piece of it. After Meng Fanmo read the lines, he entered the state and started the super-fast speech. He started to listen to the scene in the soul of several people in ten seconds. Hey, the eyes are more stunned than the open mouth.

In less than a minute, the output of the lines is completely uncalculated!

After the end, Xu took a few breaths to make up the breath just back - the whole process and forget the breath - silence for a while, Xu guide smiled and said: "Meng Fan, do not try again Hunting dog fragment."

Meng Fan rested for a while, and Xu Dao directly made a decision: "On the hound dog!" paused and added, "This paragraph, the audience is more familiar, but also more able to show your ability! And, obviously can feel You are more familiar with this paragraph! Just set it, can you?"

Meng Fan wants to be kind and does not let others take the teacher who has the same fragment before, but Xu Xuan as the general director does not think so.

How can such a good topic be missed!

Meng Fan does not care about this, nodded.

Next, Teacher Di gave a guide to the two people's cooperation show. There is no problem in Meng Fan's own part, but Mr. Di also gave Meng Fan some guidance on the emotional aspects of cooperation and performance. The experience of the opinion, Rao is Meng Fan's current dubbing skills, but also benefited a lot, this Di teacher is indeed the big devil in the voice.

After the instruction was over, Bai Hao and Meng Fan practiced for a while. Seeing the time was almost 2 o'clock, and stopped at the hotel.

All the way to chat, Bai Yan remembered the snacks brought back by Meng Fan, can not help but wonder where Meng Fan and Su Qingyi went to eat the nightingale - if it wasn't for the dumbfounded charm of Meng Fan at that time, I had already asked - and then I also know what happened between the two men before and after going to the snack street, completely stupid.

"It can still be like this! You are too courageous!" Curious curiosity ~www.readwn.com~ Really listened to your movements? The scene is not confusing? Just watching the two of you go shopping all the way to eat all the way? It’s too exaggerated! ”

After listening to the details, Bai Hao was even more surprised, and then he laughed and said: "It seems that the deterrent effect of your last hit on Han Xing has worked. The fierce name of the real tower of the tower is outside, and it is all for the town!"

After I finished speaking, I suddenly looked awkward and said: "You and Qinglan are doing a bit too much tonight. I can’t do this again next time... How can I drop me, take me next time!"

Meng Fan smiled and said: "You really use me as a bodyguard!"

"Can't you? I haven't had a painful time to go across the street for a long time! How, I am willing to give you a big brother as a bodyguard, so I don't want to give your sister a flower protector!"

See Meng Fan nodded honestly, Bai Hao was satisfied and turned to his room.

Lying in the shower, I used to brush up the news before going to bed, and then I couldn’t sleep: "How come this is still anecdote!"

Think about it, too, according to the picture that Meng Fan said, it is indeed possible to make people doubt the relationship between the two, but Bai Hao is a friend who both are familiar with, and often eats together, so he jumps automatically. After this suspicion, I don't think there is anything wrong with it.

But the media can't think so!

For the Su Qing and Meng Fan night snack street, online has been all kinds of speculations have come out, all kinds of idol drama dog blood plot desperately to the two sets, will also give the two related things before Put it in, it is a positive energy blockbuster against the goddess!

Of course, there are also many people who feel that this scandal is completely inexplicable and hard-working, but more people are willing to watch the fun, not afraid of things.


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