
"Bad boy, I am not finished with you!"

"Bastard, don't go, fight again!"

"Bad boy, don't cow, I will use less than half of the strength today, and I won't be so lucky next time!"

"Bastard, if you don't look at Tongtong's face, your two hands are gone today!"

"Bad boy, don't be convinced, right? Come, come back!"

"Asshole, come here, who is afraid of who!"


Yang Feng and Lao Hei looked at the two people who were still lying on the ground and couldn’t move. They all sighed and sighed. Then they clap their hands and smashed the broken pieces of the melon seeds. They stood up and pulled one. The two gave it away.

Still playing, can you climb up?

"Bad boy, there is a kind of coming tomorrow, seeing me not pinching you!"

"Asshole, tomorrow, if you want to come, it’s a trick, see if I don’t cut you!"

The two people who were opened were still calling, and the old black was clever. He ran over and opened the door of the private teaching room. For a moment, the shouts of both of them stopped.

Wu Ji wants to face, which may let outside people know that they have a tie with Meng Fan, how to be a man in the future!

Meng Fan also stunned, which may let outside people know that they and Wu Ji are fighting again, Wu Tong knows the whole!

"How? Is talent a cow?"

Yang Feng and Wu Ji returned to the office, and all eyes were light: "If this guy doesn't play professional, it's a pity! Very brother, anyway, you have to find a way to pull this guy to play professional, this is not How to learn it, this is the degree. You have to wait a little for a month, no, half a month, I guess no one in the entire China MMA circle can be his opponent. After practicing for a few more months, playing UFC is no problem!"

MMA is a comprehensive fighting, UFC is the ultimate fighting championship, and is currently the world's top and largest professional MMA event.

Wu Ji glanced at Yang Feng and sneered: "Oh, take your mind away. The stinky boy said no interest, you don't have to worry about cheating him or forcing him."

Originally, he really had the idea to train Meng Fan to play MMA. After all, it was a pity that the conditions were not allowed to be played on that day, but Meng Fan refused, and he would do it.

Yesterday, after Meng Fan and Wu Tong broke hands, he did not even have this thought. He also learned about Meng Fan. This stinky boy can bear a lot of resistance. Since he is not interested, of course, there is no need to let him go this way. Although official statistics show that the MMA event has a very low casualty rate, and even the injury rate is much lower than amateur boxing, rugby, racing, motorcycle, diving, skydiving, mountaineering, etc., but after all, it is much higher than normal sports. .

He didn't want his baby sister to hate himself when he was, and he didn't want to worry about her.

To be honest, even if Meng Fan is willing, he is not willing.

Stand up and leave the office and go to the bathroom area to take a shower. After washing, I called a professional massage to massage.

This stinky boy is too heavy!


"The cow batch, Meng Ye!"

The old black gave Meng Fan a hand-shouldered massage to relax the stiff muscles of the hands and feet. On the other hand, he said: "You really do the brethren to the temper! The cow batch, the cow batch, the real cow batch! Playing skills and kicking skills are not used. Basically, even if you have tried your best, you haven’t even subdued you! Service, my old black is completely serving you!"

"So, the seven brothers really used half of the strength?" Meng Fan asked.

Old black haha ​​smiled: "This depends on how to count, if you can not afford to hit the skills and kick skills, then he said that only one tenth of the strength is no problem. If you can eat, there is no ostrich Of course, the extreme brother’s fist is still very hard and live. If he walks and punches with you, then you are really troublesome.”

Meng Fan said this: "Old black, I will be a uniform skill person, you teach me the ground technology of wrestling."

Old black asked: "Why, you really have to learn?"

Meng Fan nodded: "Seven brothers will definitely come tomorrow, I can't afford to lose!"

"Is this not good?"

When I was listening to the old black, I laughed, not to mention, he really liked to watch Wu Jizhen, this usually, I really can't see such a picture.

"Just, my ground-down technique is also general, I am afraid that you can't teach you well."

"Nothing, you can teach the basics one or two hands."

"That's fine. That is, Meng Yejun said it is good. You learned to use it on your body. Don't use it on me!"

"of course!"

After a good rest, Lao He began to teach Meng Fan the ground to fall, and Meng Fan learned very quickly. He did not ask for more studies. He only learned one or two. You can rely on the "wrestling technique" to learn both. The uniform black and old brush experience, as long as the brush is full of wrestling technology +10 rewards, then turn to the head to learn complex ground skills is simply converted.

After half an hour.

"Meng Ye, you can't count on this!"

"Catch the grass and hold the grass, let me go!"


Meng Fan has mastered two types of ground-floating techniques, the most basic ones, one is riding and side riding, the other is lateral pressing, which is easier to control to the back but is easier to use. The requirements are very high.

With the snoring of the old black, the experience of [wrestling barge] has begun to rise.

In a blink of an eye, it’s been a few days. In the past few days, Meng Fan’s morning and afternoon time were almost at the Budokan.

Every time I came to play with Wu Ji, to be honest, even Meng Fan, a non-combatant man, felt that it was very cool, and in the process of playing with Wu Ji, Meng Fan did get a lot of actual combat. experience.

As for the experience of [wrestling barge] ~ www.readwn.com ~ basically through the brush out, of course, the old black can not stand when you will still ask others to come over.

Speaking of it, Lao Hei is still very willing to give Meng Fan a training. In addition to the high personal fees and Meng Fan's temper, his gains are also great.

From the point of view of technology, Lao Hei is also reborn in the past few days. Don’t look at Meng Fan’s upswing, but it’s also on the top of his experience. After experiencing Meng Fan’s perverted skills, he feels old. In China, the number of people who can use his skills to make him uniform is plummeting!

The ground technique is the same, and it has improved a lot during the sparring process.


At 10 o'clock in the morning of December 9, even if the difficulty of wrestling technical uniforms is much more difficult than that of Meng Fan, even if you have to spend a lot of energy with Wu Ji every time, Meng Fan is still brushing out. The title of "Wrestling Barge".

"Hey! Complete the achievement mission [Wrestling Barge], get the title of achievement [Wrestling Barge] (Wrestling Technology +10, Power +3)"

Next, of course, it is directly to the old black to ask complex ground skills, and then began to transform on him.

At the end of the conversion, the old black is basically abolished.

"What are you special about? What is it? The basic downswing technique is practiced for a few days, and then the other thing to learn is that it will be learned. One pass does not have such a common law! Grandpa Meng, you honestly and I said Is it open?"

"This has been discovered by you, hahahaha!"

Meng Fan rode his old black massage to relax, such a strong experience blame, almost was scrapped by himself.

[Wrestling Barge] After the achievement is brushed out, this is ready.

All this is the case, if there is still a mistake, then it is really a deserved!


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