My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 282: Resurrection


Brushed two missions to win two titles, with the acquisition of technology +10 and wrestling technology +10, and then added three points of hand speed and three points of strength, Meng Fan really wants to find Wu Ji again to do a It is a pity that Wu asked if there was something suddenly going back to Shanghai.

I learned from the old black that Wu Ji is currently promoting the development of MMA in China.

The peak of Hangzhou is originally called Wu Feng. The stock that Wu Ji just entered last year has retained most of its functions. At present, it has only rectified an MMA professional training hall.

How to say it, MMA is also developing in China in recent years, and it is still very difficult to make great strides in Hangzhou.

At present, the MMA professional training halls are basically concentrated in the Imperial Capital and the Shanghai Stock Exchange. Wu Ji also opened a special MMA Comprehensive Budokan in Shanghai.

The peak of Hangzhou is an attempt outside the Imperial Capital and the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and the effect is that it has to be admitted that it is not very good at the moment.

However, after adding a professional training hall, the performance of the peak pole is improved very quickly. After all, the professional name is there, and the training in combat is no match in the city of Hangzhou. It is difficult to over-professional.

In the past year's attempt, there was no other harvest, but it was a surprise for Wu Ji to harvest a cash cow.

If this time is not because of the encounter with Meng Fan, who can make a good time, Wu Ji returned to Shanghai after two days ago.

"Go back?"

When Wu Ji had already returned to Shanghai, Meng Fan suddenly felt boring: "The **** must have been scared by me. I didn't say anything, I was afraid that I would hold him and fight again."

Hearing Meng Fan’s embarrassment, he laughed and laughed: “How do I feel that the two of you are still playing and playing feelings? Also, this day, holding the roll, it’s really easy to have feelings. If you don’t know that you are Both Lang Lang, I have to doubt that you have to play the basics."

When Meng Fan heard it, he sat on the old black and shook a little. He smiled and said: "You don't think we are called the basics now?"

An old black swims out of the bridge and looks scared: "Meng Ye, don't forget that you are a girlfriend now, don't be **** with me, tell you, my old man is not that kind of person. !"

Meng Fan laughed and stretched and said, "Don't tease you, come here today. Oh, yes, I will go outside for the next few days, there is no time to come, you should raise your body, wait for me. Come back from the outside, and then pamper you."

Old black asked: "Where to go? Will not chase the Shanghai stock market to find a very brother to wrestle?"

Meng Fan smiled and shook his head. After stretching, the two went to the bathroom and took a shower. The old man planned to invite Meng Fan to eat. Meng Fan said that there are still things to go first.

Earlier today, Meng Fan came out from the martial arts hall to go to a big beauty studio. It was also a coincidence. I met Pingtou brother and came to send milk tea and coffee. After a few words, Pingtou’s brother left. Also hurriedly went and hurried.

"What happened to you these days?"

Qin Lan also saw Meng Fan in the studio. Some angry said: "Several professional teachers have said that you have taken several classes and have not taken time off!"

I have to live and die, and I have to think about going to class. However, Meng Fan’s mouth can’t be so hard. I found a lot of excuses that I didn’t want to listen to, and then I said that I had to take a few days off.

Qin Lan frowned. "You haven't explained this thing about the class. You still want to take time off, and it's still a long vacation. Why don't you drop out of school or take a break?"

Meng Fan dare to say this, and quickly explained that this trip to Lion City is to participate in the award ceremony of Meng Caiyu, and then pat the chest to ensure that after returning, you must take a class, and the exam is absolutely not hanging, and so on.

In the end, although Qin Hao was very reluctant and very unhappy, he still had no choice but to wave his hand and let Meng Fan hurry to see it and be annoying.

"Don't go, I have to go back to dinner with my sister. I haven't had a good meal with my sister for a long time!"

"Walk away, who is your sister!"


"How is your guy getting thicker and thicker!"

After eating a meal of Chen Daqiang’s take-out, Meng Fan left the Damei studio, and thought about it. He turned around and went to a chocolate factory. He didn’t have a voice. He just talked with Charlie and the big beard. It will be a day.

Back to school, Meng Fan went to the studio with the soul of the soul, and chatted with the administrator Ms. Chen Fu for a while, and happened to see small freckles.

Then I went to the bedroom. Zhang and Chen Daqiang were in the studio. When I went to the dormitory, Xing Tie was not in the dormitory. There was a gasping on the phone. Xing Tsai said that it was exercising... The bedroom on the side slipped around.

Meng Fan also can't figure out what kind of mentality he is, just want to see people who can see.

At eight o'clock, Wu Tong waited for a while at the entrance of Hu Min's studio, and Wu Tong came out from it.


Wu Tong put his hand in the palm of Meng Fan, and then carefully looked at Meng Fan ~ ~ slightly wrinkled his eyebrows and asked: "What's wrong? Have a heart."

Meng Fan shook his head and nodded. "I don't know what to say. I feel that life is wonderful. Sometimes I feel very dreamy and feel real, but I still can't figure out whether it is true or not. ""

Wu Tong laughed and said, "How come this suddenly?" He shook hands. "Is this hand always true? Why, you are afraid to go back to the Lion City, I am gone?"

Meng Fan’s going to Lion City has already been told by Wu Tong.

Meng Fan wants to say that he is afraid that he will not see himself after going to the Lion City, but how can he say it?

Then grinned: "Maybe I am overwhelmed by happiness. Go, eat."

Wu Tong nodded. She always felt that Meng Fan still had something hidden in her heart, but Meng Fan did not intend to say that she did not ask. Wu Tong knows that after two people are together, even if the hearts are intertwined, they may not all overlap in life. It is necessary to reserve some personal space and time for each other. A buffer zone between people.

Meng Fan, who had just finished eating, had a good meal, and then they went to see a movie together.

When I got up the next morning, I still ran as usual. At noon, Wu Tong took a vacation and Meng Fan took the meal and sent him to the airport. After I sent Meng Fan to the plane, I went back.

On the 10th, at 18:35, the plane landed at the Lion City Changi Airport.

At the moment of landing, there was a tone in Meng Fan’s mind.

"Hey! Trigger special tasks [reverse life]."

"The mission requirements lived until December 14, 9102 and resisted the neon, continuing to write before the rebirth."

"Task completion rewards 10 points to assign attributes."


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