My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 3991: Refinery without imperial city

"This is conditional, even if the life origin of the Da Luo God level has only a one percent chance." Lin Feng stood with his hand and explained.

"One percent!"

Shentuzhen gasped in a cold breath when he heard the words.

"If Daluo God's Law was completely destroyed, wouldn't it be completely dead?" Shentu Vanke suddenly looked at Lin Feng and said.

"Not bad!" Lin Feng nodded when he heard the words: "In fact, even keeping the rules is useless. How can there be such a coincidental opportunity to encounter a large number of life sources, even if they encounter life sources? The probability of survival is very low, and there are In case of external interference

low! "

"That's true, it's really fortune that Wan Jian met you." Shentu Zhenyi said with a smile: "And you also specially stimulated him and stabbed him in his weakness."

"His desire to survive has skyrocketed ten thousand times!"

Shentu Vanke's powerful spirit came out, peeping at Wan Jianyi's change.

"It has to be this way. Sometimes the desire to survive can explode to a greater potential and increase his probability of survival, so that he may survive." Lin Feng stood with his hand and looked at Wan Jianyi's body and explained: "His daughter is his only one. Weakness."

Shentu Vanke and Shentuzhen nodded slightly when they heard this.

Even they had to admire Lin Feng's careful consideration of things.


The sound of void vibration sounded.

Wan Jianyi's corpse trembled violently. The corpse still swallowed the life source around it, and at the same time a powerful and boundless resentment was uploaded from Wan Jianyi's corpse.

This resentment made Shentu Vanke and Shentu Zhenyi shiver.

It was like two mortals met a peerless ghost.

"It's really hard to imagine that such a weak force can burst out to make us feel trembling." Shentu Wanke said.

"What you want is this kind of effect." Lin Feng stood up with his hand holding his hand: "The probability of the return of the sword is much higher again. Okay, we will have a good talk with the three major families this time. This time we will use the thunder method to subdue these people. "This time we can see if there is a **** of heaven in the three major families." Shentu Vanke looked at Lin Feng and said: "I think some things are destined, even if some people calculate my lord, they can't succeed. Who in this world can Calculate everything? Even the ancients

, Neither can the Emperor of Heaven in ancient times. "

"That's true."

Lin Feng looked at Void and smiled after hearing the words: "But I don't want this Beihuang Palace for the time being, and leave it to you. What do you think?"

"give it to me?"

Shentu Vanke was shocked upon hearing this.

Shen Tuzhen was also shocked when he heard the words. He naturally knew the value of the Northern Emperor Hall. To put it bluntly, it was the core hub of the ancient city of Wuhuangcheng.

Controlling the Northern Emperor Hall is equivalent to controlling the Great Zhou Heavenly Dao artifact, Wuhuangcheng.

The Heavenly Dao artifact of the Great Zhou Dynasty is the foundation of the super power in the mud and plow sky, and there are no more than three in the entire Shentu family. The value of this artifact of the Great Zhou Tiandao is too great.

In a sense, it is more than the average Da Luo divine artifact.

"Why? Difficult?" Lin Feng smiled and looked at Shentu Vanke and said, "If you don't want to control it alone, I will let you, Shentu Shinichi and Nan Zhenmo control them."

"I'm alone." Shentu Vanke hurriedly smiled upon hearing this.

Shen Tuzhen frowned upon hearing this.

"Shentu Shinichi, you haven't understood many things about me. I will investigate you for a while and let you control a great Zhou Tiandao artifact." Lin Feng stood with his hand held.

"Lin Feng, you're being polite, the Great Zhou Heavenly Dao artifact is of great value, I don't want to get involved, we are just a cooperative relationship, not as good as your relationship with Shentu Vanke." Shentu Zhenyi said lightly.

"Shinichi, many things will not be explained for the time being, but you have to believe in Lin Feng. Believe me, we will never harm you. This is your opportunity. It is for your good not to tell you now." Shentu Vanke sighed.


Shentu Zhenyi nodded faintly and said, "You don't have to say more, I can understand." "Cooperation lies in sincerity. I will tell you the truth in some time." Lin Feng looked at Shentuzhen together: "Well, Shentu Vanke, You now sacrifice and control the Northern Emperor Hall, and we are waiting for the three powerful families in the Northern Emperor Hall.

Of coming. "

"it is good!"

Shentu Vanke nodded after hearing this.

Lin Feng waved his big sleeves, and the three of them disappeared. The next moment they appeared in an empty hall, which was filled with a desolate atmosphere. This hall was the North Palace.


Shentu Wanke roared for a while, and his body shook astonishing blood energy. These blood energy swept all over and penetrated the entire ancient hall.

The powerful refining power spread, and Shentu Vanke frantically sacrificed the Beihuang Palace.

After all, he is the God Emperor of the Heavenly Dao, and he knows the Heavenly Dao artifacts of the Great Zhou better than ordinary people, so he can go up and down to practice the Wuhuang City.


This imperial city glowed with a faint blood, and the imperial city on the sea of ​​imperial emperor was like a rising day.

The powerful refining power spread to every corner of Wuhuangcheng through the North Palace.

In an instant, the countless half-walking gods, Taoism gods, and Taoism gods in Wuhuangcheng felt fear, and these creatures felt that they had been refined.

Suddenly he was in the oven of heaven and earth.

They felt a great crisis and had the idea of ​​madly running away.

"What's wrong?"

"What happened? I felt the earth shake."

"What's wrong? What happened in Wuhuangcheng?"

"How could such a thing happen in Wuhuangcheng, my God, what happened? How could such a thing happen."

"Could someone refining a city without an imperial city?"

The terrible refining power swept through time and space, permeating into every corner of Wuhuangcheng, countless rays of light rushed into the void from the streets of Wuhuangcheng, and flew to the gate of Wuhuangcheng.


A terrifying, domineering blood aura slowly rises from the sky above the northern city of Wuhuangcheng, this blood dominates the world, and it is over the ten directions, even if the gods of heaven feel this breath, they can’t help but salute.

"Boom boom."

At this moment, the three main halls of the East Palace, the South Palace, and the West Palace of the Wuhuangcheng, the three main halls of the Wuhuangcheng East Palace, the South Palace, and the West Palace have risen from the sky, releasing infinite divine light, with boundless power, these forces swept to the Wuhuangcheng North Palace like a monstrous frenzy. In the sky above.

"Boom boom."

A terrible collision erupted.

Endless time and space were extinguished, chaotic air currents raged across the ten directions, many Dao gods walking on Wuhuangcheng Street fell to the ground, and some reclusive gods were shocked and blood boiled.

"Who is the honorable driver?" Wu Shenxiao's figure rose from the sky. He looked into the depths of the Beihuang Palace and said with a cold look: "I dare to interfere with my imperial city and stop quickly, otherwise I won't blame the three. The family is cruel!"

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