My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 3992: Xiaoyao Building

The imperial city is extremely chaotic,

Glowing a faint light of blood, like a round of sky, it contains a powerful and terrible refining power, which allows countless creatures in the city to escape and leave.

Even the gods and gods who live here are scared, they have never encountered such a thing, even in the past when there was no imperial city turmoil.


The phantom of the ancient Southern Emperor Hall rises in the sky, and the majestic and boundless power spreads out, endless, mighty, and endless.

Wu Shenxiao's figure stood below, his face gloomy, and his eyes were cold looking at the gate of the Beihuang Hall.

"Oh, Wu Shenxiao, do you remember me?" An indifferent voice came from the depths of the Beihuang Hall. The owner of this voice was Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng!"

When Wu Shenxiao heard Lin Feng's voice, his figure trembled and stepped back.

In fact, he also thought of Lin Feng offering sacrifices to the Northern Emperor Hall, but Lin Feng had such a powerful cultivation base, there was only one possibility that the key to the Northern Emperor Hall in Lin Feng's hand was taken away.

This strong man came here to refine the Northern Emperor Hall.

"Lin Feng!"

"It's Lin Feng!"

"Impossible. How can Lin Feng have such a powerful cultivation base? This is impossible. This cultivation base is definitely of the Heavenly Dao Divine Emperor level."

"Yes, this cultivation base is definitely at the level of the Heavenly Dao Divine Emperor. Fuck, this is impossible. Someone must pretend to be Lin Feng."

"There is nothing impossible in this world. I think it might be Lin Feng. Lin Feng has this level of cultivation."

"Yes, Lin Feng is so amazing. Besides, there is no need to hide his identity. Controlling the Beihuang Palace is equivalent to controlling the overall situation."

Many powerful spiritual thoughts are intertwined in the void. The masters of these spiritual thoughts are all heavenly gods. The heavenly gods have not left. They know that the real change in Wuhuangcheng has begun. This change is a disaster for the three major families. Sexual.

But it may not be necessary for the people of their casual repair faction.


Wu Shenxiao's expression was gloomy and said: "Lin Feng, Lin Feng, you are too courageous to refining Wuhuangcheng. How can you master such a powerful weapon as Wuhuangcheng."

"Lin Feng, stop the practice quickly, otherwise you will end up miserably." Another mighty and majestic voice came from the west without an imperial city.

An ancient temple rose from the ground.

This ancient temple carries an immortal aura. This ancient temple is exactly the part of the Xihuangdian, the part controlled by Bajia in Wuhuangcheng.

With the breath of the collapse of endless time and space, the West Palace released a faint blood.

In the **** light stood the figure of Ba Yinzhu and other powerful Bajia experts, these people stared at the Beihuang Palace with gloomy eyes.

"Haha, Ba Yinzhu, you are here too, good, very good, but I will not stop. I advise you to leave as soon as possible, otherwise you will end up miserably when I completely sacrifice the Wuhuangcheng." Lin Feng The laughter came again.

Then the light in the sky above the Northern Emperor Hall was more exuberant.

Two illusory figures emerged, one was Lin Feng, and Lin Feng stood with his hand in his hand, looking down at Ba Yinzhu.

The other person is Shinto Shinichi.

Of course Shintu Shinichi wears a mask. After all, he is a man of great status.

"Lin Feng!"

Ba Yinzhu stared at Lin Feng with gloomy eyes: "You don't threaten here. Even if you master the Northern Emperor Hall, you can't master Wuhuangcheng."

"Hmph, it's not that he refines the city without imperial!"

Another cold snort came from the void of the East, and an illusory temple appeared in the void of the East. This temple was the East Palace.

The East Emperor Hall is majestic and tall, with endless domineering, standing in the East Emperor Hall is Ling Huang's figure, Ling Huang's eyes are cold, behind him are many powerful Ling family standing.

As soon as Ling Huang said this, Ba Yinzhu and others changed color. Could there be someone else?

"Ling Huang, good eyesight, yes, the refining person is indeed not this seat, but this person is no different from this seat, because this is under this seat." Lin Feng looked at Ling Huang and said with a smile.

Ling Huang narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Huh, not ashamed!"

Wu Shenxiao looked at Lin Feng coldly and said: "Lin Feng, what are you, you are talking about it here, I said, it is impossible for your cultivation level to reach this level!"

"Lin Feng, Susu and your allies leave here. We won't pursue this matter. Otherwise, don't blame us for being cruel." Ba Yinzhu looked at Lin Feng with cold eyes.

"You have always been cruel and hard-hearted, and have never kept your hands on me. Well, I am here today for one thing." Lin Feng's eyes fell on Wu Shenxiao, Ba Yinzhu, and Ling Huang smiled on the faces of the three people. : "That is to unify this imperial city."

When he said these words, he ran the supreme heavenly technique, especially the great destiny heavenly technique.

His voice blasted like thunder in the ears of countless creatures in Wuhuangcheng.

The eardrums of those heavenly gods who were directly shocked were severely painful, and the figure shook.

Even if Wu Shenxiao, Ba Yinzhu, and Ling Huang were separated from the temple, they felt the power of Lin Feng's voice and Lin Feng's mastery of cultivation.

Many creatures without an imperial city were silent.

Those second-rate and third-rate powerhouses stared at the sky. "In these years, you forces have taken root in Wuhuangcheng and enjoyed the luck and protection brought by Wuhuangcheng. This is a harvest, but every gain has to be paid." Lin Feng stood with his hands in the void and smiled. Said: "I will not pursue this payment,

I now ask you to move away, with the exception of the three major families of course. I need your allegiance to me. "


Wu Shenxiao stared at Lin Feng coldly.

"Lin Feng, if you don't die, you won't die." Ba Yinzhu stared at Lin Feng coldly and said: "You damn, you actually said such a rebellious thing." "Lin Feng, you are dead, you are asking for it. Yes, do you think that there is a **** of heaven to support you, just do whatever you want here? We could kill Wanjian, the **** of heaven, today, even if we come to three, we can kill him." Ling Huang looked gloomy.

Staring at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng ignored the three of them, but instead looked towards the direction of the Beicheng District of Wuhuangcheng and smiled: "Leaders of the major second-rate forces, who of you is willing to follow me? This is a rare opportunity for you."


Ba Yinzhu, Ling Huang and Wu Shenxiao sneered and cursed.

These second-rate forces still know very well about how to force them. They are all a group of people who are greedy for life and death, and they are short in their work.

It is impossible to take refuge in Lin Feng, a force without foundation at this time.

"I am willing to follow Master Tianzun at Xiaoyao Building!"

Just as their voices fell, a voice rang out in the void.

The owner of this voice is a middle-aged man. The middle-aged man has scars on his face and white hair. His appearance is very similar to that of the Xiaoyao host. Behind him stood many strong men from Xiaoyao Tower.

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