My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 3993: Li Daotian's Humiliation

"People from Xiaoyao Building?"

"Hey, the people in Xiaoyao Tower have hatred with Lin Feng, especially the hatred between Xiaoyao and Lin Feng is as deep as the sea."

"This is Li Daotian, the great guardian of Xiaoyao Building!"

"Strange, why didn't the original poster Xiaoyao come?"

"I don't know, the rumor that there has been civil unrest in Xiaoyao Building, now it seems to be true."

"You don't know about this, the owner of Xiaoyao Building has defected to the new owner, taking away the main force of Xiaoyao Building, and the rest are from the Daotian Daotian faction, the great guardian."

"It's even more rumored that the original poster of Xiaoyao slept with Li Daotian's wife and hated his wife!"

"No wonder, he wants to rely on Lin Feng for revenge!"

Lin Feng also looked at Li Daotian, he was slightly surprised, but he didn't expect the people from Xiaoyao Tower to rush to him first.

"Li Daotian, you are looking for death!"

Wu Shenxiao was slapped in the face, his face was green and said: "Get me back quickly, otherwise I will destroy your Dongxiaoyao Building today!"

"Li Daotian, do you regard us as a decoration? Quickly kneel in the void and admit your mistakes." Ling Huang said with a gloomy expression: "Otherwise, we will kill you in the East Xiaoyao Building."

Hearing this, Li Daotian ignored the two of them, but looked in Lin Feng's direction and said: "Li Daotian knocks to see Lin Feng Tianzun." While speaking, he respectfully saluted Lin Feng.

Not only him, but the members of Xiaoyao Tower behind him also bowed and saluted. "Okay, very good. To be honest, I have a bad impression of Xiaoyao Lou, but for your stand up at the critical moment, I can give you this opportunity. Besides, if you and Xiaoyao host have a grudge, I will avenge you. Opportunity." Lin Feng looked at Li with his hand

Daotian smiled in the direction.

"Thank you Tianzun!"

Li Daotian saluted again respectfully.

"Okay, follow me to do things. If you perform well, I will reward you." Lin Feng looked at Li Daotian.

"Asshole, looking for death!"

At this moment, Ba Yinzhu couldn't help it at first.

With the power to destroy time and space on his body, the Xihuangdian above his head began to shake, shaking out the power to destroy the gods of heaven.


At this moment, the Xihuangdian stood up in the sky and directly suppressed Xiang Li Daotian and others.

At this moment, it was as if Mount Tai was crushing the top, crushing mortals, Li Daotian and others changed their colors, because the West Emperor Palace was more powerful and terrifying than they thought, and they suddenly felt like they could not resist.


The three heavenly gods of Li Daotian and Xiaoyao Tower raised their heads to the sky and roared, just like the roar of wild beasts, three powerful auras erupted from them.

Three powerful ancient towers flew from them.

Each ancient pagoda is simple and majestic, and is imprinted with the mysterious texture of the gods of heaven. The three ancient pagodas are ranked in time and space with the momentum of the third grade.

With majestic power.

Then there was an immeasurable blood burst out in a sudden, like three rounds of **** sky, it directly hit the West Palace.


A huge explosion sounded.

The three ancient pagodas crashed on the top of the West Palace, and a violent collision broke out. The three ancient pagodas flew out directly, and the ancient pagoda body cracked.

Li Daotian and the others stepped back a few steps, and blood spilled from the corners of their mouths.

"Boom boom."

The West Palace was approaching, descending into the sky above the three, the oppressing three could hardly breathe.

"I'll ask you one more sentence, do you still kneel or not!" Ba Yinzhu stood in the Xihuangdian, looking down at Li Daotian and the others: "Kneel down, kowtow, now there is still a chance to survive, otherwise you will all have a chance to live. Destroy!"

"It's so pitiful, kneeling and licking the wrong object."

"One by one was crazy, and actually kneeled and licked Lin Feng, this hopeless guy."

"No one can save them this time."

"I thought Lin Feng was so awesome, now I look at the awesome wool, just put some cruel words, but now I don't dare to do it."

"Acknowledge it!"

Many gods of heaven without imperial city watched this scene and made a mockery of Li Daotian and others.

Lin Feng watched this scene without doing anything, as if he was outside.

Li Daotian, who was suppressed under the West Emperor Hall, looked pale. He touched the blood on the corner of his mouth and looked at Ba Yinzhu on the West Emperor Hall and said: "Ba Yinzhu, I, Li Daotian, speak for words. We understand Xiaoyao Building and go to Master Lin Feng Tianzun. !"

"good very good!"

Hearing this, Ba Yinzhu stared at Li Daotian gloomily: "I think your mouth is too hard. Today I will send you back to the West to reunite with your wife. It's a pity that you are not a woman, otherwise you will die the same way as your wife."

"Ba Yinzhu!"

Li Daotian stared scarletly and said: "You are looking for death!"

"I forgot to tell you. That night, Xiaoyao was not the only one who slept with your wife, but also me." Ba Yinzhuyin smiled and looked at Li Daotian and said, "Your wife's skin is so good, she gave me more than a dozen. A bowl of dumplings, it tastes so good."

As soon as this remark came out, it caused a burst of laughter.

This laughter was even more terrifying than the Heavenly God Emperor’s Primordial Spirit attack.


Li Daotian let out an angry roar, which carried an endless feeling of humiliation.

He is desperate!

Yang Tian spit out a mouthful of blood, his figure faltering.


A long sigh sounded.

Two figures appeared in front of Li Daotian out of thin air, these two people were Lin Feng and Shentu Shinichi.

This sudden appearance changed Ba Yinzhu's color, because this time and space was suppressed by him with the West Palace, and it was impossible for the fundamental people from the outside world to come in silently, but Lin Feng and the mysterious people around him came in.

"I will kill all enemies for you, as a meeting gift for you." Lin Feng stood with his hand and looked at Li Daotian: "Kill!"


There are hardly any signs.

Shentu Zhenyi shot thunder.

His shot is like the shift of the heavenly stars, with an endless momentum.

A Fangtian painting appeared in his hand. This Fangtian painting was lacquered black and was imprinted with the mysterious Daluo **** texture. It was a great **** artifact.

Daluo divine artifact emits a faint black light.

It's the same as putting Buddha and a big Luo **** awake.


Fang Tian's painting smashed out of the sky, without causing Ba Yinzhu and others to react, and slammed on the body of the West Palace.

A violent explosion sounded.

Turbulence swept endless time and space.

The smashed West Emperor Hall was dim and dull, and the West Emperor Hall was directly smashed and flew out, and the power of imprisonment that it radiated disappeared.

Ba Yinzhu and other gods of the Ba family were even more unsteady. These people were scared and bloodless, and they never thought that a strong man next to Lin Feng was so terrible.


Ba Yinzhu waited for the Heavenly Dao God of the Ba Family to roar to the sky, and they were ready to fully activate the power of the Western Emperor Hall.

But just when he roared, the power in his body hadn't had time to activate.

A figure appeared in front of Ba Yinzhu. This person was Lin Feng. Lin Feng directly pinched Ba Yinzhu's neck, a black hole appeared in his palm, and the blood in Ba Yinzhu crazily flowed into Lin Feng's palm.

"Roar!" Ba Yinzhu let out a terrible roar.

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