Taking advantage of Yedi's good mood, Yun Dong asked in time, "Brother-in-law, what's going on with the paddy field beside your door?" Yun Dong felt that this was probably the biggest field he had ever seen in his entire life.

After Yedi heard Yun Dong's question, he smiled and said, "Those are just the places where I usually grow my crops. Because I'm the only one in this village, all the land here has no owners. I naturally put all these fields together and used them together. "

Hearing Yedi's words, Yun Dong was obviously very surprised. So it turns out that a country bumpkin knows my brother-in-law so well! How lonely! Yun Dong was honestly unable to imagine how Yedi had passed through the rural areas before he had met his sister. There was only one person, and the surrounding environment wasn't that good either. Yun Dong felt that he could no longer continue to think about it, and the more he thought about it, the more his heart ached.

Yun Dong continued to ask, "Brother-in-law, what do you usually plant?"

Yedi raised his eyebrows in surprise. He was wondering what was going on with this kid. Why does it seem like she's very interested in growing crops? Yedi answered selectively. Feed and plant whatever you want. "

Yun Qiu saw that the two of them were chatting happily and that they would be resting soon. But they had not eaten anything after a whole day of climbing the mountain home.

Yun Qiu thought for a while, then said to Yedi and Yun Dong, "Hubby, little brother, I will go make some food with Yu'er, you guys can chat here."

Yun Dong nodded obediently as he turned around to look at Yun Qiu deeply. "Thank you, my wife."

Yun Qiu smiled and pulled Yun Qiu away. They were both husband and wife, what difference did it make normally? So she shouldn't be so polite.

Seeing that his sister and Yu'er had gone out, Yun Dong thought more seriously about Yedi's answer. Yedi was indeed worthy of being the brother-in-law he admired. In truth, Yun Dong only had one question, but it was because he wanted to introduce it from this topic, that he asked it later on. But Yedi was simply too shrewd, his answer was too fast and accurate, he did not know what to do.

Yun Dong asked directly, "Brother-in-law, the rice fields outside are so big, how many people do we need to finish harvesting in one day?"

Yedi was completely intrigued by Yun Dong, and said with a face full of smiles, "About a hundred people." And you have to be very fast. One must know that the rice in his bowl was no ordinary rice, so he should pay more attention when it came to picking people.

Hearing Yedi announce such a number, Yun Dong was extremely shocked. He thought about how he was going to harvest everything tomorrow, but he was worried for Yedi even before the rice harvesting servants found Yun Dong.

A hundred people? And there was even a requirement? Where are we going to find so many people after harvesting within a day? Yun Dong was truly confused.

Yun Dong asked, "Brother-in-law, have you really found the person who reaped the rice harvest?"

Yedi nodded, causing him to become even more confused. They clearly didn't find anyone when they went last time! Could it be … In Yun Dong's mind, he suddenly recalled the scene from that day. He remembered that when Yedi left, he said that he had already settled the issue of numbers. But Yun Dong had clearly heard from Yedi's ears that those people were not good.

Yun Dong asked in confusion, "Brother-in-law, what's going on?"

Yedi laughed, "Dong'er, you will know tomorrow. I will eventually find a way."

At this time, Yun Dong's heart felt like it was being scratched by a cat, and it was extremely uncomfortable. However, Yedi was not willing to say at this time, what could Yun Dong do?

This brother-in-law of his was too smart!

In the kitchen, the Yu'er was on fire and was feeling extremely warm. Yun Qiu was still busy cutting vegetables, and in a short while, she had already cooked it. It could even be described as delicious!

Yu'er sighed, "Miss, your culinary skills have improved again." The Yu'er was unavoidably jealous, young miss's learning ability is too strong, right? No matter how she taught him in the past, Miss would never understand. But now, she actually cooked delicious dishes, Yu'er would definitely be lying if she said that she was not shocked.

Yun Qiu was frightened by Yu'er's surprised look and said embarrassedly, "Yu'er, I learned all these from him …"

So that's how it was! Yu'er suddenly realized something in an instant. It's just that, so Young Master's culinary arts are actually so amazing? Yu'er immediately started to admire Yedi.

After a while, Yun Qiu said to Yu'er, "Yu'er, the dishes are ready. "You can carry it now." Yu'er hurriedly carried the dishes out, thinking: It seems that I have to properly please Young Master!

After Yun Qiu finished cooking, the few of them sat down on the chairs. It seemed to be a truly happy and harmonious place. It was especially warm and warm.

Yedi intentionally added more dishes to Yun Qiu, making him feel extremely embarrassed. The Dong'er is still here, even though there's still the Yu'er. However, Yun Qiu felt that the Yu'er must have already gotten used to it, so she had long ago learned to ignore them.

As expected, Yun Dong felt very embarrassed. He thought to himself, So when I was at home, my brother-in-law treated my sister with such gentleness! Yun Dong looked at Yun Qiu vaguely. Yun Qiu was startled and a little puzzled. Why was it that just after one left, another came?

After they finished eating, Yun Qiu and Yedi went back to their room. Yedi said, "My wife, rest early. We still have to start harvesting rice tomorrow."

Yun Qiu nodded, she knew all of this, but she felt that there was still something she wasn't ready for. For example, Yun Qiu suddenly thought of their big paddy field. But when she thought about how Yedi would probably not say it, she immediately gave up on this idea in her heart.

Yun Qiu thought that Yun Dong had just arrived, and didn't know if he had enough blankets or not. The countryside was already cold, and it was already October.

Yun Qiu said to Yedi, "Hubby, you rest first, I will go take a look at Dong'er."

Yedi nodded and replied, "Alright, my wife remembers to come back early."

Yun Qiu smiled and turned to leave. Yun Dong was still arranged to be very close to their room, and had not walked much. Yun Qiu then went to Yun Dong's room.

Yun Qiu could not help but ask, "Dong'er, did you sleep well?" Yun Dong was already resting on the bed. She did not expect Yun Qiu to come again, and couldn't help but be shocked.

Hearing that Yun Qiu was worried about him, Yun Dong's mood immediately became even better. Yun Dong laughed and said, "Big sister, it feels quite comfortable. "There's no need to trouble yourself."

Hearing that, Yun Qiu left the place. Actually, Yun Qiu just wanted Yun Dong to be able to enjoy the scenery here, and everything that was happening here.

When Yun Qiu returned to her room, she had already fallen asleep with her eyes closed. Yun Qiu couldn't help but laugh as she walked over. She had originally wanted to pull Yedi's blanket, but did not expect that it would actually be Yedi's hands that grabbed her. Yun Qiu felt a bit of pain, but she didn't know what was wrong with Yedi at the moment.

Yedi watched her actions of grabbing onto Yun Qiu in distress, and suddenly felt extremely afraid in her heart. Had his wife already discovered it? Actually, Yedi did not want to do that, he did not mean to hurt her.

It was only because Yedi had gotten used to it in the past, therefore, it was a natural reaction.

Yun Qiu had only pulled's blanket, she did not expect Yedi to do this. Although she was a little shocked and puzzled, Yun Qiu felt that it would only take a while.

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