The next day, Yun Qiu woke up early and finished cooking for Yedi and the others. Originally, she only wanted to wake Yedi up later, because even though they were going to start harvesting the rice today. Although Yun Qiu didn't know what Yedi would do, she believed that Yedi could do it.

It was precisely because of this that Yun Qiu chose to remain silent from the beginning to the end. But when she went to her room, she found that Yedi had already woken up. Yun Qiu was a little surprised. It was still early in the morning, and the weather was exceptionally cold.

Yun Qiu asked gently, "Hubby, why don't you rest more?" Yun Qiu was a little worried. Could it be because of the harvesting of rice?

Yedi only held onto Yun Qiu's hand, and helped him warm her hand while drinking the hot air. Yun Qiu's face immediately turned completely red, she was extremely embarrassed. Yedi's actions were incomparably intimate to her. In fact, Yun Qiu and Yedi had still not reached this stage of marriage. But Yun Qiu felt that it was good, and felt extremely warm.

Yun Qiu said shyly, "Hubby, I'm not cold …"

Yedi said gently, "My wife, thank you for your hard work. How could I not be cold when my wife gets up so early to make breakfast? "

Yun Qiu's hand was indeed a little cold, and he did not reject him anymore. He only asked with a red face, "Hubby, you haven't answered me yet."

Only then did Yedi say, "Because harvesting rice is a bit of a hustle, so your husband wants more accurate data. I wanted to have a perfect plan, so I'm thinking of something right now. "

Yun Qiu's eyes showed pain, "Hubby, although harvesting rice is more important, but …" Yun Qiu suddenly recalled the main point Yedi mentioned earlier and couldn't help but ask in surprise, "Hubby, could it be that the construction work hasn't started yet?"

Yun Qiu had woken up so early to let Yedi and the others eat early before starting to harvest the rice.

Sure enough, Yedi smiled and explained it to Yun Qiu, "My wife, looks like I won't be able to do it today." Yedi already had a plan in his mind, but he couldn't do anything about it now, so he could only delay it until tomorrow.

For Yedi, as long as the rice was ripe, harvesting it wouldn't be a problem. All they needed was time, and the quality of the rice. Harvesting rice was also a technical job, so of course Yedi needed time to choose people. But now, Yedi had given this mission to Lin Zhou.

Yedi believed that those people would arrive tomorrow.

Since it's like this, why is Hubby still in such a hurry? Because Yedi's performance was so confident, Yun Qiu could not help but be suspicious. But right now, Yun Qiu couldn't think of anything, she could only be a virtuous wife.

Yun Qiu said gently, "Hubby, put this down first. Let's go eat first, and then we'll discuss this later. "

Yedi nodded, he still had to go see the rice grains later.

Yun Qiu brought Yedi to the living room, where the already awake Yu'er had already filled up all the food. Yu'er looked at Yedi with excitement, "Young Master, how many people do you think are needed for the rice?" Towards the hundred people that Yedi spoke of, Yu'er felt that they were too shocking.

However, when he thought about how big Yu Tian was, he wondered if even a hundred people wasn't enough! Yedi rarely said gently to Yu'er, "Yu'er, you don't have to worry about this matter. "Right now, all you need to do is eat and rest."

Yu'er was slightly surprised, "Young Master, are we not going to reap the harvest today?" Yu'er had always thought that Yedi was trying to squeeze her out, so when she heard Yedi call her to rest, she couldn't help but be shocked. But the reason why Yu'er was shocked was not because of this, but because of … No harvest today? Yu'er was very disappointed when she thought of this. She got up so early today so that she could see the big picture of harvesting rice! Moreover, although it couldn't be said that she would personally experience that feeling, at least she still took the matter of reaping the harvest very seriously.

Yun Qiu rubbed Yu'er's head, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. Only now did Yun Qiu realize that Yu'er was actually interested in that rice. But after they finished eating, they could just follow Hubby there to have a look. Furthermore, there was also the Dong'er. He was definitely very curious about that Rice.

Yun Qiu thought of Yun Dong and was about to talk to him. Only now did she remember that Yun Dong had not woken up yet. Yun Qiu laughed helplessly, and said to Yedi: "Hubby, you guys eat first, I will go call Dong'er."

Yun Qiu went to Yun Dong's room. Hearing that it was extremely quiet inside, she couldn't help but feel a little worried. Dong'er? Are you there? "Get up, it's time for breakfast."

Yun Dong's lazy voice came from inside, "Elder sister, you guys eat first … "I'll be right there."

Yun Qiu found it funny, so it turns out that Dong'er was still awake. She thought something had happened to the Dong'er.

Yun Qiu returned to the living room, and seeing that she was alone, Yedi and Yu'er could not help but ask curiously, "Where is Dong'er? Why didn't he come? "

Yun Qiu said helplessly, "It will be ready in a moment, let's eat first, there's no need to wait for him."

Yun Qiu and Yu'er squatted at the side of the field, looking at the field where there was no water, their hearts feeling weird. Yun Qiu and the Yu'er had always thought that Yedi growing crops was an extremely mysterious thing.

Yun Dong stood at the side and watched Yedi seriously. Yedi was currently examining the Rice with all his attention, and the expression on his face was focused and solemn. Yun Dong could not help but feel that it was a little strange. He came to Yun Qiu's side and asked, "Elder sister, what's wrong with brother-in-law? "It seems like there is something particularly important …"

Yun Qiu laughed, "Dong'er, your brother-in-law is preparing for tomorrow's harvest." Anyone could tell that Yedi had actually put a lot of effort into harvesting this harvest.

Yun Qiu was really looking forward to the harvest tomorrow. Yun Qiu found it hard to imagine what kind of prosperity would befall them during tomorrow's harvest, but it would definitely frighten them. This was exactly how Yedi was, and the surprises he was going to receive were never few.

Yun Dong also knew that Yedi had been paying attention, but he still could not figure it out, and was suspicious about it the entire time. What was his brother-in-law supposed to do? Can this really harvest all the rice in one day? I'm afraid not.

As far as the eye could see, the rice was abundant and lush. Moreover, harvesting was already a troublesome matter. Yun Dong thought to himself, in less than two or three days, harvesting the rice was still not enough. But... Why is brother-in-law so confident? Because when Yun Dong saw Yedi, Yedi had indeed revealed that kind of satisfied expression, as if the matter had already succeeded and victory was already in his grasp.

Yun Dong did not have much suspicion, but he could not figure it out in his heart. However, Yedi was his brother-in-law, for brother-in-law to be able to be so capable, Yun Dong had no time to be happy. Since Yedi was so outstanding, then his sister's life would become better and better.

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