My Ferocious Tigress Wife

Chapter 826: Emotional

The latest chapter of my lady fierce than tiger!

Xiao Jingai didn't feel bad for Yuan Shen and the children of King Huaiyang.

After all, it wasn't her own life, and she didn't have enough respect for her on weekdays.

And from the standpoint of the third party, on the rebellion, the Yongping Emperor was assassinated under the eyes of the public, and if he was killed, it was reconsidered, and the one who was not killed properly waited for the autumn to settle accounts. There was no argument.

Not to mention the children of King Huaiyang, it was her. If she hadn't done her righteous act of destroying relatives, she would have died completely.

It is very open from an objective standpoint.

However, in order not to appear too ruthless, on the fourth day after the incident, when he saw Emperor Yongping, Xiao Jingai still begged with tears to the children of Yongping Emperor.

Having died three times, no one knows how to cry better than she can bring tears, without affecting the beauty.

Of course, she didn't want to act too much, so that Emperor Yongping thought she still loved King Huaiyang... and her children, that would be a bad dish. Killing the King of Huaiyang, and then pitting himself to death is to dig his own grave.

The little words were turned upside down. When they said that the prince and daughter of Huaiyang were innocent, they turned to say that the king of Huaiyang deserved their sins. As his children, they should have the blessings and enjoyment of their fathers, and the emperor should deal with them harshly. Not an exaggeration.

I'm confused by Duofu. What's the matter? I'm afraid that the emperor won't deal with the Huaiyang prince and daughter, leaving behind troubles, looking for her mother who eats inside and out, and throws a few big rocks on the child who had fallen into the well. , Make sure you die?

It indirectly proves that Princess Huaiyang is indeed ignorant in Guan Palace——

Yes, the emperor had forgotten Princess Huaiyang.

The people below them remembered it, but they didn't dare to remind the emperor. The emperor's concubine died, the emperor was stabbed by the Huaiyang King in the Taiji Hall, and Xie Fushe's wife also died. Yongping Emperor was in a mess, just like a firecracker.

No one dares to find bad luck for such an irrelevant person at this time.

If it were not for Emperor Yongping to say that no one was allowed to approach the room where the Huaiyang Princess was, they would not be sure whether they wanted to starve the Huaiyang Princess to death, and would not go to ask for their blessings.

After all, the first time Princess Huaiyang rescued her, otherwise I am afraid that she would not know how she died.

It’s better to have the courage to let the palace people serve three delicious meals a day, and then choose a time when the emperor is not very explosive, or else he may decide how long the Huaiyang Princess will stay in the Tai Chi Hall. It.

Of course, it was fortunate that so many things happened at once, otherwise it would be weird if the scandal did not spread out after spending so long in the Tai Chi Hall as the Queen of Huaiyang.

Although some people have paid attention to this, they can only say that Princess Huaiyang has not cleared her suspicion.

It's not a scandal or something.

Although the people of Jiankang are gossiping, there is still a bottom line.

Regardless of whether the emperor's protagonist died or Xie Xian's wife died in the palace, the damage to the emperor was relatively great. I really have such a big heart. At this time, it is too low for the wife of the criminal to stay in the Taiji Hall.

Jiankang people don't allow it, and don't believe it!

Duo Fu: As a result, what did she hear...

Such a method of crying, coupled with the vague and upside-down chariot remarks, was fortunately not heard by outsiders, otherwise the misunderstanding would not necessarily happen.

When meeting this in the Taiji Hall, the only useful information that can be determined is that there is actually something about Yuan Chen in it.

Emperor Yongping sneered: "The King of Huaiyang has a deep affection for Yuan Chen, his emotions are moving, and he is still protecting him even now!"

King Huaiyang had been tortured in the prison, and there was nothing to confess that Yuan Chen was also an accomplice!

In addition to admiration, Yongping Emperor admired him.

He and Xie Xian went to observe King Huaiyang, except for the full of verbal abuse and curse, and finally couldn't stand the punishment and confessed all the hidden lines in the palace. He didn't even have the word Yuan Chen.

If it weren't for Princess Huaiyang, they would have missed this person.

What can you say...

Go for the love of riding a horse, this is!

"...Yes, I'm sure it's Yuan Chen. They talked and laughed...I recognize his voice." Xiao Jingai covered his face and cried, and at the same time opened his crying eyes to the fingers, the one who was crying Call a pear with rain.

"I knew it was Yuan Chen that the Eleventh Kings really fell in love with!"

I feel like vomiting.

Xiao Jing is angry, but with his original appearance, how can he not be better than Yuan Chen's fake lady? The trembling on the face can be eaten with pancakes.

"Although I shouldn't betray the Eleven Great Kings, but, your Majesty, is a rare young and wise lord, who has broken through many sufferings and ascended to the throne of the true dragon emperor. I can't let the selfishness of the Eleven Great Kings hurt your Majesty... Only the beams Only under the wise leadership of your majesty can the revival be expected. I can't..."

"Woo, I'm too difficult..."

Emperor Yongping shook: "The princess... you are right. You are not doing anything wrong."

"Don't worry, you protected me and saved Daliang. I will definitely not let the loyal and patriotic people be criticized." He pondered for a long while.

For a long time, Xiao Jingai forgot to cry and looked at Emperor Yongping waiting for the seal.

Is it so difficult?

After a long time, she was a little embarrassed to wait.

I don't know whether to keep crying, or to wipe away the tears, to retreat as an advance, to show that he is generous. But Xiao Jingai was also afraid that she would use the retreat as a move to enter the arms of the middle emperor and give the province the reward.

So what is she busy doing inside and out?

When I was entangled, I didn't know the idea, Duofu was embarrassed for the two of them, Emperor Yongping spoke:

"I will designate you as the lady of Gaoliang County, and enjoy the treatment of the second-grade regular. The salary is the same as that of Princess Lujiang." He continued: "You can continue to live in the Huaiyang Prince's Mansion, or I can give you another residence. ."

What a blessing is dumbfounded, the emperor is trying to let others righteously kill his relatives and spare no effort to save his life.

She actually sealed a county lady who was similar to the princess, and set a precedent.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Xiao Jingai didn't stay silly for long, and knelt on the ground with a thump, slamming his head to the ground without showing any mercy.

Unexpectedly, it was an accident, but she deserved it.

Can anyone die three times without breaking down? !

For this residence, it is better to find another place. When she returned to the Huaiyang Palace, she was afraid that she would be killed by the remnants of the Huaiyang King in the middle of the night.

As for ghosts or ghosts, she died three times. Are you still afraid?

Naturally I am afraid!

Emperor Yongping decided to find another place for her to live, but it was necessary to move out of the Taiji Hall, and he also reacted. Although he was a dying emperor, Lixia, he could not withstand any harm, even if it was rumors.

After the conversation, Xiao Jingai asked Duofu to leave the Tai Chi Hall.

The emperor’s master and servants should take care of where she went. They still had to panic. King Huaiyang was dead, and he definitely didn't intend to keep the remnants of the evil.

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