My Ferocious Tigress Wife

Chapter 827: The pot comes from the sky

The latest chapter of my lady fierce than tiger!

Had it not been for Duofu to remind him by the side, Emperor Yongping would immediately notify Xie Xian and let him go.

Xie Xian’s mother died, one is that people must keep the spirit and do their filial piety, and two and one that they resigned from Ding You are all handed over. The emperor calls people into the palace whenever you have a problem, including your emperor and Xie Xian, who are afraid that the doctors in Yushitai are Those who eat free meals, open your eyes and close your eyes? You will be in vain if you can't die.

It is not worrying about being filial to an official. Since ancient times, it had existed during the war. It had to be a military officer who went to the battlefield to kill the enemy.

Taking loyal ministers to the country instead of doing filial piety for the parents is called defiance.

Even during the war, there was no love for civilian officials, so although it is not a peaceful and prosperous age, it can be said that Xie Xianding is 100%, not adulterated, and there is no reason to speak.

Excluding Xie Xian, Yongping's first choice was Yang Shao.

This is the son of his Song family, and a master of kung fu, it would not be more suitable for him to come forward.

Unexpectedly, after Yang Shao went there, Yuan Chen had already escaped after the news came out on the day that King Huaiyang was sent to prison, and he never showed up in Jiankang City.

Madam Yin noticed something was wrong early in the morning, and King Huaiyang and Yuan Chen were separated for a while, and then they didn't know how to stick together again.

It's not that she has never scolded, or even moved her hands, but she still can't twist her thighs. Can't stand Yuan Chen face to face with one set behind one set, and he promised to make good, and turned around to make love to the King of Huaiyang.

She doesn’t blame Yuan Chen for breaking the pot. Since the scandal with King Huaiyang broke out, the head of Shining County stabbed him from the back. Not only did he reconcile with Yuan Chen, but he also vowed not to be at peace with the Yuan family.

After that, if I want to say a kiss to Yuan Chen, no one wants to be Baoshan at all, and no one wants to marry them even if the matchmakers spend a lot of money on it.

There are no girls from the poor family.

It's not without it. A poor concubine who fell on her leg since she was a child.

Even she can't look down on her, let alone her arrogant son?

The instigator of all this is the Xiao family and Xiao Baoxin. It was Xiao Baoshu who broke out the scandal with King Huaiyang. It can be said that his son's life was destroyed in the hands of these brothers and sisters.

Madam Yin felt so sorry for her son to let others dislike it so much. In the end, she tried to persuade them to no avail, so Madam Yin opened one eye and closed another.

But the eyes closed a little bit beyond Madam Yin's expectation. Unexpectedly, King Huaiyang would be rebellious and would kill Yongping Emperor in full view of the Taiji Hall. But on the night when the news came out, she hadn't seen Yuan Chen again, which made her feel suspicious.

It's just that it's a son, what else can she say?

Like the princess of Huaiyang, righteously exterminate relatives, do you want to rebel?


She would rather die than confess her son. Not only did she not speak out, but help with the aftermath. I was afraid that there would be rumors from my house, which would arouse the suspicion of others, and let my confidant let out the rumors in Yuan’s house. He said that Yuan Chen raised a kabuki outside and slept with flowers and willow all his life——

It doesn't work to think of a little taller, and it's too quick to say anything about going out to study.

This was so common in Yuan Chen that no one really doubted it.

He is so personal.

Even Yuan Chen's relatives didn't know that he was often scolding in Mrs. Yin's ear these days. He couldn't hold his head up in front of old friends after giving birth to such an unsuspecting son.

It is rare for Mrs. Yin not to quarrel with Doctor Yuan because of this, and her conscience is guilty.

When she thought about it, it would be best if she was suspicious. There was nothing wrong with Yuan Chen at all. It was purely that he had committed an old problem again, and it really complied with the excuse she had given him.

Until Yang Shao came to the door, Madam Yin was dumbfounded, her head buzzed, and she was **** by a group of officers and soldiers without even screaming injustice.

She was so wronged!

People sit at home, and the pot comes from the sky.

"Why? Why? Why?" She still expects it to be a side issue, and has nothing to do with her son getting close to King Huaiyang and being implicated.

I don't think about it, if it wasn't for a major event like a conspiracy to rebel, how could the whole family be arrested.

"Yuan Chen and King Huaiyang conspired to rebel, and the evidence is solid!" Yang Shao said loudly: "I will arrest you and other accomplices at the emperor's order! Take them all away!" The whole mansion did not even let the servants go, so they went into the sky. prison.

Yang Shao was ordered by Emperor Yongping to search Yuan Chen everywhere, but there was no trace.

The angry Emperor Yongping threw the white jade-carved Paixiu paperweight and ordered the drawing of shadow graphics. Yuan Chen was wanted by all states and counties.

The Yuan family asked Zhan all the time. At this time, it was the autumn queen, and within three days, they all pushed out to kill. Any confession needed to be asked was an accomplice.

Outside the market, the people who watched the beheading surrounded hundreds of people, including the family members of the Huaiyang King, and three to four hundred people from the Yuan family. The blood from the beheading shed the entire street.

Doctor Yuan did not look down until he died, scolding Yuan Chen, Madam Yin, and King Huaiyang. How innocent is he? He doesn't even know a fart!

King Huaiyang also enjoyed the punishment of car cracking and was divided by five horses a day after them.

Until the case subsided, it was already half a month later.

On the 21st of March 7th, when Mrs. Yuan stopped the spirit, Xie Xian helped Lingshu out of Jiankang City, went straight to the tomb of Xiapizu, and entered the clan ancestral hall.

It stands to reason that Xiao Baoxin is going to follow, but she is pregnant with twins. Since Mrs. Yuan passed away to Xie's family, her family has been caring for her, and she will not be allowed to follow her on this long journey.

It was October. She had been pregnant for more than five months, and her belly was firm, about the size of someone else's six or seven months old.

Xie Xian thought about it again and again, and told his mother about Xiao Baoxin's talent skills.

He left for as long as three months, or as long as half a year. I was afraid that he would not be able to come back when the child was born. He would thank his mother if he could trust him at Xie's family, and the status of thanking the mother could also protect Xiao Baoxin.

In the death of Mrs. Yuan, although Xiao Baoxin was pregnant with twins, she did not have to do everything for a reason, but she did not keep her filial piety before her spirit, and it has been criticized for her daughter-in-law's duty.

He is there, he can still protect her, he is not, he is worried everywhere.

I'm also afraid that Xie's mother might have opinions about Xiao Baoxin, and that she might not give her all her heart.

Therefore, after discussing with Xiao Baoxin, the truth was revealed to Xie's mother.

It's not that she doesn't want to be filial, but that she doesn't allow it. She feels the emotions of others as if she feels it. When Xie Furniture is in grief, she can't even enter the mourning hall.

It's not that she didn't try to get in, and basically fainted directly.

If it's just herself, she will also guard her mother-in-law with gritted teeth. Not for the eyes of others, but for the last thing she can do for Mrs. Yuan.

But she can't do it, it's helpless.

Xie's mother barely dropped her chin to the ground.

I was also worried that it was Madam Yuan’s death, and I didn’t even know what Xie Xian had given me to stimulate. Touching Xie Xian's head, it was almost time for the child to take medicine.

Fortunately, Xiao Baoxin quickly verified this during the communication with Xie's mother.

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