My Ferocious Tigress Wife

Chapter 858: What do you want to say

The latest chapter of my lady fierce than tiger!

"What did you say?" Wang Twelve Mother didn't hear her clearly, and asked again.

Xie Qing raised her eyebrows, laughed, and put Wang Twelve Mother in her arms.

"What do you think is the probability of a safe delivery of twins?"

All of a sudden, Wang Twelve Mother asked, "It's hard to say..."

This is a kind person, and I don't want to say those unlucky.

In normal labor, one foot is in the palace of the king, giving birth to a child to get rid of half-life. It's a big fate to survive. The twins are even more difficult. I haven't heard or seen it before, but it's not easy to predict.

"You have two children, and you still think like this. Originally, women have a very risky childbirth. They are twins. In fact, letting the flow take place does not mean that they will not be able to fulfill their wish."

"But, they actually want to do it in advance... what kind of spirit is this?"

Did Wang Twelve Mother understand: "I hate it too much, can't wait?"

Xie Qing touched her head, his silly daughter-in-law: "Isn't it easier and less laborious to wait for her to die?"

"Simply put, if that person is really blessed to give birth safely, according to their original plan, taking advantage of the chaos, then the chances of success will be better, and it will be more concealed...that is, there is no need to do it now?"

"From another angle, think about it, if you were you, would you pick such a person to make noise, and protect that person like an eyeball, and do it when everyone is staring at Yi'antang?"

To put it ugly, how much **** do you have to get into your head?

Wang Twelve Mother: "I won't. Killers, and have no grudges."

"That's why you are you." Xie Qing smiled and didn't talk to her anymore, for fear of scaring her. Perhaps, I have said too much today.

At night, Wang Twelve Niang tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep, so she pushed Xie Qing: "What do you mean by that during the day? Isn't it the sister-in-law they want to kill? What's the matter?"

Zhengxiang, who was sleeping in Xie Qing, was dumbfounded when she woke up with such a question.

This is because the reflection arc is too long, so I figured it out smoothly.

And I haven't figured it out yet.

"I mean, these two people are destined not to achieve a major event, and the timing is wrong. People, they must be trying to harm, otherwise the wife would take them to sacrifice their swords. When people get old, they sometimes become soft-hearted. Of course our wife is not. When it is time to shine the sword, you must shine the sword, and you won't be used to it. You didn't look at the third uncle, what happened to his mother?"

Xie Xian is the only one who can be soft-hearted by Xie's mother.

Xie Xian, Mrs. Yuan, and Xie's mother looked warm and innocent, but in fact they became ruthless one by one. There was nothing wrong with others.

Wang Twelve Mother felt something was wrong, what did he mean during the day?

"Then what do you...want to say...what..."

Are they unlucky and found out; or are they stupid?

Why does she feel that Kuro is completely out of the picture, not having to do with herself, and watching the show's mentality? After all, it's my family.

Xie Qing rubbed her eyes, feeling that if he didn't explain to her, he really couldn't sleep.

"I just want to say that people still have to have a brain, they can be stupid, but they have to be self-knowledge. Like Xie Ning and Jiang Qian, if they can see the situation clearly, they may not have a good future if they are attached to the Xie family. After all, they have a Xie family. Brother can see, the third uncle will also make plans for them."

"However, they want to benefit from the Xie family, and remember their mother's hatred, and want to kill Xie Xian's sweetheart, that is, the culprit they identified is not known to anyone-don't you think this is contradictory? "

"Xie Xianding is worried about being at home. Three years later, what will happen to him, whether he can recover, and what the situation of the whole Liangang will become is unknown.

"If they have ambitions to retaliate, they should strengthen themselves. By then, you will be aloft, and you are not doing what you want? How can it be better than now sneakily, using only your only contacts to plan such an unskilled murder. That's it. After the **** was gone, Xiao Baoxin had a dead body and three lives. What did they get? It just made them feel better."

"The fault of them is that they don't recognize their limited IQ, and they think that they are perfect, and they don't know what to do."

I thought I could play with people, but as a result, I was played with.

It should be understood that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the sky. Xie Xian is obviously another sky, which is much taller than the two Maotou boys Xie Ning and Jiang Qian. It is not at the same level at all.

To say that Xie Xian set up a set and brought these two goods in one pot, this is the operation of Thaksin.

Xie Qing is a big-hearted and informal, even when the whole government boycotted Xie Ning, he did not deliberately avoid suspicion, and had small contacts. Even when they meet Jiang Qian outside, they will get together for a few drinks.

Not to mention knowing them completely, but also knowing a thing or two.

It's not comparable to Xie Xian, but his mind is not too stupid.

It's so simple that people can grab the handle, and even the pot is served, obviously there is something inside.

It's just that these words can't be said to Wang Twelve Mother.

How can I say that Xie Xian wrote, directed and acted in order to eradicate the evil, boil Xie Ning and Jiang Qian in warm water, and even clean up the pot?

First, there is no evidence or evidence, and no one can believe it. In addition, Wang Twelve Niang is pure in nature, I'm afraid I won't hear this.

Xie Qing put her in her arms, "Go to sleep, you shouldn't tell you this. It has nothing to do with you, so you can do your best."

He also couldn't tell how he felt about Wang Twelve Mother.

It's his wife who treats his illegitimate child as if she is her own, and is closer to his mother and daughter than his mother and daughter, so he has to stand aside. It can be said that in Xie's house, her reputation is definitely better than him, and no one says she is bad.

He also thinks she is good, probably the best woman he has ever seen.

To say heartbeat, no.

However, he is willing to have such a good woman by his side, and he is more fortunate to have such a good woman by his side.

In the end, the topic couldn't be resolved. Wang Twelve-niang seemed to understand, but didn't seem to understand. In the mist, it felt like Jiulang seemed to have committed Xie Ning's contempt.

Despise their IQ.


Although Wang Twenty-niang didn't see through the matter, she at least despised it. She was right, and Xie Qing despised it.

There are stars and the sea in the distance, they can't see them, they only care about the gains and losses in front of them.

He personally poisoned Happiness, but as a result, he folded himself into Happiness.

Don't you look at your opponent before you start-is it possible, is it worthy to be called an opponent?

In short, Xie Ning's death did not cause any waves in the Xie Mansion. The only person affected was Xie Sanye, who really fell ill and drank the soup for half a month.

It was as though it was unbelievable that Shainin would commit that kind of thing for a while, and it was also unbelievable that people would be gone.

In Jiankang City, apart from the few classmates around Jiang Qian who had seen Xie's arrest with their own eyes, the excitement was too great and they paid more attention. But that was all that became irrelevant as the situation in Jiankang City suddenly became tense.

Everyone's focus is on the battle of Jingzhou, the king of Linchuan.

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