My Ferocious Tigress Wife

Chapter 859: Can only do it!

The latest chapter of my lady fierce than tiger!

Xiao Sikong led his troops straight down to Jingzhou. At the beginning, he first saluted and then sent his confidant to talk to the Linchuan King, fearing that there was any misunderstanding in the process.

The king of Linchuan treated his cronies with good wine and good food, and they knew that they were afraid that Emperor Yongping would make a payment.

Before he became the throne, he killed the dead prince. After he became the throne, the world was in chaos and killed all the uncles and brothers who could kill. Finally, the world became peaceful, and King Huaiyang, who was on his side in the battle to seize the prodigy, was killed again, and the whole family was killed.

He is scared.

Why did he let him go to Jiankang?

Isn't that the next one to take him?

Xiao Sikong's cronies are no better than Xiao Sikong himself, he is a counselor, one mouth can say that one is dead, and one that is alive can be called dead. What Linchuan King said was heartbroken, and everything he said was pour out.

Among other things, the death of King Huaiyang was a stimulus to King Linchuan.

Just like a firecracker on fire, I felt like I was about to burn and explode.

But the problem is that King Huaiyang was not liquidated by Emperor Yongping. It was because he had a rebellious intention. When the Assassin King killed him, how many people watched it. Although the premise was that the murder of Xie Xian's mother was discovered, in the final analysis, it was King Huaiyang's own destruction.

From beginning to end, the counselor presented the facts and made sense, and finally said that the king of Linchuan was willing to open the city gate to welcome Xiao Sikong into the city.

King Linchuan personally sent the counselor out of the city, but he didn't know what was going on, so he attacked Xiao Sikong that night.

Fortunately, Xiao Sikong has been cautious in fighting and fighting, and he has been prepared for a long time. Because of this, the two sides still kill evenly matched enemies, and each suffers losses.

The king of Linchuan turned his back, and was the first to tear his face with the court. Almost immediately, Xiao Sikong sent the news back to Jiankang City. Not long after the New Year, everyone was in danger and was afraid of the fight with King Linchuan. The war repeated the previous mistakes and caused chaos in the world.

Yongping emperor sat on the dragon chair and worries every day, not a day!

One day he, the emperor, can sit back and relax!

What are you afraid of every day!

Coincidentally, King Huaiyang died, and he didn't say his wish was what he wanted. As a result, King Linchuan rebelled again.

——Just such an honest, nerd, who looked like a quail with a necked neck when the first emperor was reigning, and he rebelled here, and he made it so reckless! Regardless!

What can I do?

What a fuck!

Can only do it!

Emperor Yongping was forced to be tough, he could only be tough.

Immediately gave Xiao Sikong the will, let him attack Jingzhou, take down King Linchuan, life and death.

In fact, it was about the death of King Linchuan.

At this time, the two parties were also not concerned about the original cause, perhaps due to misunderstanding, due to suspicion.

Now that the fight is up, it doesn't matter anything. The imperial court can't stand the rebellious King Linchuan, and King Linchuan doesn't dare to wait for another minute to fight in the same room and kill Emperor Yongping who is going to kill the descendants of the royal family.

Emperor Yongping started to recall Xie Xian's thoughts. What he did not expect was that this matter had not been implemented yet. He just raised his head during the court meeting and drew a lot of opposition.

Headed by Shangshu Yang Fengming of the Criminal Ministry, the sentiment is raging.

Including Xu Erlang, who took over as the official secretary, also resolutely opposed.

Of course the division was famous, there was a rebellion, and Ping, Xiao Sikong had already gone with a good soldier. Xie Xian rises up, what can he do, go to the battlefield to kill the enemy?

It has always been the case that the love has been lost since ancient times, and it has always been the role of military generals on the battlefield to kill the enemy.

Asked Yang Shao's meaning.

"Weichen believes that Xiao Sikong must be able to quell the rebellion. When Xiao Sikong took the initiative to ask for help, he must have sufficient confidence. Weichen thought, why not wait for Xiao Sikong's good news?"

Yang Shao was still on fire when he fought against Xiao Sikong and took away his errand.

"What do Xie Aiqing think?" Yongping Emperor asked Xie Qing again.

"The eldest brother is very filial, and his aunt's death has dealt a great blow to him. It is also the most affectionate and the most sexual to go out and protect his filial piety." Xie Qing muttered: "If your majesty needs it, of course, the eldest brother will definitely go forward. Come to help."

This is the same as saying that, Yongping Emperor looked at Xie Qing's eyes with a sense of playfulness.

Xie Qing didn't even look up: "It's just that Weichen believes that it is not time to endanger survival. Wen You Yang Shangshu, Xu Shangshu, Chu Jianjun, Wu You Xiao Sikong, Yang Hujun, and Xue lead the army. Your Majesty is surrounded by talents, The Linchuan King’s rebellion is really a dying struggle, and the Weichen believes that Xiao Sikong will quell the rebellion soon."

"Your Majesty values ​​the eldest brother, and the Weichen is deeply honored."

"It's just that you have always been a military commander, and civil servants have never heard of it... The most important thing at the moment is to unite and fight against Linchuan King. Your Majesty does not need to be distracted. As long as your Majesty needs it, I believe that the eldest brother will come back at any time."

This is very clear, it is not feasible now.

Emperor Yong Ping nodded, and his momentary interest was suppressed.

At the same time, he also knew that these people, including Xie Qing and Yang Shao, were not happy to see Xie Xian recover.

Later, Xie Xianding was worried about the expiration of the term, and after the recovery, I was afraid that each would have to remember a fortune in his heart.


Xie's mother didn't let anyone tell Xie Xian about these bad things in the middle of Korea, including Xie Ning and Jiang Qian, just like none of these things happened.

Mother Xie's thoughts are all on Xiao Baoxin.

She is getting older and older in months, and her belly is falling sharply.

Mother Xie had seen Xiao Baoxin every day, she was still frightened and frightened after seeing it once. She had never seen such a big belly, the rhythm of smashing the feet every minute.

Not to mention Xiao Baoxin. Basically, after six months, I haven't had a good night's sleep. No matter how uncomfortable I slept, I have to get up at least four or five times at night, and her whole body is sluggish.

Childbirth is too torturous, and even if drinking avoiding soup is dangerous to the body in the future, she will try it——

Big deal, drink other Chinese medicine and make it up again.

Xiao Baoxin made such a determination.

When Princess Xuancheng was out of confinement, she rushed to hold Dingbang happily, with pride and pride all over her face, showing off to Xiao Baoxin: "In the future, I will have two daughters and two sons. It’s better to be like The same as the big lady, give birth to two at a time. It's more worry-free and labor-saving."

Looking at Dingbang's small face, she didn't see how Xiao Baoshu resembled anyway.

It's a pretty doll with a beautiful face.

But after listening to Princess Xuancheng's words, Xiao Bao's confident stomach hurts.

What's the worry, what's the effort, it's more torturing than the suffering of her two births before.

This is how the greedy guy doesn’t know that the hungry guy is hungry, standing and talking can’t hurt back——

She is now walking, sitting and lying down, even if she is still, her waist hurts!



Princess Xuancheng hugged Dingbang back in horror, a pair of cat eyes staring roundly: "Big lady, what's wrong with you? Are you so angry?" Her face turned blue, and the tendons on her neck collapsed.

"Me!" Xiao Baoxin was holding his belly, his face deformed: "Maybe... I'm going to give birth!"

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