My Fintech Empire

Chapter 130 [Preliminary Negotiation for Celebrity Entering Weibo]

Huayang Villa, where you live quietly.

"Sir, please sign here." The foreman of the moving company handed Fang Hong a list at the sofa in the leisure area on the first floor of the villa.

The transported items have been placed, and the other workers have also left the villa, waiting outside for the evacuation.

Fang Hong took a quick glance and quickly signed his name. After the foreman took the signed form and confirmed it, he thanked him and left the villa, and then the vehicles parked outside also drove away from Huayang Villa.

After the people from the moving company left, there were only Fang Hong and He Xuan in the huge Jingxinju mansion, and they became peaceful and quiet.

After a while, Fang Hong's phone rang, and it was Hua Yu calling.

"Brother Fang, a group of celebrities from the film and television and music circles have been settled on Quandong Weibo. There are eleven people in the first line and thirty-odd people in the second line." Hua Yu's voice came from the moment the call was connected.

A battle for Weibo is about to take place. A large number of celebrities are recruited by major websites, and celebrities from all walks of life also use Weibo as a platform to gather popularity in the online world.

"Understood. I will notify the Quantum Jump team later, and we will cooperate to let these celebrities enter Quantum Weibo on the same day." Fang Hong thought for a while and returned the call.

More than a dozen first-tier and more than thirty second-tier celebrity artists all entered Quandong Weibo and opened accounts on the same day, which will definitely detonate entertainment topics. Just as the marketing activities of the Micro Fiction Contest have ended, new topics can be picked up. Maintain the popularity of Weibo.

This time, the presence of celebrity artists will definitely be more topical. In the past, some popular celebrity artists held offline fan meetings, and most star chasers could not participate and could only witness. Now through the virtual online world, they can directly post on the Weibo platform. Interacting with favorite celebrities on the Internet will naturally inspire many people to pay attention to Weibo and register accounts.

Huayu on the other end of the phone responded: "Okay, I'm here to say hello to the agencies of those artists."

After finishing the communication, Fang Hong put the phone on the black tea table aside.

Websites are vying for celebrity resources, and celebrities who join Weibo are competing for popularity and fans.

The current number of Weibo users has reached more than 27 million, and it is about to reach 30 million. As a new type of open Internet new media social platform emerging in the Internet age, Weibo is already very popular on the Internet. , "In these days, there is no 'bib', so I'm really embarrassed to say hello to people!" is the slogan of Quandong Weibo.

Scarf, that is, Weibo.

Those celebrity artists and the brokerage companies behind them are actually paying more and more attention to this platform. With the help of Huayang Group's network resources, Huayu has contacted many popular artists including film and television and music. It is also a new propaganda position to make money. Those celebrity artists and their brokerage companies were also happy, and the talks went smoothly, and the cooperation could be said to be a hit.

Similarly, in the new communication tools of new media, countless grassroots heroes will also be created, from obscurity to new disseminator, often only overnight and with a few words.

Supporting grassroots heroes is also an important strategy of Quandong Weibo. Giving traffic support and care can also let more ordinary people see that grassroots also have opportunities for counterattacks, so they have greater motivation to participate.


Fang Hong sat alone in the leisure area, making tea comfortably.

He Xuan had been upstairs by herself for a while, and she didn't know what she was doing. Fang Hong didn't care, maybe she just moved in and the novelty hadn't faded.

After all, for Hexuan, this is the first time in her life that she has lived in such a luxurious mansion, unlike Fang Hong whose threshold has long been raised, and Fang Hong can go from being frugal to being extravagant, and from being extravagant. Rujian is a person who can still maintain a normal state of mind even if he lives in a thatched cottage.

At this moment, Hexuan came down from upstairs slowly, walked slowly to the leisure area, and then sat in the glass hanging basket.


He Xuan stared at Fang Hong who was sitting on the sofa in the leisure area, her voice was a little crisp and charming, like a warbler's cry, full of joy.

Hearing the sound, Fang Hong immediately turned his head to look at the glass hanging basket. Seeing He Xuan smiling charmingly, Fang Hong sized her up and said in a daze, "It's obviously a crane, but you want to pretend to be a fox... "

It turned out that she stayed upstairs in silence for so long because she was carefully cosplaying the fox demon Daji.

At this time, Hexuan is wearing an ancient Chinese costume, a blue silk gauze skirt, a blue apron and a silk blouse, a pretty face with a little powder and red eye makeup.

He Xuan stared at Fang Hong, her red lips parted slightly, and she exhaled like blue. She slightly tilted her head to the right and looked at Fang Hong from the corner of her eyes to the left. Lingering sound.

Such a scene is like the reincarnation of Daji who charms all living beings.

Fang Hong put down his teacup, got up and walked towards Hexuan. In this broad daylight, when the world is bright and bright, this fox demon dares to be so arrogant and blatantly provocative, and must be suppressed forcefully.

Fang Hong, who had hidden weapons in her body, decisively sacrificed the magic weapon to suppress this evildoer, but she was not afraid of its power, and she showed her sharpness and faced the enemy head-on.

For a moment, I only heard loud voices that didn't touch the ground, and saw a thunderous disturbance at Linmen.

Time is flying by, every inch of time is an inch of precision, and an inch of precision is hard to bury an inch of time.

The lingering butterfly dances from time to time, and the free-spirited warbler sings.


At the same time, an event venue in the center of the new city, where the awards ceremony for the first domestic "Micro Fiction" competition is being held, 42 of the 50 winners came, and eight of them were absent, all of whom were on the list of outstanding awards .

Quantum Beat also invited more than 30 media and newspaper reporters to the event site to report, but in the end only a dozen came.

Xu Jingren also listened to Fang Hong's suggestion and invited the leaders of Xincheng University to present awards to the winners. Leaders are usually very happy with this kind of thing, and they don't need too much trouble to show off. Leaders are naturally happy , which is equivalent to representing the recognition of a well-known university.

It was a vice president of Xincheng University who came to present the awards to the winners. The award ceremony was also very ceremonial. It was only a certificate of award, and an additional trophy was designed for the first prize.

It is worth mentioning that during the awarding period, only award certificates are issued, and there is no big sign stating the amount of the bonus. It seems so vulgar for literati to put money on the table.

Just send the money to the winners in private, anyway, everyone knows about the lottery.

With the successful conclusion of the award ceremony, the winners, the sponsor and the vice president of Xincheng University took a group photo together, and then the winners received corresponding awards according to their respective rankings.

The first prize is limited to 1 place, with a cash reward of 100,000 RMB; the second prize is limited to 5 places, with a cash reward of 30,000 RMB per person; the third prize is limited to 10 places, with a cash reward of 10,000 RMB per person. Excellent The award is limited to 34 places, and each person will be rewarded with an iPhone worth around 4,000 to 5,000 yuan.

Eight winners of the Excellence Award were absent, and if they did not come to receive the award, the prize would be lost.

If you don’t come, you won’t get a prize. It’s considered as a waiver of receiving the prize, and it won’t be mailed. This is to prevent the winners from being lazy.

In the evening, the winners had dinner together to enjoy a sumptuous dinner, which was also full of ritual. Everyone didn't know each other at first, but they got together by chance, and many of them also made friends.

With the end of the dinner, most of the winners posted on Weibo to share the prizes, award certificates, photos of the on-site activities, write about their feelings about participating in the award ceremony, etc., and shared them on their Weibo accounts.

Quantum Microblog also released a group photo of the event on its official blog account, which attracted heated discussions among netizens from all walks of life.

Group photos are very interesting and one of the hot topics of discussion, because some people are dressed more formally, some are dressed down-to-earth, they look uneven, and even group photos are a bit funny, but this just brings them closer to the general public. It was also talked about and ridiculed by netizens who eat melons.

That night, some netizens soon discovered that there were some changes in the Weibo accounts of the 50 winners of this micro-fiction contest, that is, these accounts had a unique authentication label: the first prize of the first micro-fiction contest /Second Class/Excellence Award Winner.

With this certification label, the prize winners' cherishment of their account has skyrocketed. What is this called?


None of the friends around me use Weibo, only I have such a unique certification label, I feel more face in an instant, and I undoubtedly get great spiritual satisfaction.

Quantum Weibo certified 50 winners today, which also indicates that the big V certification mechanism that has been prepared for a long time will be launched soon.


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