My Fintech Empire

Chapter 140 [Little Expert]

As this controversial topic continued to escalate on the Weibo platform, Xu Jingren checked Weibo at around 22:30 in the evening and discovered this matter. Seeing that the controversial topic was the boss's woman and it was negative, he immediately called The call was given to Fang Hong, and as soon as the call was connected, he asked, "Boss, have you checked Weibo?"

"What's the matter?" Fang Hong just went to the master bedroom to lie down and get ready for sleep, when He Xuan was taking a bath and didn't know anything about what happened on Weibo.

"Your girlfriend Hexuan has become popular on the Weibo platform, but it's very negative, you can see for yourself." Xu Jingren on the other end of the phone replied.

Hearing this, while Fang Hong was on the phone, he saw Hexuan's mobile phone was placed on the pillow beside the bed, so he picked it up and logged into Weibo to check it out. After a while, Xu Jingren heard a voice: "Boss, have you checked?"

Fang Hong said succinctly: "I'm watching."

After a while, Xu Jingren asked: "How about I call the company, cool down the current limit, and quickly cover this matter?"

Fang Hong immediately said without hesitation: "Why limit the traffic? No, such a good controversial topic and hot spot can stimulate user activity, and it can also attract traffic and new users from external sites, which is a good thing for the platform. By the way, teach her a good lesson, kill two birds with one stone."

The boss said so, Xu Jingren naturally had nothing to say, and immediately returned the phone with a smile: "As expected of the boss, the structure is very comparable, well, I really don't care, let the topic ferment on its own." huh?"

Fang Hong nodded and replied, "Well, don't worry about it."

As soon as he hung up the phone, He Xuan entered the bedroom wearing a bath towel, Fang Hong saw her relaxed and carefree look, and knew that she must not have realized that something had happened to her.

At this time, He Xuan saw Fang Hong staring at her without saying a word, thinking that he was attracted by the appearance of her just out of the bath, and then walked slowly to him, and opened her hands as if coquettishly begging for a hug. The bath towel slides down to the floor along the concave and convex curves as if there is no resistance.

Looking at the beautiful scenery in front of him, Fang Hong said calmly, "You are popular on Weibo. Thousands of netizens are arguing about you on Weibo."

He Xuan, who heard this, couldn't help being stunned, tilting her head slightly, with a look of doubt on her face: "Huh?"

Fang Hongyan said succinctly: "Go to Weibo and check it out yourself."

With a touch of curiosity, Hexuan immediately picked up her mobile phone and looked at Weibo. After swiping Weibo for a few minutes, a confused expression gradually appeared on her face. She never thought that she just changed to a Ferrari F50 and drove to school. , it will become like this.

At this time, Hexuan stared at her phone without saying a word, watching a large number of topics related to her on the Weibo platform, some criticized, some supported, some directly scolded, and some were reasonable as peacemakers .

[The actual conditions in foreign countries are different from ours. The distance between their home and school is very far, and it is more convenient to drive. I think it is better for students to be simple and simple. I miss the simplicity of the primary school days, simple clothes and simple thoughts. ]

Seeing this comment, Hexuan looked at it and said to herself: "Jingxinju is far away from Xinda University, okay? It's more than 10 kilometers. When the road conditions are bad, it may not be able to catch up in half an hour." to school."

[It is undeniable that driving a private car to school in real life has a feeling of "superiority". However, in the school environment, this kind of "superiority" may not be a good thing for students, because this sense of superiority may make You get out of the social circle around you, and I think that has a negative effect on human interaction. ]

Hexuan replied again: "I don't care about ineffective socializing and wasting energy."

[Economic capacity permits, college students don't have to make a fuss about driving a private car to school. Just like college students used mobile phones in the past, isn't it popular now? I think driving to school is the future development trend. Schools are getting farther and farther away from urban areas, and there are more and more private cars. ]

Satisfied, He Xuan clicked this comment.

[Personally, I do not support college students driving private cars to school, especially driving such a luxury car. If my classmates drive to school by themselves, it is easy to cause comparisons and inferiority complex among other classmates. This will have a negative impact on both the classmates who drive and the students around them. ]

Hexuan immediately complained, "Is it the other person's fault for my poor mentality? I can also say that this can also motivate students to work hard and pursue a better life. Only by working hard can the country's economy grow rapidly. Isn't that bad?"

[I will not buy a car for my daughter before she graduates from college, it is too superior and not good for her growth. ]

He Xuan replied, "That's your daughter's problem."

[As far as my own situation is concerned, it is still necessary to drive to school by myself. I am a commuter student, and the school is in a far suburb, and I also opened a small shop with my friends in the urban area, and I often have to go to the urban area. The car is very inconvenient. They are already adults, and they only need to complete the formalities, obey the traffic rules and pay attention to safety when driving to school. ]

He Xuan smiled and nodded her praise.

[Now that cars have gradually become the means of transportation for the public, it is not uncommon for college students to drive. Driving a private car to school can only be regarded as a product of the gradual popularization of new means of transportation. Should this be regarded as social progress? I think it is progress. Maybe driving to school will be the same as cycling to school in a few years. ]

Satisfied, Hexuan clicked the button again.

[It is normal for families with conditions to drive a private car to school. My school is far away from the urban area, and it is very inconvenient to go back and forth. Driving to school by myself can save a lot of time, and travel is relatively free. I feel that if there is an idle car at home, it is a waste not to drive it. If there is only one car, it is a waste of money to drive to school. ]

Hexuan nodded again and said with a smile, "That's right, who let me have a treasured boyfriend? It's not bad. Putting a few cars in the garage is a waste."

[Students nowadays are young and energetic, love to play cool, love to play a twenty-five-stringed cymbal, and often drive very fast. Most of the learning in driving school is fast, and safety is the most important thing. ]

He Xuan was unhappy and replied selfishly: "Thank you for your concern. Although I am a girl, I am not the street killer you think. I cherish my life more than you."

After continuing to look at it for a while, He Xuan threw the phone aside and turned to look at Fang Hong. Fang Hong, who had witnessed the whole process, also looked at her blankly and said, "Unexpectedly, you are still a little expert at hating people."

At this time, Hexuan's legs were in a duck sitting position, her hands were naturally hanging down, and her arms were squeezed inward from both sides, giving a feeling of choppy waves. Hexuan and Fang Hong looked at each other and smiled coquettishly, with With a touch of playfulness, he said, "I am nothing compared to you..."

Fang Hong was curious: "How do you say that?"

Seeing his puzzled look, Hexuan immediately put on a serious face and groaned: "If you really want to talk about hating people, you have to know how to hate people, and when you start to hate people, you are the kind who will make people hate you so much. It can even kill people to death."

Fang Hong: "It's not that..."

Hexuan tilted her head slightly and thought for a moment, and then she continued to analyze seriously: "And when you are angry with someone, you can sum it up in one word, violent! Very violent, but, Although it is particularly violent, it is not the kind of recklessness, but in a unique gentle and fast rhythm, people feel a strength that can melt distance."

Fang Hong: "Uh..."

Hexuan looked at Fang Hong again and added with a smile: "In short, your technical content in stalking people is really high, and I also like to see how you slap people. You are really super handsome, super powerful, and I like it."

"Good guy..." Fang Hong, who was in a daze, couldn't help calling out good guy. It's the first time I've met someone as outstanding as He Xuan in two lifetimes. intolerable.

As she wished, Hexuan finally got mad at her.


After a long time, Fang Hong suddenly glanced at Hexuan and asked, "Looking at you, you don't seem to be worried about those comments that are unfavorable to you on the Internet. Are you not worried about being pushed to the forefront?"

He Xuan groaned nonchalantly: "The mouth grows on other people, and they can't stop it. It's just some gossip. Besides, I didn't steal, rob, or break the law. What should I worry about? As for those who scolded me online , and those who criticize me from a moral high point are actually just jealous that they don't have a man who spoils others like you."

As she spoke, He Xuan looked at Fang Hong with a face full of happiness, her beautiful eyes full of admiration and satisfaction.

Fang Hong couldn't help being dumbfounded when he heard her words. Whether she said it deliberately to please her or felt it spontaneously, it was not a bad thing for him.


(Ps: Continue to report the latest data. As of the update of this chapter, 1979 orders have been ordered, and there are still 21 orders to reach the 2000 mark.)

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