My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1546 [Using nuclear power ships to control Yue Nan]

The size of the nuclear power generation ship is roughly the same as that of the 25,000TEU container ship, but the displacement is only about 70% of the latter, but it still reaches the rather exaggerated 175,000-ton level.

You know, this nuclear power ship is equivalent to moving a nuclear power plant directly onto a ship.

Only people from Dongda dare to think about this kind of thing, dare to do it, and do it.

Foreign colleagues in the shipbuilding industry were shocked when they learned that people from Dongda University were doing this kind of operation. They were even more shocked when they learned that it was successful and called it crazy.

Nuclear power plants play a huge role and have many application scenarios. They can support the emergency power supply needs of domestic coastal cities.

It has a very good optimization effect on the deployment of national energy. For example, some coastal cities suddenly have a sharp surge in demand for power supply, but it is not normal. After this stage, the demand for power supply may not be so high.

Faced with such a situation, it is not cost-effective to expand a power station, which will cause a huge waste of energy and social resources. Without expansion, the current short-term surge in demand cannot be solved.

But if there are mobile nuclear power plants at sea such as nuclear power ships, wherever there is additional emergency power supply demand, the supply of emergency power resources can be achieved by driving the nuclear power ship over, which greatly optimizes the overall energy structure configuration.

For another example, if some emergencies cause a power outage in a large coastal city, nuclear power ships can also show their power.

Its role is not limited to these scenarios. For Dongda, nuclear power ships can also play the role of super nanny in the Nanhai. Dongda is reclamating and building islands in the Nanhai. Energy supply is a big problem.

With large, mobile nuclear power treasures such as nuclear power ships at sea, energy support can be provided flexibly.

"There is still a lot of resistance to the overseas promotion of nuclear power ships. After all, it is a new thing. Many people dare not try to be the first in the world. But the most important thing is that the maggots secretly create obstacles and use safety issues such as nuclear leakage and radiation to make big problems. Make a fuss.”

The head of the shipyard, Fang Hong, talked about this issue. At this moment, he and Fang Hong were in an office. They had come indoors from the dock platform ten minutes ago, and they were talking about important matters behind closed doors.

After hearing this, Fang Hong thought for a while and said in a deep voice: "We are the only shipping company in the world that is engaged in civilian nuclear-powered ships today. Our technology is unique in the world and can allow our country to dominate the field of civilian ships. No matter what the obstruction is, we must fight back. Nuclear-powered ships must become the mainstream of the future shipping industry, and any obstruction must be eliminated.”

At this time, Fang Hong suddenly smiled and said slowly: "No one dares to try it first in the world, and it will happen soon."

These words made the head of the plant even more curious. Fang Hong looked at him and said with a smile: "I will find an opportunity to promote something later, cut off the power to Yuenan, and then let our nuclear power ship drive over. Provide emergency power to Vietnam.”

Vietnam has been importing electricity from Dongda since 2005. It imports billions of kilowatt-hours of electricity from Dongda every year. On this basis, it also imports from neighbors such as Laos. It does not want to be overly dependent on Dongda.

In fact, Vietnam's power gap still reaches 15 billion kilowatt hours.

The head of the Nuclear Power Shipbuilding Group couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he heard this. This power-off operation may be a bit damaging, but it must be very effective.

Fang Hong's thoughts at this moment were not only to find a reason to cut off power to Vietnam, but also to further operate from it, so that countries such as Laos would also cut off power supply to Vietnam, causing Vietnam's power gap to surge sharply.

It is forced to choose to find a solution for nuclear power ships.

"First, let's build the two nuclear power ships on the dock and put them into operation. The day they are put into operation will be the time to cut off the power to Vietnam." Fang Hong said lightly. He had this matter in mind, and the superiors also attached great importance to nuclear power ships. Promotion, this tactical cooperation will definitely work.

Once nuclear-powered ships in the civilian field become the mainstream in the future, no one will be able to rival Dongda in this industry. With the first-mover advantage, new norms and new standards will undoubtedly be formulated by Dongda.

And this is a typical heavy industry, a high-end industry, and a labor-intensive industry.

Just for the manufacturing of a ship on the dock platform outside, hundreds of millions of companies, large and small, are involved, creating thousands of jobs.

Fang Hong said: "Electricity is an important infrastructure for the development of industry. This time we will further control Vietnam from the aspect of electricity. While pushing for nuclear power ships, we will dump their electricity and purchase our nuclear power." It’s okay to cut the price of ship power by 50%, but the result I want is to destroy the local power company in Vietnam.”

Data shows that Vietnam's annual electricity consumption last year was about 227 billion kilowatt-hours, which is equivalent to the annual power generation of 10 first-generation nuclear power ships. In other words, it only takes about two nuclear power ships to defeat the country. Vietnam’s local power company.

Adding two more nuclear power ships will definitely defeat it. The annual power generation of the four nuclear power ships is equivalent to about 40% of Vietnam's electricity consumption last year.

At this time, the head of the shipyard said: "But having said that, Yuenan wants to get rid of its dependence on northern power. How could they not protect their local power company and let us enter Yuenan to start dumping electricity?"

Fang Hongyun said calmly: "This is not up to him. Doing business internationally must be analyzed and judged based on geographical factors. What is the geographical location of Vietnam? In the future, if the maggots are driven out of the Asia-Pacific, will he still live without bowing to the north? "

Fang Hong then said: "There is no need to wait until the Magnesium Grasshoppers are driven out of Asia Pacific. Before that, we will clearly tell Yue Nan that we plan to get the Magnesium Grasshoppers out of Asia Pacific. Which side do you plan to stand on? Do you want to mess with the Magnesium Grasshoppers or with us? If you want to mess with the Magnesium Grasshoppers, I will wipe you out."

Hearing the words of the big boss, the head of the shipyard was speechless for a moment: "Uh..."

Fang Hong sat back in the chair and said lightly: "Too far away from the old Magnesium, too close to us. If we show our cards, Yue Nan will not dare to say that he stands with the Magnesium Grasshoppers even if he has ten thousand guts. Well, since you are messing with us, you have to pay a pledge of allegiance. It's not that you just express your position and we will believe it. Open up your electricity market for us to enter. This is one of your pledges of allegiance."

In the future, about 70% of the electricity consumption of Yue Nan in the entire country will be supplied by nuclear power ships.

A major feature of nuclear power ships is their mobility. Unlike traditional power plants, which cannot be moved once they are built and can be forcibly confiscated by others if something happens, nuclear power ships can be driven away directly.

Once the power is turned off and driven away, 70% of the power supply will be lost suddenly, which is absolutely a catastrophic accident for a modern industrial country. On the other hand, only electricity can control Yue Nan, and he will never dare to rebel.

Only by opening up the power market and letting Dongda control it can we believe that you are following me and will not be indecisive and jump back and forth.

... (End of this chapter)

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