My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1547 [Nuclear power ship enters the Middle East]

Fang Hong spent about half a day at the Nuclear Power Ship Group Company, and got the latest understanding of the development of the company's nuclear-powered ultra-large container ships and nuclear-powered power generation ships.

There is no doubt that this must be another trump card representing the high-end industrial manufacturing of the Eastern power.

Globally, there is only one company, no semicolon.

Even if we look at the next ten years, it is unlikely that foreign shipbuilding companies will be able to use nuclear power on civilian ships, even the Magnesium Grassland people cannot do it, although the Magnesium Grassland people have nuclear-powered aircraft carriers early on.

Because the standards for civilian and military use are completely different, just like the commercial-grade chips in high-end mobile phones, the technical integration content is much higher than that of military chips. Not only are the standards different, but the different usage scenarios of the two determine the different focuses.

This is also the reason why domestic large-scale military transport aircraft have long been able to be independently produced and manufactured, but large civilian aircraft have not made breakthroughs until recent years.

In the foreseeable future, nuclear-powered container ships will definitely profoundly change the market structure in the fields of civilian shipbuilding and ocean shipping.

The Eastern giant's enterprise is now the only one that has mastered the technology, which seems a bit like the hydrogen energy promoted by Xiaorizi back then. In the end, no one played with hydrogen energy, resulting in the technical patent barriers of various hydrogen energy established by Xiaorizi becoming a decoration.

What is certain is that the European magnesium people will definitely boycott nuclear-powered container ships collectively, because the European magnesium people do not have this technology. If they have mastered this technology and are ahead of the Eastern giant, they will definitely blow it up and promote it vigorously.

Just like advocating environmental protection, energy conservation, and advocating new energy industries in the past, these industries were far behind the European magnesium people in the past, so they kept blowing it up, and created a carbon emission to curb the industrial development of the Eastern giant.

But in recent years, I haven't heard the European magnesium people blowing up new energy, photovoltaic wind power, and new energy vehicles, because the Eastern giant has achieved a gorgeous turn from lagging behind to overtaking in these fields. They not only lost their advantages, but fell behind.

Nuclear power on civilian ships, the European magnesium people do not have this technology, so there is no need to think about it, and they will definitely attack and smear it.

However, the Eastern powers are not living a simple life. Moreover, the comprehensive national strength of the Eastern powers today is not comparable to that of 10 or 20 years ago. With nuclear power on civilian ships, Dongda can directly start a new business with a group of non-magnesium Western brothers. Now it is also planning in this direction.

Those non-magnesium Western brothers are basically resource-based countries, while Dongda is the world's largest industrial manufacturing country. The two sides have highly complementary attributes, which means they have the market foundation and a very large scale.

And these brothers will definitely not be as nagging as the European and American people. Basically, Dongda tells you how to make the standards, and you just draft them. Our brothers close their eyes and sign them, and it's done. The big brother will take you to fly, what else do you want...

For these high-end things, the little brothers have a low level of education, and they can't figure it out by themselves.

Of course, they close their eyes and sign directly, waiting for the big brother to take them to fly, otherwise what else can they do?

When the new system and standards are formed, it will be impossible to provide supporting infrastructure for the traditional shipping industry, because it costs a lot of money.

Let the younger brothers spend more money to repeat the traditional broken ship for you. No matter how low their education level is, they can still calculate this account. They will only let you use nuclear-powered ships and use this set of standards. If you don’t use it, they would rather not do business with you.

By then, the West will have to join this new system obediently, and they will have to beg to get on board.

If they don’t come, it means that the other market with a population of more than 6 billion has nothing to do with them. With their own population of less than 1.5 billion, they can’t play behind closed doors and have sustainable circular development capabilities.

Fang Hong visited the Nuclear Power Ship Group Company and learned that the company contacted the door-to-door sales solution as soon as the news of the Qatar power outage was reported.

It is said that this power outage is very serious, and the fastest repair will take two or three months. If there is another problem, it may take five months to fix it.

Someone from Dongda contacted us and said that they could provide emergency power supply services to Qatar within 20 days. Qatar could not find a better solution for a while, so they accepted the solution provided by the Nuclear Power Ship Group.

Just the day before Fang Hong came to the company, the only nuclear power ship that was launched and could be put into operation had already rushed to the Persian Gulf.

Nowadays, large ocean-going cargo ships or oil tankers with a capacity of more than 100,000 tons usually run at a speed of about 10 to 15 knots. It is not that they cannot run faster, but maintaining a lower speed can reduce fuel consumption and save shipping costs.

After all, making money is the most important thing for civilian merchant ships, which is different from military ships.

And the all-electric nuclear power ship that is rushing past Qatar, this super monster with a capacity of more than 170,000 tons is moving at a maximum speed of 35 knots, which can be called a land heavy truck racing.

This is quite exaggerated. How much power does it take to push a 170,000-ton monster so fast?

Colleagues in the industry should know this is a terrifying pace. If traditional cargo ships sail at full speed, their fuel consumption will soar. However, this nuclear power ship is sailing at a speed of 35 knots, and its electricity consumption cost is almost the same as the fuel consumption cost of traditional giant oil tankers that maintain a low speed.

The 25,000TEU container ship under the Nuclear Power Ship Group uses the same power system as this nuclear power ship. The former has a slower speed. When fully loaded with cargo, it can guarantee a maximum speed of 30 knots throughout the journey without any problems.

There is no doubt that the advancement of this technology is a ruthless dimensionality reduction attack on traditional civilian cargo ships and tankers.

For example, this nuclear power ship that is heading to the Persian Gulf is sailing at a speed of 35 knots. The journey from Dongda to the Persian Gulf is about 6,000 nautical miles. In other words, it only takes about a week to drive from Dongda into the Persian Gulf and reach Qatar's doorstep.

Traditional cargo ships and tankers take about 15 to 20 days, and 25,000TEU container ships are slower than nuclear power ships and only take about one day longer.

The energy consumption cost is the same, and the time is shortened by 1.5 times. This is a complete dimensionality reduction attack at the technical level. Traditional cargo ships have no chance to compete with such nuclear-powered cargo ships.

Friday, April 3.

The nuclear power ship officially entered the Persian Gulf and docked smoothly at 11 a.m. local time.

It is worth mentioning that before this super monster ship entered the Persian Gulf, it was already being watched by the European Mei people, especially the Mei Gu people. In fact, after the announcement of the ship's going to Qatar was released, the European Mei people paid close attention.

"Hou Lixie! This is impossible! This is absolutely impossible!"

At this time, a Mei Gu colleague who was engaged in the shipbuilding field was watching the news of the nuclear power ship successfully docked at the port on the Arab Al Jazeera TV station. His face was full of shock and disbelief: "How could it arrive in Qatar within a week? Even an aircraft carrier can't be so fast!"

You know, the maximum speed of the Ford-class aircraft carrier of the European Mei is about 30 knots, according to media reports.

At this moment, the moment this super giant nuclear power ship from the East entered the Persian Gulf, it became the focus of attention of all the heroes in the Middle East, because this giant ship was really too eye-catching.

... (End of this chapter)

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