My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1552 [Prices soared, Amei's Volkswagen moved to Bengbu]

As the world's factory, Dongda's export products have increased in price, and the export prices of many daily chemical products that can be replaced have also increased.

As a result, many foreign trade companies have found that the scale of exports has not been affected.

In fact, the demand on the foreign trade side has become much stronger, because foreign buyers are worried that prices will increase later, but they have placed more orders.

Why do many daily chemical products dare to increase prices?

The answer is simple. Now Dongda's production is the only one in the world that is not affected. At least in the next one to two years, Dongda can only be found to import products.

After tasting the sweetness, export companies are very happy, and more and more people are following the increase.

This time, export companies are quite united and have a tacit understanding of price increase, rather than expanding production to get more orders to expand profits.

It's not that they have a great awareness, nor are they necessarily so united, but they have calculated the account and the result is that it is most appropriate to increase prices.

Because the current time node is special, it is in the face of the mask issue, but this black swan will always retreat one day.

Business owners also have to consider that if they blindly expand production now, what if the impact of the black swan fades away soon, and there are not so many orders afterwards, or if the peers suddenly reduce prices and are caught off guard, the money invested blindly may be lost.

After weighing several times, it is the smallest risk not to blindly expand production and raise prices.

If the price goes up, the profit will also expand, and if something unexpected happens later, if the wind direction changes, just adjust the price back.

However, if you blindly invest in expanding production, you may not be able to recover the investment cost at that time.

As time goes by, the impact of the price increase of products on the foreign trade export side gradually begins to be transmitted. In May, the masses in the west of magnesium can't stand it anymore, especially the masses in northern magnesium. More and more people are starting to live in Bengbu.

Northern magnesium, Thursday, May 7.

In the afternoon local time, an old white man in magnesium sat in the driver's seat of his pickup truck. He took out a mobile phone and opened the Tik-Tok software, and then started recording a short video.

After a while, the old white man started to yell at the front camera of his phone:

"Why is everything so expensive now? Why? Four years ago, my rent in a luxury apartment building was $1,000 a month, and now it's a damn $1,900, and it doesn't even include utilities!!"

My buddies always mention Wang Defa, and every three sentences they mention Ma Defa.

"I went to the grocery store yesterday and bought three bags of potato chips, some ground turkey and some vegetables, and the price was $75!" The old white man yelled angrily at the camera: "Why? What's going on?"

After a moment of thinking and seeming to recall, the old white man said again: "My car insurance has been from four years ago to now, no tickets, no damage, and my driver's license record is also clean, but it has increased from $130 per month to $250 now. Damn, why???"

"Three years ago, my electricity bill averaged $45, and now it averages $135. Hou Lixie——!" He continued angrily: "You can't even buy dipping sauce for less than $10 now. A jar of dipping sauce costs $10. Damn, who can tell me what's going on?"


The general and sharp rise in prices finally made the lower-class masses in Amei unbearable, because the increase was too obvious, and the cost of living increased significantly, and it was visibly rising.

Moreover, at this time, many people lost their jobs, had no work to do, and were even affected by the mask issue. The cost of living here suddenly soared sharply. It was like a house leaking in the rain, and I suddenly lived in Bengbu.

This old white man is a microcosm of the general public in Beijing. He recorded this video and posted it online. It was accidentally seen by netizens from Dongda and moved to China, and put on a translator, and became a little famous.

For a time, it also attracted domestic netizens to watch and discuss.

[You will get used to it slowly, it’s okay (Shiba Inu/jpg)]

[Why not choose zero-yuan purchase... (manually funny)]

[It’s nothing. In the eyes of some Beijing fans, these are very cheap. ]

[Wow, one month is equal to the annual insurance premium of our low-end car. This buddy’s car has an annual insurance premium of 3,000 dollars? ]

[Is inflation in Amerikar going to explode? Overestimated, it can’t bear it in just over a month? ]

[They have enjoyed global welfare for too long, and now they can’t enjoy it anymore. Instead, they are anxious and happy. ]

[The direct manifestation of inflation, the consequences of giving out free money are here. All the money will eventually return to the hands of capital in another way. They also angered God K at this critical juncture. Now you will have a hard time. ]

[When you get white-collar money, you are ecstatic, but when the price goes up, you are hysterical. The free lunch is twice the cost of the lunch the next day. ]

[What’s the problem? When people are poor, they should live frugally. It’s that simple. Why do they still buy potato chips and dip? ]

[In their perspective, these are just home-cooked dishes. ]

[It’s not just A-Mei. Prices in all countries and regions that are denominated in US dollars or indirectly denominated in US dollars are skyrocketing! ]

[Is A-Mei’s car insurance so cheap? ]

[Look carefully, he said it’s monthly, which is 3,000 dollars a year, which is equivalent to 21,000 RMB. ]

[This is the relatively normal price for you to make money from the United States. The days of sucking blood from the world are almost over. ]

[Though things are expensive, the air is sweet...(Shiba Inu.jpg]

[Your Federal Reserve's nuclear-powered money printing machine has been printing non-stop for decades. How can there not be inflation? You have been so happy for decades, and now you deserve some retribution.]

[Decoupling and the return of manufacturing have violated economic laws. Enterprise costs have risen and the costs have been passed on to consumers. To be honest, this world can leave Magnesium, but it cannot leave the manufacturing center of Dongda.]

[The simplest truth is that we have to stand up. We don't have the mood or the wealth to harvest for you, so you just lie down, enjoy, and pay for your global blood sucking for the past few decades!]

[Art students have given speeches, but you don't go to see them yourself, and you are still here why, why, why, why the hell are you?]

[Originally, Dongda provided cheap goods, and you lived a happy life while Lao Magnesium Finance harvested the world. As a result, you bullied us every day. This time I won't indulge you. Without cheap products, isn't it normal for prices to rise?]


As the data for April came out, A-Mg also They moved to Bengbu because inflation was soaring too fast, far beyond their expectations.

Although it was not to the point of being pulled up, the speed of this surge was indeed a bit scary. Now the dissatisfaction of thousands of ordinary people in Amei is also visibly soaring, and the terrible thing is that this year happened to be the year of the general election.

At this time, Dongwangye's opponents did not miss this great opportunity to take advantage of the opportunity to attack, attacking Dongwang's team for ruining the economy of North Mei.

However, their internal attacks on each other are one thing, but their attitude towards Dongda is surprisingly consistent, and Zaiang obviously can't hold it anymore, and needs to beg Dongda to stop his magic, but he still has to put on a tough attitude, and he doesn't look like he's begging for help at all.

At this juncture, Amei launched an offensive in the public opinion field again, putting the blame on Dongda, claiming that the global price surge is all to blame for Dongda, and that it has an unshirkable responsibility and must be held responsible for it.

Moreover, Amei also pulled a few of the Western brothers of Amei to speak out together, trying to put pressure on Dongda in this way to make it compromise.

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