My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1553 [Quite explosive import and export trade data in April]

As the public opinion field once again started a game, domestic public intellectuals and big Vs also began to cooperate and work hard.

However, Fang Hong did not indulge at all. Amei put on a very steely posture, and Fang Hong's response was even more steely. On Friday, May 8, he updated a latest short dynamic blog post on his personal social media account:

[I think there should be no one on this planet who really wants to turn the world factory into a world arsenal, right? The whole world should be grateful that power is in the hands of real civilization. 】

Fang Hong posted this dynamic Weibo, and this short sentence immediately caused a huge wave.

Play is play, and make a fuss is a fuss. Turning the world factory into a world arsenal, no one dares to imagine what the consequences will be. This is the rhythm of flattening the world.

This sentence has a great deterrent power. Today, Fang Hong has become the recognized number one hardliner in Dongda. He is so tough that all kinds of Western people can't do anything to him, and his words are also very important.

At the end of March, Fang Hong said that the price would increase, and now it has increased. Seeing that the inflation in Amei's family is soaring, this undoubtedly makes his words more weighty and must not be taken lightly.

Although Fang Hong's voice only represents himself, he is not a research-oriented expert or scholar. He has the energy to promote the implementation of some things. The current price increase of export products is a living example.

After his Weibo post was released, it really had a great deterrent effect. The few younger brothers that Amei had pulled up to create momentum did not dare to say a word later.

Because Amei did not say anything else, Amei also realized that this kind of provocation was useless and might even be used as an excuse by Fang Hong.

But in the final analysis, it is still the foundation of Dongda today that is there, otherwise Fang Hong's words would not have much deterrent power. The world factory has become the world arsenal, which is not a joke.

Fang Hong posted this Weibo, and the meaning expressed in this passage is very straightforward.

I just raised the price, what can you do to me? You dare not confront head-on. As long as I don't take you seriously, all your provocations are just jokes.

When the domestic public saw K's Weibo, they almost all expressed that they were refreshed and satisfied. It must be said that in recent years, Fang Hong's increasingly tough attitude towards the West has also deeply affected the Chinese people.

Everyone's mentality is unprecedentedly confident, especially the younger generation, especially the young people born in the 2000s.

Now people look at A-Mei with a level mentality, and some people even look down on her, because in recent years, A-Mei's weakness is almost visible to the naked eye.

But this is another survivor bias. Only the people of the Eastern powers will feel that A-Mei's weakness is visible to the naked eye.

If people from another country look at A-Mei, A-Mei's national power is not only not weakened, but is in its heyday, with flowers blooming, fire boiling oil, unique in the world, and no one can defeat it.

Public opinion generally believes that the peak of AMG was in 2000. If we remove the University of Tokyo, in another parallel world without the University of Tokyo, the world's top three GDPs in 2000 were AMG with 9.82 trillion US dollars, Xiaori with 4.76 trillion US dollars, and Xiaode with 1.87 trillion US dollars.

By 2019, the top three GDPs in the world were AMG with 21.39 trillion US dollars, Xiaori with 5.13 trillion US dollars, and Xiaode with 3.89 trillion US dollars.

After 20 years, the absolute value of the economic level of Xiaori and Xiaode, which ranked second and third, is less than half of that of AMG. The gap with AMG is getting bigger and bigger, and AMG's advantage is getting bigger and bigger. How can this be called weakness? It is definitely in its heyday, unrivaled in the world, and unparalleled in national strength.

This is just in the economic field, such as the important indicator of measuring national strength, military level.

Amei's progress is much faster than other Western countries. In terms of new ships launched every year, Amei can only compete with the Eastern powers, but compared with other countries, it still leads with an overwhelming advantage.

It is precisely because of this that there are still a group of younger brothers who think that Amei, the big brother, is still invincible in the world.

Because Amei holds the commanding heights of the global public opinion field, the younger brothers under his command overestimate Amei and seriously underestimate the Eastern powers, so they dare to bark wildly, but in fact they are ignorant and fearless.

On the other hand, it is the people of the Eastern powers who open their eyes to see the world, and they have always had the mentality of a great power since ancient times.

A group of people are racing, you let them run 100 meters first, you run faster than the first guy, and the distance between you two is getting closer and closer, so from your perspective, he is retreating, and the faster you run than him, he thinks he is retreating faster.

In a sense, the Eastern giant is equivalent to letting the West run ahead of China for 100 years, but the Eastern giant is now running faster than the first place, and the gap between the two is getting closer and closer. So from the perspective of the people of the Eastern giant, China is retreating. The faster they run than China, the faster China sees China decline.

On Monday, May 11, the General Administration of Customs announced the import and export data for April, which caused a huge sensation and directly exploded again.

The data showed that in April 2020, the total value of foreign trade imports and exports reached 4.51 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of +80.05%, of which the export value was 3.42 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of +163.07%, and the import value was 1.09 trillion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 10.2%, and the trade surplus was 2.33 trillion yuan, an increase of 19 times.

Directly refreshed all the records of April since the reform and opening up. Such data can only be described as explosive.

The superposition of the black swan impact and global production interruption, and the superposition of the price increase of 25%, made the trade surplus of 2.33 trillion yuan in April, the largest in history.

The relevant departments once hesitated whether to "optimize" the data before publishing it. It was really too scary. When the people in the family saw this data report, they were also shocked.

So they thought about whether to optimize it, but soon found that no matter how to optimize it, it was still scary, so they gave up the idea of ​​optimization.

Once the data was released, it caused a stir in the outside world again. Everyone was stunned and it was incredible.

In fact, people engaged in foreign trade know that the data in April will definitely be very eye-catching. After all, they are on the front line. They can feel whether the exports are good or not, but they did not expect it to be so explosive.

Many people engaged in foreign trade think that they are survivors of bias, but they did not expect that not only their business is good, but everyone's business is so prosperous.

In fact, the stock market has already reacted as early as the end of April.

From Wednesday, April 29 to Friday, May 8, the stock market has been rising for five consecutive days. The Xinzheng 50 Index rose by +1.31%, +0.50%, +1.52%, +0.73% and +0.05% respectively, closing at 5932.56 points.

The import and export data for April was released today, Monday. The stock market rose sharply at the moment of the release.

The Xinzheng 50 Index once again entered the 6,000-point mark today, breaking out of the six-day rising trend. It closed up +1.17% in the afternoon to 6,001.88 points, breaking out of the cumulative increase of +14.05% since the initial rise.

In the past few days, listed companies involved in export trade have all ushered in different degrees of surges.

This year's performance will definitely not be bad. Market participants generally raised their expectations, and investors also gave these companies higher valuations. The reflection in the stock price is that they have been out of a strong bull market in the past few days.

The import and export trade volume data for April was really explosive, with a monthly surplus of 2.33 trillion, which has never happened before.

You know, the trade surplus for the whole year of 2019 was only 3.57 trillion, and the monthly surplus in April this year accounted for more than 65% of the whole year of 2019.

It can be said that if the price does not increase, you don’t know how good it is!

When Amelika saw the import and export trade data for April released by Dongda, he was really angry, and his defense was broken again and again.

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