My Fintech Empire

Chapter 159 [Monthly expenditure of 10 million (9/10)]

Chapter 159 [Monthly expenditure of 10 million (910)]

Hua Yongming listened to his son's narration, and sighed softly: "His way of playing can only be said to be bold with high skills."

Hearing this, Hua Yu couldn't help but said, "Ever since Brother Fang got 1 billion in financing from us, which one of his layout decisions was not like this? And it's not just a bold person from Yigao? It's not an exaggeration to say he's a lunatic, but The key is that he wins every time, leaving you speechless, so the net assets of Qunxing Capital are already the size of two Huayang Groups."

Hua Yongming also nodded and said, "That's why this person is so scary."

Now the net asset value held by Qunxing Capital in the overseas capital market alone has surpassed that of Huayang Group, and it is an asset that can be liquidated at any time, and it can be done with one-click liquidation.

If Huayang Group wants to cash in, it will not be so easy.

After all, Huayang belongs to the category of industrial capital, while Qunxing is financial capital, and strong liquidity is a major feature of financial capital.

The current Hua Yongming is the unwavering stud Fang Hong. To him, consolidating the relationship with Fang Hong is overwhelming. This is what he regards as the key to Huayang Group and its family's further advancement.

In many cases, choices are far more important than hard work, especially the key choices at critical moments.


In the afternoon, stay in peace.

With a thin document in his hand, Yu Qiu walked from the living room on the first floor to the outdoor swimming pool. Fang Hong was swimming in the heated swimming pool at this moment. Seeing that he was about to come out of the pool, Yu Qiu immediately picked it up The towel that was set aside walked towards him.

"whats the matter?"

Fang Hong glanced at a document in her hand, took the towel she handed over, and walked into the mansion while wiping the water drops.

Yu Qiu also followed behind him. She knew that she was in the blind spot of Fang Hong's vision. When she saw the male employer coming up from the swimming pool, he was wearing a pair of underpants. I couldn't help but take a few more glances, as if I felt the masculine aura rushing towards my face, my eyes couldn't help flashing a bit of confusion, but this confusion disappeared in an instant.

After a while, Yu Qiu followed him into the room and said, "I have listed the daily expenses of Jingxin Residence, please see if there are any additions or adjustments."

Fang Hong looked back at Yu Qiu and said with a smile: "I don't like the name 'you'. You are in 1985 and I am in 1988. Although they are three years older than me in age, you can't call the boss your younger brother, right? My brother Hong."

Seeing Yu Qiu smiling sweetly, Fang Hong said calmly, "That's it?"

The beautiful butler nodded lightly.

Fang Hong handed her the towel by the way, took the notebook in her hand, sat down on the sofa in the indoor leisure area, and opened the notebook for a general overview.

Yu Qiu listed eight daily budgets for Jingxinju.

Villa maintenance budget 16,000 yuan/day; luxury car maintenance, insurance, fuel budget 8,000 yuan/day; entertainment budget 170,000 yuan/day; personal trainer budget 10,000 yuan/day; housekeeping budget 15,000 yuan/day; cleaning Service budget: 5,500 yuan/day; outdoor home maintenance budget: 3,200 yuan/day; private security budget: 11,500 yuan/day.

Fang Hong does not have assets such as vacation homes, private jets, and yachts, so naturally he will not have these expenses for the time being.

The eight expenditure budgets add up to an average of 239,200 yuan per day per day, which means that you have to spend so much money every day to maintain this luxury house, and the budgeted expenditure for a month is over 7 million yuan.

This is not counting the expenses for food and chef fees.

Fang Hong closed the notebook and put it aside, got up and left the leisure area, returned here after a while, and took a bank card.

"There is nothing to add and adjust, you have arranged it very well." Fang Hong handed the card to Yu Qiu and added: "Including food, the monthly expenditure budget should be 10 million."

"Okay." Yu Qiu took the bank card and nodded, which means that the annual expenditure is 120 million, and the expenditure for three years is enough to buy this villa.


Next day weekend.

Yu Qiu hired a group of housekeeping cleaners, including gardeners, to Jingxinju to maintain and clean up the inside and outside of the entire mansion. These people are not hired for a long time, they are all temporary, and they are directly paid on a daily basis.

As for domestic helpers, Yu Qiu is already recruiting them, but Hexuan's standards are too harsh, and she prefers shortages rather than excessive ones. It is estimated that it will be difficult to recruit all the required domestic helpers in a short period of time.

Many vacant houses in the villa have produced a lot of dust during this period of time, including indoor and outdoor swimming pools. Although the water has been changed many times, the walls of the pools have not been cleaned, and they were cleaned again this weekend. Including vegetation pruning in the villa.

In the afternoon, the cleaners finished their work, and after Yu Qiu settled the payment for them, they all left Jingxin Residence. The inside and outside of the mansion, including many vacant rooms, became spotless again.


The next day, Monday 20 April.

In the new week, A shares ushered in the first trading day of the week.

In today's market, the two cities opened slightly lower, opened rapidly for more than half an hour and then stepped back, and then began to fluctuate all the way higher, showing a unilateral upward trend.

After adjusting the A-share market for two days, the two major indexes hit new highs for the year again.

The underlying stocks held by Fang Hong were liquidated and withdrawn when they rushed higher and higher in the intraday today. A total of 3.2 percentage points of arbitrage, a net profit of 9.84 million yuan, and the size of the account assets reached 317.65 million yuan. Increased by 512806.06%, doubled by 5128 times.

After closing the position, there is still a period of time before the market closes.

Fang Hong knew that the market entered a stage of adjustment in late April, because the panic caused by the spread of swine flu to the whole world smashed the market into a hole. At present, only some of them have been found in Mexico and Laomei. Cases have not yet caused widespread panic in the market.

Undoubtedly, there are also opportunities in the crisis, and the concept stocks related to bird flu will inevitably change during the period under the impetus of emotions.

In fact, it is just to find a reason for the market to adjust and fall.

The market plummeted in the second half of this month, and the pullback of large stocks could not make a profit. Fang Hong decisively hid the bird flu concept stocks, and three codes immediately appeared in his mind: 600201, 600195 and 600513.

The codes of these three trading days are the bird flu concept stocks among the A-share listed companies, namely Jinyu Group, Zhongmu Stock and Lianhuan Pharmaceutical.

Fang Hong took a look at these three targets separately, and then eliminated Lianhuan Pharmaceutical. The first four consecutive Yin K lines of this ticket are going very badly, and they will continue to drop, and the capacity is not very good.

The two K-lines of Jinyu Group and Zhongmu Stock are doing well, and the volume is also good.

Fang Hong resolutely chose to enter the market to ambush these two stocks, but his current account has more than 300 million funds, and these two stocks still cannot bear it, so he can only enter the market secretly to ambush. Fortunately, the current big A has no Ten years later, everyone reacted so slowly, which gave Fang Hong time to ambush.

The stock of Jinyu Group once fell to -1.68% in early trading, but it was bought and bought by Fang Hong all the way. Even if it was a loose order, it still made this stock popular.

In the end, it closed up +0.79%. This ticket was sold for 119 million. Fang Hong struggled for a long time, and the funds he bought were less than 10% of the total position.

But fortunately, the current investors are not so quick to react, and the market is not so volatile, leaving Fang Hong with a window of several days, and he can also buy the expected position chips at that time.

Just do it slowly, anyway, in the next few days, there will be no arbitrage room for large-cap stocks.

As of the close, the two cities have come out of the shrinking and rising market. The Shanghai Index rose +2.14% to 2557.45 points, with a turnover of 140.5 billion; the Shenzhen Component Index rose +2.23% to 9793.64 points, with a turnover of 78.1 billion. The total volume of the two cities shrank 218.6 billion yuan.

The daily K-line of the two major indexes closed in Changyang and continued to hit new highs for the year. Investors in A shares are generally bullish, believing that the market adjustment is over and continue to attack.

However, when everyone was unanimously bullish on the market, the external market appeared negative that night, and the three major indexes in North America plummeted.

The Dow Jones fell -3.56%, the Nasdaq fell -3.88%, and the S\u0026P 500 fell -4.28%.

There are gossip rumors that the flash crash of the US stock market tonight is due to the spread of swine flu.

The retracement of the external market also caused the overseas stock assets held by Qunxing Capital to withdraw more than double the profit of the principal, which means that nearly 900 million US dollars have been evaporated, because the current long market is leveraging 30 times leveraged funds.

When it rises, it makes 30 times more profit than the market, and when it falls, it also loses 30 times more than others. However, the current floating profit of Qunxing Capital is rich enough. Even if the profit falls by double, the floating profit still reaches +691%, nearly 7 times the profit.

Unless the external market breaks through the strong rebound since March, Qunxing Capital may face the risk of liquidation. Although the drop seems to be very sharp and scary today, the overall trend is still not bad.

The big logical expectations have not changed, that is, the old US nuclear-powered money printing machine, abundant liquidity, and low capital costs. These fundamentals have not changed, and if they fall, they will soon pull up.


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