My Fintech Empire

Chapter 182 [Do you really want to play so big? 】

Fang Hong's Weibo account K3478 currently has more than 8 million followers and is steadily increasing.

If he posted blog posts as frequently as he did when he just registered this Weibo account, and analyzed the market, it is estimated that the number of fans now has broken through to tens of millions, and he has become a diamond big V blogger.

At present, there are only three bloggers with tens of millions of fans on the entire Weibo platform, and they are all celebrities.

But at this moment, Fang Hong's update soon attracted tens of thousands of fans to watch.

[Wow? Doing 500 million so quickly? ]

[Really, no matter whether the market goes up or down, it will not prevent the ancestors from making money...]

[More than 7900 times the rate of return, tsk tsk tsk...]

[You actually earned more than 5 points today? ]

[God K: Calm down, operate normally. ]

[Grandfather, please collect your supernatural powers, you have already made all the money in the market...(cover your face.jpg)]

[So envious...JPG]

[This income rate, I said before that I made 1 billion within the year, I feel conservative, and I feel that it may reach 1 billion next month]


Fang Hong updated the blog post without reading the comments, and sent it out with the organized semiconductor file planning materials to the headquarters of Ten Thousand Stars Capital.

At this moment, in Huayu's office.

"To build a whole semiconductor industry chain?" Hua Yu, who was browsing the materials, was also shocked. The materials in his hand were brought by Fang Hong. Hua Yu was also very surprised to learn that this was the content he sorted out yesterday.

Unexpectedly, the big BOSS is so familiar with the semiconductor industry chain. This file is too detailed, from semiconductor materials to semiconductor equipment, covering upstream wafer purification to downstream packaging and testing, including front-end EDA software.

It can be said that this is the most complete structural blueprint of the semiconductor industry chain.

Hua Yu read the material, put it aside, looked at Fang Hong and couldn't help but said, "Is it really going to be so big? If you want to build a whole semiconductor industry chain plan, I'm afraid it won't be able to beat hundreds of billions. "

This time I was really a little flustered. Although Huayu is not a senior practitioner in the semiconductor industry, he is not completely ignorant. He knows that semiconductors want to be independent, localized and reach a world-class level... ascend to heaven.

In this industry, the gap between domestic and foreign countries is not as simple as a star.

Moreover, due to the existence of Moore's Law in the semiconductor industry, the performance of chips will double almost every eighteen months, and the production cost will drop by half.

The biggest difference between the semiconductor industry and other industries is that it is an inverted pyramid structure. It is not the rarest thing that is the most expensive. A consumer-grade chip, the more advanced it is, the cheaper it is and the greater the production capacity.

The most advanced consumer-grade chips will quickly occupy the market, and its production capacity will be super huge. Because of the huge production capacity and large shipments, the cost will be shared equally, and a single chip will be cheaper, and it will become a mass consumer product that can be consumed. From now on, this is a positive upward spiral.

Conversely, the more backward the chip, because your chip performance is poor and backward, so no one buys it. Because no one buys it, the shipment volume cannot increase, the cost cannot be shared, and the more expensive it has to be sold, the more expensive it is. No one bought it or even gave it away, so it became a downward trend of negative spiral.

Therefore, an inverted pyramid pattern has emerged, which has also led to the formation of an oligopolistic pattern in the chip industry. No new players dare to come in to play, because they can’t afford it, and it is impossible to catch up for a while. Pessimists even think that semiconductors under Moore’s Law Industry, latecomers will never catch up.

And even if you managed to catch up, the giants in front of you immediately offered half the price, and you were crushed to death in minutes. You can't see the day of success, and no matter how much money you invest in, it will be in vain. Naturally, no one wants to really come here. Industry play.

Even if there are, most of them are liars, playing tricks.

But when Huayu saw the archives of the entire semiconductor industry chain, he knew that his immediate boss wanted to play for real.

Fang Hong said calmly: "If you can't beat 100 billion, then 200 billion, 300 billion, 500 billion, where does the money come from? Of course it is harvested from the stock market, mainly from Laomei. The semiconductor industry, so The future layout of China and Yu Qunxing Capital in the field of science and technology and high-end manufacturing is an unavoidable hurdle, and the early launch of the project earns time costs."

After pausing for a moment, Fang Hong said bluntly: "Let's budget it for 20 billion first. 20 billion is not a lot of money for Qunxing Capital. Even if it is wasted, what it earns is time. It is precisely because the semiconductor industry has Moore The existence of the law, if you start the project 18 months earlier, these 18 months are more valuable, and the general strategic direction will not hinder the final victory. If the strategy goes in the wrong direction, you will lose more than a few dollars. Hundreds of billions?"

Hearing Fang Hong's words, Huayu knew that no one could shake his immediate boss's determination to build the entire semiconductor industry chain, so there was nothing to say, as long as he followed his will and decision-making and implemented it in a down-to-earth manner.

But having said that, Huayu is still a little worried, because Qunxing Capital's current expansion is too aggressive.

Those with low emotional intelligence are attacking everywhere and spending money everywhere.

The entire entertainment industry chain has spent 20 billion yuan, copyright procurement has cost hundreds of millions and billions, and now it has decided to open up a new battlefield in the semiconductor industry, and the cost is another 20 billion yuan.

This is not the key point, the real key point is that throwing an astronomical figure of 20 billion can only be a starting move, and then you have to continue to throw in an unknown number of 20 billion. Playing semiconductors is simply asking for a head The rhythm of the Pixiu monster who can only enter and not come back to make offerings.

Fang Hong said in a deep voice: "As for the plan for the entire semiconductor industry chain, this is top-secret information, and even your father can't disclose it."

Hua Yu was also taken aback, he hesitated to speak, he was puzzled but he still didn't ask, finally nodded silently.

Fang Hong added: "For the layout of the semiconductor industry as a whole, it is necessary to keep a low profile. Even if there are major breakthroughs in some links at that time, do not make big announcements to avoid making Europeans and Americans nervous."

The particularity of the semiconductor industry makes it easy to get stuck. If you make a breakthrough in this link, the other party may get stuck in another link, which will cause your entire system to fail to operate normally.

In the initial stage, it is still necessary to purchase equipment and talents from some foreign semiconductor manufacturers, so as to speed up the efficiency of all-round catch-up.

If you show strong self-reliance and are discovered by European and American manufacturer giants, they will not sell it to you and return you with various cards. Isn't that just adding difficulty to yourself?

So you have to confuse the other party, and let the other party believe that you are adhering to the principle of "making is worse than buying, and buying is worse than renting".

And you have to show that you can't overcome it even if you are dead, and you will lose your money in all kinds of things, all kinds of failures, and release such news, so that the other party will think that you are giving for nothing, so as to relax their vigilance against you.

If you don't make a show, it will be a blockbuster. On the day when the real showdown is over and you don't pretend, you don't have to be afraid of being stuck in any link.

Huayu thought about it and couldn't help but said: "In this way, if we continue to invest money in and see no splashes, we might be suspected of money laundering..."

Hearing this, Fang Hong immediately smiled and said: "It would be great if you think so, and you can guide it like this when necessary, true or false, just look at the flowers in the fog."

Whether it is really money laundering or not is not decided by public opinion. After a long time of arguing, the result is not, but it can be a good smoke bomb.

Fang Hong instructed: "You go to nest a few layers, get a shell company, and then form a joint venture with your Huayang Real Estate to set up a project company, and then get a piece of land in the northern suburb of the new city. Land, firstly, the land is cheap, and secondly, the area needs to be large, so plan a land area of ​​3,000 hectares.”

Hua Yu was stunned: "Three... three thousand hectares?"

What is this concept?

The land area of ​​3,000 hectares is 30 million square meters, or 30 square kilometers, which is equivalent to the area of ​​more than 100 football fields.

Fang Hong ignored the shocked Huayu, and continued: "The purpose of taking this land is to look at the present from the perspective of ten years from now. We first took the land to facilitate unified planning. This project will be designated as a high-tech industrial park, but Don’t use the banner of the semiconductor industry zone, and other technology industries can also be allowed to enter at that time.”

Apparently, Fang Hong's plan is to directly build an independent cluster center of the entire semiconductor industry chain in the new city. This land is now a suburban area, but it will definitely prosper in the future.

Take enough land first, so as to avoid more land acquisition costs when you get it.

In fact, in the long run, the acquisition of land will not cost much. Even with the current capital strength of Qunxing Capital, it is not a big money. The area is large, but it is not located in the city center, and it is a high-tech industrial park. It will definitely be in place.


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