My Fintech Empire

Chapter 183 [Fang Hong's Private Trader]

For such a super-large-scale project, if the new city does not accept it, it will look for it across the country. Are you afraid that there will be no city to provide land?

But what is certain is that Xincheng will never let this project run away.

Originally, this time window is the background of the global financial crisis. How could such a large project investment be let go? With such a huge planning area, it is unknown that the factory building infrastructure alone can drive a large number of jobs.

It can effectively boost the economy of the new city in a short period of time. Once such a project is implemented, it will be a major achievement, and it is impossible to let it go to other cities.

"The capital expenditure of semiconductors..." Fang Hong thought for a while, and immediately decided to say: "At that time, we should cash out from the external market, set aside about 20 billion, and then close the position in June."

Huayu nodded.

20 billion yuan, excluding exchange rate changes, equivalent to about 2.923 billion U.S. dollars.

The global market has come to the present, and the external market is about to adjust, especially the US stock market, but the adjustment is not large, and the overall market will still be sideways.

After a while, Fang Hong reminded: "After the funds are cashed out, don't rush to return them. Go offshore for a while, and speed up the game of film and television copyright."

Hua Yu nodded and said, "Understood."

The reason why we can’t rush back is because we have to play a play, which has already been formulated, and the news will be released at that time. Qunxing Capital’s investment in the second quarter has suffered a loss, and it has to be forced to shrink its strategy. Foreign film and television copyrights and mainland film and television copyrights can only pick one of two.

If the funds were repatriated in advance, this drama would not be able to be staged. Such a huge repatriation of funds cannot be hidden. Even if ordinary people do not know about it, some elite groups still do not know about it?

Huayu thought about it and said, "Recently, I have had many contacts with Xiao Quan from Pengrui Capital, so I can put the funds first."

Hearing this, Fang Hong asked curiously, "Oh? How do you say it? Is it financing or borrowing?"

Huayu smiled and said, "They couldn't accept Qunxing Capital's valuation of 500 billion yuan, so they didn't choose to raise money, but they planned to borrow 13 billion yuan to secure interest."

The 13 billion yuan was put together by Xiao Quan and several other institutions, including several trust institutions. Pengrui Capital alone could not come up with such a large scale of funds.

13 billion, with an annual interest rate of 15 percentage points. Qunxing Capital will pay 1.95 billion in annual capital costs for receiving this liquidity.

Fang Hong nodded: "Then use the 13 billion to bear it first, the coal boss's 21 billion should have arrived, right?"

Huayu replied: "It will be in place next week."

Fang Hong said: "That's fine, just right."

The coal boss's 21 billion funds were allocated to Yixing Media, but such a large amount of funds cannot be spent in a day or two.

Fang Hong thought for a moment and made a decision: "The coal boss's 21 billion, plus Xiao Quan's 13 billion, set aside 4 billion, plus the previous cash flow reserves, there are about 7 billion, these 70 Spend the 100 million first, and add another 30 billion to the A-share market."

Fang Hong added: "It's still the previous dozens of core asset targets, just distribute and add them in, but the 30 billion yuan is no longer a revolving pledge, it is for short-term funds, and when the company's cash flow reserve drops to 50 billion If it is less than 100 million, cash out 30 to 50 billion from the stock market to keep the company's cash flow reserves in the range of 5 billion to 7 billion."

Obviously, after the 34 billion yuan is in place, it is impossible to lie on the company's account and depreciate. The money has interest costs, and the annual interest of 34 billion yuan will cost 5.1 billion yuan.

First of all, 30 billion of the funds were bought into stocks to hold value-added stocks. When the company’s book cash reserves were not enough, the stocks were sold to cash out. The future market trend was determined, especially after the A-share market entered June and began to accelerate unilaterally. rise.

Throwing the 30 billion into the big A, it will be easy and pleasant to earn back the five-year interest cost of this fund with the increase in the next two to three months. The five-year interest cost is 25.5 billion.

This year’s big A’s market is so good, if you don’t spend more money, you will be sorry for the great market.

After reaching the peak in August and getting out of the historical peak, there will be no such good money-making market in the next four or five years.

Although Fang Hong is still confident that he can make money in the next four or five years, it is definitely not as easy as it is now. The current market can be described in two words - brainless!

It's brainless stud, what you spell is the word "dare", as long as you dare to do more without brains, you can make money.

Fang Hong handed over the matter to Huayu and left Qunxing Capital headquarters. Let him handle the specific implementation, and then read the progress report to understand the situation.

The industrial park of the entire semiconductor industry chain, this project list must be entrusted to Huayang Real Estate, after all, it is a hard-core ally.

This money must be earned by Huayang Group.


The following day, Tuesday 12 May.

Fang Hong still didn't go to class and skipped class every day.

At around 8:30 in the morning, Fang Hong had arrived in the trading room. This room was specially used by him for stock trading, and the supporting software and hardware were also complete, with multi-screen display.

The hardware equipment alone cost close to a million.

There are still more than 50 minutes before the opening of Big A. Fang Hong has already selected the stocks to be involved in today. Currently, his account holds one Daan gene, but there are eight stocks that have been selected to be involved in today.

It is not a big problem to operate less than 10 individual stocks, but more than 10 stocks will be more difficult. After all, there are no traders. If there are traders to assist in the transaction, it is not a problem to operate dozens of targets.

Traders only need to move their mouths to issue trading orders, and traders can trade quickly at the same time.

After a while, Evelee, who was dressed as a maid, came to the trading room. With the "lesson" from last time, she stood at the door and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Fang Hong replied, the door was actually half open, glanced at the beginning of the title, and saw Evelee walking in with a plate of breakfast.

"Brother Hong, you want breakfast."

Fang Hong, who was sitting at the multi-screen display console, immediately moved the keyboard. Seeing this, Evelee turned over the breakfast and said with a smile: "Please take it easy, I'll come later to clean up the tableware."

Just when Evelee was about to leave, Fang Hong stopped her: "Don't go, just press my shoulder."

Hearing this, Evelee hesitated for a moment.

There is no such item in the work regulations, but after thinking about it, she walked behind Fang Hong and pressed his shoulders. She didn't resist at all. After all, the employer is so young, rich and handsome, and there are basically few girls with these qualities. She could bear it, and she even secretly fantasized about having an unexpected encounter with her employer or something.

At this time, Fang Hong was sitting in front of the screen, enjoying breakfast and enjoying the maid's massage comfortably.

After a while, Fang Hong smiled and asked the maid who pressed her shoulders behind her: "Can you trade in stocks?"

Evelee didn't know why he asked this, so she shook her head and replied truthfully: "No, I haven't played with stocks before."

Hearing this, Fang Hong put the breakfast plate aside, glanced at Efrey and smiled, "It's actually super easy, come here, I'll teach you how to play, after you learn it, you will be my personal trader, press My instructions are for buying and selling transactions, and what I ask you to buy or sell, you just execute the buying and selling operations, it’s very simple.”

Evelee said in a daze, "I... can I do it? I'm afraid I'll make a mistake."

Fang Hong smiled and said: "It's okay to be wrong, and you don't need to do research, analysis and strategy. You just need to learn simple buying, selling and other basic operations to trade."

Encouraged by Fang Hong, Evelee nodded after hesitating for a moment, and came to him from behind the chair.

At this moment, Fang Hong turned his head to the left and glanced at the maid Evre who was standing beside him, and immediately put his hand on the detailed waist, and with a little force, he took it into his arms and sat on his lap.

The sudden scene made her unexpected, her face was full of surprise, and she stared at the calm Fang Hong in a daze.

Evelee, who had reacted, immediately tried to stand up when she came back to her senses.

Fang Hong said calmly, "Sit still and watch the market."

The tone of saying this was calm, but it seemed like an order, and Evelee really sat still.

Her mental activities at this moment became super rich in an instant, with surprises that were caught off guard, panic that was uneasy, and unspeakable expectations...

Fang Hong immediately manually adjusted Evelee's sitting posture, so that her back was facing him and facing the screen. Fang Hong, who was behind her, immediately stuck behind her, resting his chin on her left shoulder, and immediately said with a smile in her ear: " Look at the screen, don't be distracted, concentrate, and study hard..."


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