My Fintech Empire

Chapter 266 [Trade strategy for turning trend]

Thursday, August 20.

Today's A-share market is simply cruel to those who cut their flesh yesterday.

Because today's market ushered in a wave of retaliatory rebound in the blink of an eye after yesterday's sharp drop, the market rose +4.52% to close, and recovered the 2800 and 2900 points within the day, closing at 2911.58 points.

Many stockholders are very popular today because of yesterday's meat-cutting tickets, and today their faces are green with anger.

In the next two trading days, Big A continued to rebound upwards, and rose by +1.69% on Friday, and the market index rebounded to 2960.77 points.

By next Monday, the Shanghai stock index closed up +1.10% again, the index closed at 2993.42 points, and even stood at the 3000 point mark during the session.

At the same time, the popular leader, Double Coin, went out of the market at the height of the six consecutive boards in the same period. After the second suspension of trading, the resumption of trading on the same day was topped by the stockholders. It went out of the six consecutive daily limit, and the stock price reached 15.27 yuan.

In the next few trading days of this week, Double Money shares still exceeded expectations to get out of the chain market.

It went out of the seventh board on Tuesday, and the stock price rushed to 16.80 yuan.

It walked out of the eighth board on Wednesday, and the stock price rushed to 18.48 yuan.

The stock price of Double Money has doubled since the eighth board achieved the daily limit of the first board, reaching a +114.39% increase.


On Thursday, August 27th, Qunxing Capital headquarters.

Tian Jiayi had just attended the morning meeting and returned to her own office. It was around 9:26 a.m. when she entered the desk and sat down, the phone rang.

Glancing at the caller ID, it was Fang Hong calling, and immediately connected the phone, and his voice came immediately: "Sell the double-coin shares, and sell them at the limit price."

Tian Jiayi immediately looked at the computer and opened the market software on the desktop, and at the same time replied: "Well, after selling this stock, should I buy all Oriental Yuhong?"

At this moment, there are still two minutes before the opening of the market. Tian Jiayi unhurriedly cut to the time-sharing market of Double Coin Shares and glanced at it, and then sold all the stocks he held at the limit price. The order has been quoted, so just wait At 9:30, the market was matched and the transaction was completed.

Fang Hong's voice came again: "Oriental Yuhong is not in a hurry. I will buy it in two days until the beginning of September. The boss will reverse the car and come back to pick you up. I will give you a price of the gold pit to follow the car. How about it? Is it enough to pamper you? Are you going to buy it?" How can I repay the boss?"

When Tian Jiayi heard him talking, he suddenly became unserious, and immediately coquettishly said, "I'm not serious, I hate it~."

It was almost involuntary to say this, and when she realized it, she couldn't help being slightly stunned for a moment. It was said subconsciously without thinking about the brain, and the tone was full of coquettish meaning.

At this time, Fang Hong on the other end of the phone smiled and said: "The boss gave you such a big reward, what about your reward? Acting like a coquettish is not counted, and it's not face-to-face. Let's not take this."

Tian Jiayi quickly pretended to be calm and responded: "I won't talk to you anymore, I have a lot of work to do today, so I hung up."

She hung up the phone without returning to Fang Hong after she finished speaking, and threw the phone on the desk. She blinked her beautiful eyes and exhaled lightly, quickly adjusting her emotions. After she calmed down, she also felt that Fang Hong was really quite The one who doted on her unconsciously showed a smile.

As the time came to 9:30 to open the market, her attention also shifted to the time-sharing market of Double Coin shares.

Today, the call auction for this stock opened with a one-word daily limit price of 20.33 yuan, and it went out of the ninth consecutive daily limit, and the nine boards reached a cumulative increase of +135.85%.

Tian Jiayi saw that all the sell orders he had placed were sold and exchanged hands, and he couldn't help but said happily: "They are all sold at the daily limit!"

At this moment, less than 15 seconds after the opening of the market, the double-coin shares with a one-word daily limit directly exploded on the board and staged a ninety-degree straight dive, causing the beautiful assistant to exclaim in a low voice: "Fortunately, it was sold, that guy's stock trading skills Really great."

Two minutes after the market opened, Double Coin shares dived to the +2.18% water level, but before Tian Jiayi, who was watching the excitement, could react, the time-sharing line immediately braked and started a straight-line upward attack, reaching the top again in two minutes. Near the limit price.

At 9:39, Double Coin shares closed back to the daily limit, but the back-sealing only lasted for less than three minutes and exploded again, this time starting a waterfall again.

At around 9:47, the stock price hit the zero axis and turned green for a while, but quickly rebounded violently. It rebounded to an increase of 8 percentage points at around 10:07, and then dived again. It once dived to the deep water area of ​​-6% during the session , Then violently rose again and turned up by more than 3 percentage points, and then dived again...

The entire market trend can be described in two words: exciting!

People with a bad heart, this trend may cause accidents, and today's energy is also out of the sky.

Many stockholders on the stock bar forum are saying that God K should leave today, but in fact Fang Hong did not leave, except for asking the beautiful assistant to sell, and his own 80,000 hands of chips are still untouched.

I moved today and will be on the Dragon and Tiger List, and there is still a second wave of market prices for this ticket, so I just leave at that time, anyway, don’t appear on the Dragon and Tiger List when I leave.

And the big funds that are running today are another main force, selling all the way with the board.

Tian Jiayi did not continue to pay attention to the trend of Double Money Stock. She turned off the market software after watching for about ten minutes after the market opened, and began to devote herself to today's work.

According to Fang Hong's intention, she bought 1 million yuan of Double Coin shares at a limit price of 7.54 yuan on August 13, and sold them at the limit price today, with a cumulative yield of more than +169%. It has increased by 1.7 times, and the current account funds are about 2.7 million.

After obtaining Fang Hong's first wealth code, Tian Jiayi finally understood more deeply why Qunxing Capital was able to expand its asset scale to an exaggerated scale of two to three hundred billion in just one year.

It is said that the most profitable business is written in the criminal law, but the beautiful assistant at the moment feels that the business in the securities law is more profitable than the criminal law, and it is super profitable. If you do business written in the criminal law, you have to step on a sewing machine. As long as the business in the securities law is legal and compliant, there is no need to worry about reporting to the sewing machine team.


At the same time, Jingxin lives in the trading room on the second floor of the villa.

After Fang Hong called Tian Jiayi a few minutes before the market opened, he began to direct Lin Yan and Efrey to start trading. After the market fell below 2800 points last week, institutional account funds also began to build positions.

This time he opened a position again, Fang Hong changed the style of fast in and fast out of the previous full position ultra-short-term, and the main position of the account began to trade in the medium and long-term trend.

Because the amount of funds has reached more than 2 billion, it is becoming more and more difficult to do ultra-short full positions. Even if you are a blue-chip big ass, there are not so many standard full-position arbitrage. It is not every day that the A-share market is as explosive as the day Zhongguo Construction was listed. Volume transaction scale.

As the amount of funds increases, it is inevitable to change the trading style, and it is unlikely that the amount of funds will double or even double within a month as before.

After Fang Hong adjusted his trading strategy, he made medium and long-term trend transactions with large positions, and short-term transactions with small positions when he had time.

At the moment, the girls are following Fang Hong's instructions to continue to raise funds for a series of trending trading targets, such as Dongfang Yuhong, Chengde Lulu, Gujing Tribute Wine, Golden Seed Wine and other 15 targets.

The daily trading volume of these stocks can be in a state of high or low, even if there is no trading volume, it can be tens of millions, and sometimes it can exceed 100 million. Compared with other stocks with only a few million trading volume in a day Of course it is much better.

But stocks with a really large trading volume can easily cost one billion, and the trading volume of several billion is not enough.

But it’s not a big problem. Since it’s trend trading, it doesn’t take a day to fill up all the expected positions, just a few more days.

Fang Hong took a look at the stock of Oriental Yuhong. The stock once fell to 19.30 yuan as the market plummeted. However, it has rebounded strongly in the past five days. It has gone out of the daily limit twice in five days, and now it has returned to the price of 25 yuan.

The Shenwan industry to which this listed company belongs is "building materials, decoration and building materials". Simply put, it is a company related to real estate, with a market value of about 1.978 billion small-cap stocks.

Today, the position has been successfully established. The current market value of the position is 90 million yuan. It has already bought the top grid, which is infinitely close to the shareholding ratio of the company's total equity + 5%. If you buy it again, you will trigger the placard mechanism.

This company is expected to break through to become a market capitalization level of 100 billion in the future. Even if you buy it at the current price, holding it for ten years can bring you 40 to 50 times the return on investment, which is a good price to bid for.

However, Fang Hong did not intend to do value investing at all, leaving this as a long-term shareholder. Value investing is what Qunxing Capital should do. He mostly does trends, holding them when the trend is mainly rising, and cashing out when the trend ends, so he holds The proportion of shares must not exceed 5%, otherwise, when exiting, a shareholding reduction announcement must be issued 15 days in advance.


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