My Fintech Empire

Chapter 267 [Give cruelty to the enemy, and kindness to your own people]


Tian Jiayi returned to Jingxinju, where she and Fang Hong sat on the sofa in the leisure area on the first floor.

"The merger and acquisition of the Hengtong Pharmaceutical project has made staged progress. Zhongtai Capital has successfully withdrawn completely, and the asset replacement agreement under Hengtong has also been signed. Now they are all under the name of Ruihe, and Hengtong only has a shell left."

At this moment, Tian Jiayi watched Fang Hong report to him in an orderly manner. After a while, she continued to report: "Wang Qingxiong officially holds 9% of the shares of Ruihe Pharmaceutical Group, Qunxing Capital holds 88% of the shares, and the former senior executive of Hengtong Pharmaceutical Group Guan and the remaining minority shareholders hold the remaining 3% of the equity.”

Fang Hong leaned back on the armrest of the sofa next to him without saying a word, and nodded when he heard Tian Jiayi's return.

After a while, Tian Jiayi looked down at the materials in his hand a few times, then looked at Fang Hong and said, "According to the plan, Ruihe Pharmaceutical Group will formally submit a notification letter to the bank on Wednesday, September 2 to announce its debt default."

To put it bluntly, I will now officially notify your bank that the money I owe will not be paid back, so you can figure it out!

At present, 100% of the equity of Ruihe Pharmaceutical Group is pledged to the bank. If the bank does not repay the money, the bank can only proceed with the judicial auction process. After the auction process, it means that Wang Qingxiong is out of the game. After taking the money, he and Ruihe will no longer have half a dime relation.

As for how much he can get for his 9% equity, it depends on Ruihe's final transaction price after the auction.

As for the transaction price, it can be said that it has been determined long ago, which is 4.8 billion yuan, which means that Wang Qingxiong can get 432 million yuan in theory.

The current Wang Qingxiong doesn't even realize that he is about to be out of the game, and his fate will be even more miserable after he is out. If he gets the 432 million yuan, he can be a billionaire for the rest of his life?

The answer is impossible!

The 432 million he got was used to pay fines. Fang Hong had asked Hua Yu to ask the legal team under Qunxing Capital to pat the calculator to make the calculation clear. After Wang Qingxiong was kicked out of Ruihe Pharmaceutical Group , there is one last step left, send him to the sewing machine team to report.

The process is not complicated, and a breakthrough has been found. It is an executive in the former Hengtong Pharmaceutical Group. After giving him some "reasonable guidance", he made sure that after he stepped on the sewing machine for a few years, his family can be financially stable. Liberty, finally "woke up" and decided to surrender.

And he will come to a real-name report to reveal all the bad things he knows about Wang Qingxiong.

This is considered a meritorious service, and the sentence can be reduced.

After Tian Jiayi finished reporting the work progress of Ruihe Pharmaceutical Group, she hesitated for a moment, looked at Fang Hong and couldn't help asking: "Did we go too far with Wang Qingxiong in this matter?"

If she had said this sentence a month ago, she would definitely not have said it, but now the relationship between her and Fang Hong is only about to be broken by the last layer of window paper. With the rapid escalation of the relationship, her scruples will naturally follow suit. If it is reduced, some doubts in my heart will not be too hidden if I want to say it.

Fang Hong glanced at her, then looked away, and said calmly: "The way is still shallow, if it was Yue Qing, she would not say such a thing."

Tian Jiayi was slightly stunned, his pretty face showed a look of hesitation.

Fang Hong looked at him and said calmly: "In principle, I actually don't want to do such a terrible thing, but this is the result of a rational choice. If Wang Qingxiong is not crucified on the pillar of shame, he will show himself as a victim." Become the object of sympathy, and at the same time, Qunxing Capital has become a barbarian in the eyes of the outside world.”

The "barbarian" here does not mean brutal and uneducated in the literal sense, but a financial term on Wall Street. "The argument.

Fang Hong looked at the thoughtful beauty assistant motionlessly and continued: "He, Wang Qingxiong, will not only be cast aside by thousands of people with shame, he will also be deprived of the more than 400 million yuan he got from the auction of Ruihe. An entrepreneur with a great ability to expand his territory, when he comes out with more than 400 million yuan in his pocket, the possibility of a comeback cannot be ruled out. Taking away this money is equivalent to pulling out his last few teeth. Broken legs."

Listening to what he said word by word, Tian Jiayi felt cold and emotionless. After a moment of silence, he looked at him again, and said faintly: "Sometimes I feel that you are a scary person. You can be seen in movies and TV dramas. She is a complete villain, most of the people who offend you will end badly."

Hearing what she said, Fang Hong showed a bright smile: "Being kind to the enemy means being cruel to oneself. Give cruelty to the enemy and kindness to your own people. You are mine. You are very good. Look at me. How nice of you."

Seeing that his demeanor suddenly changed sharply compared to just now, and he suddenly became skinny while putting on a harmless appearance to humans and animals, Tian Jiayi couldn't help but laugh.

After a while, the beautiful assistant thought about it, and couldn't help asking: "Wang Qingxiong went in, his family should be innocent, right? Should we give some help or care?"

Hearing this, Fang Hong directly denied it without even thinking: "Don't do such hypocritical things if you beat people like this, you will only feel that you are shedding crocodile tears. He Wang Qingxiong is also the number one person in Xincheng. I believe he knows something in his heart. It is impossible for him not to do corresponding risk isolation for his family. No matter how miserable his wife and children are when he goes in, and no matter how poor the financial conditions Wang Qingxiong gives him, ordinary people have to look up to them all their lives, and there is no need to worry about them. "

Tian Jiayi thought about it and felt that what he said made sense, so he didn't bother with this issue anymore.


In the next two trading days, the market went down again. On the last trading day of this Friday, A-shares fell sharply, and the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index fell -2.91% to 2860.69 points.

On Monday, August 31, Big A ushered in a gap and explosion again on the last trading day at the end of the month. On this day, the market index broke through 2800 points and 2700 points in succession, and fell -6.74% to 2667.75 points , Hundreds of shares in the two cities fell by the limit.

However, just as the market was panicking and falling, Qunxing Capital had already started to build positions and buy bottoms again in late trading.

Fang Hong's own institutional account is also taking advantage of the market's panic and sharp drop to continue holding positions, such as Gujing Tribute Wine, Chengde Lulu, Golden Seed Wine and other targets.

And Oriental Yuhong also fell sharply in the past two days, falling -8.04% and -7.38% respectively, and its stock price fell to 23.85 yuan.

At present, Fang Hong's position in this stock has also changed from floating profit to floating loss, but the problem is not big, this ticket is for trend trading, and he doesn't care about short-term ups and downs.


Tuesday, September 2, around 13:30 pm.

Qunxing Capital Headquarters.

Tian Jiayi is sorting out the documents of Ruihe Pharmaceutical Group's breach of contract notification letter in her office. Her main job is Fang Hong's assistant, but she is the vice president of Qunxing Capital and has real power.

The project of Ruihe Pharmaceutical Group was led by Hua Yongming himself, and Tian Jiayi was one of the members who assisted in the project.

At this time, her mobile phone rang.

Tian Jiayi glanced at the caller ID, it was Fang Hong calling, and when he got through the phone, he heard his voice: "The boss reversed the car and came back to pick you up, get on the number, and the price is 22 yuan."

"Well~, wait a minute." Tian Jiayi opened the market software on the computer while answering the phone, and then entered the stock of Oriental Yuhong. At this time, the stock fell by -2.73%, and the stock price was at the intraday average price line of 23.20 yuan. run nearby.

Tian Jiayi directly bought 1227 lots with a full position, about 2.7 million yuan, and the quoted price was 22.00 yuan.

At the same time, Fang Hong, who was keeping an eye on the market, also saw that the buying funds for this stock had placed more than 1,200 buy orders at the price of 22 yuan, waiting to be filled. Meant to buy."

"Well, I've seen it, you should be busy." Fang Hong hung up the phone, looked at Efrey, who was sitting on the far left, and said, "Xiaoyi, Dongfang Yuhong has a million bucks to see."

Evelee immediately sold the stock for 1 million yuan according to his request, and directly set the price limit to go. Its stock price soon fell below the daily average price line and dropped to -3.77%. Fang Hong waited for a minute to find out The stock price did not move, and immediately said: "Spend another 3 million out!"

Soon, Evelee sold another 3 million funds as he said.

After throwing out this sale order, Oriental Yuhong's stock price couldn't hold it anymore, and it directly dived off a cliff.

At the same time, after Tian Jiayi in the company ended the call with Fang Hong, she did not exit the trading software immediately, but continued to watch the market. At this moment, around 13:43, the stock price of Oriental Yuhong fell straight It plummeted -7.76%, and the stock price hit the price of 22.00 yuan, and the turnover in this minute was about 3.52 million yuan.

Seeing that Diving's stock price had reached the target price of buying, Tian Jiayi immediately refreshed the software interface, glanced at the account information and couldn't help saying happily: "It's a deal!"


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