My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1230: First come first, eat melon in the back row

"In this way, the fairness of the college is also guaranteed, and few families can insert their hands into the college.

They can only rely on their peers to resolve their conflicts. The barrier outside the academy can't be broken even by a ninth-rank master, and it can only be done with the dean's warrant. "Ke Yao continued.

"It's no wonder that the First Academy even dared to lose the face of the Royal Family." Yun sighed softly. An enchantment that even a ninth-ranked master can't help but rely on alone to dominate the Tianyuan Continent.

"Not only the first college, but the four major colleges.

The four colleges live next to each other, and the boundary of the enchantment covers the four colleges, including the surrounding annex 100 meters. "

"That is to say, students in the four major colleges can contact each other?" Yun asked lightly.

"Yes, every month, the four colleges have their own gymnastics. That is also a big event." Ke Yao continued.

After Ke Yao's series of popularizations and explanations, Yun Qingyan suddenly had a deeper understanding of the four colleges.

Unexpectedly, the college life in this different world is so colorful.

"Why do you understand this? Great food is the biggest! I think we should first consider where to eat." Ji Siwen righteously said.

"Let's call Shang Aiyue and the others. Let's look for food near the imperial capital." Yun glanced at Ji Siwen speechlessly, then at Ke Yao, "Senior Sister Ke, would you like to go out with us for dinner?" "

"No, next time." Ke Yao smiled heartily, "The weight training ground has not been done yet. He will be busy with my brother alone.

Next time Junior Sister Yun invites me, I will definitely go! "

In the end, Yun said that the two and Ke Yao parted ways at the gate of the First Academy.

"How did we find Ai Yue and the others?" Ji Siwen looked blank as soon as he was discharged from the hospital.

Yun lightly ignored him, took out the transmission crystal, poured in Xing Yuanli and began to contact Ai Yue and the others, her transmission crystal recorded their spiritual frequency band.

What surprised Yun Qingyan was that although Ai Yue and his party did not get the first college, they were all assigned to the same college, which is also the college where Fei Dingding is located-Wanye College.

"Let's go to the door of Manyo Academy." Yun said softly after collecting the communication crystal.

The gate of Manyo College is just two kilometers away from the first college, which is very convenient.

"What do you mean by Fei Dingding?!"

"Presumptuous! When I bumped into Miss Fei, I thought it would be all right?!"

"Knocked our heads and apologized, maybe we can still forget the villain as an adult."

As soon as he approached the door of Wanye Academy, Yun Qingyan heard a tumultuous noise, and many academies even surrounded the center with three floors and three floors.

"Obviously you ran into it deliberately! You hurt Xi Wei, and we haven't bothered you yet! Why do you smash it?!"

An angry cry came from the crowd, Yun Qingyan and Ji Siwen looked at each other, and quickly squeezed into the crowd!

The voice just now was the voice of Ai Yue.

"Oh! Don't squeeze, don't squeeze!"

"Come first, then come, can you eat melons in the back row?!" The people who were squeezed out by Yun Qingyan and Ji Siwen all murmured, but now they are not in the mood to care about those voices.

In the center of the crowd, Fei Ding Ding and Ai Yue, who held the moon with all hearts, were the group.

Fei Dingding had a veil on his face, and his eyes were viciously looking at Ai Yue and the others, while Xi Wei was supported by Shang Minghang and Xiong Wuling, his face still pale.

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