"No nonsense, I order you to break their legs, today they have to kneel if they don't kneel!" Fei Dingding said coldly, a pair of cold eyes staring at Ai Yue and others twisted like a poisonous snake, The pretty charming face was completely ruined.

Next to Fei Dingding, there were six people wearing the uniforms of the Wanye Academy. The badges on their bodies were silver. They should be the prefecture-level academies of the Wanye Academy, and all of them were cultivated above the sect level.

Hearing Fei Dingding's order, they looked at Ai Yue and the others with unkind expressions.

And Xiong Wuling and others also stood up, lined up and waited.

The other party made up his mind to touch porcelain, but they couldn't escape either.

"Do it!" Fei Dingding commanded coldly!

Since the enrollment was injured that day, her hatred for Yun Qingyan has grown even deeper. Yesterday, I was training at home for a day. As soon as I entered the college today, I happened to run into Yun Qingyan's friends. How could she easily let them go because of her self-respectful temperament?

"Let me see who dares!" Just when the few sects were about to move, a strong energy swept out from the two sides, and instantly shook those people back two steps.

"Sister Qingyan, you are here!" As soon as Ai Yue saw Yun Qingyan, her original solemn expression suddenly relaxed, and her eyebrows were beaming.

"Wait for you to go out to eat and wait for a long time without seeing anyone, just come and have a look." Yun Qingyan greeted him, stood on Ai Yue and others' side, and stood facing Fei Dingding.

"Huh. Just called Yun Qingyan. Didn't you see the mighty and handsome Ji Er Shao?" Ji Siwen hummed dissatisfiedly, but his body walked to the side of Yun Qingyan honestly. The vigor of the sixth-order Zong Yuan burst out. Instantly, the head sank.

Those Zongyuan masters were only first- and second-tier cultivation bases, completely suppressed by Ji Siwen.

The crowd onlookers looked at the two people who suddenly appeared in surprise. They were both students returning to school today and did not know what happened at the admissions meeting yesterday.

It's just strange that someone dared to save the face of Fei Dingding in Wanye Academy.

Moreover, the two people who are not afraid of tigers even have the cultivation base of the sect!

"Fei Dingding, it seems that the lessons I taught you yesterday weren't enough." Yun Qingyan stared at Feding Ding and sneered.

With her cleverness, it is naturally not difficult to guess why Fei Dingding is looking for Ai Yue and the others in trouble.

I also blame her for tireding them.

"Yun Qingyan, how dare you still appear in front of me?!" Every word of Fei Dingding seemed to cry blood.

At the enrollment meeting, if she wanted to frame Yun's words, her face was corroded by the medicine on the handkerchief. Even when she returned to Fei's house, Feize could not immediately come up with the developed antidote, only to ease the rate of corrosion.

Before Jade thoroughly researched the antidote, she had to cover her face with a veil to hide her terrible face.

What's more painful is that the wound still scratches the heart and lungs, so how can she not hate Yun Qingyan?

Yun Qingyan lightly flicked the unnecessary dust on the sleeves of his shirt, raised his lips and smiled.

"Is Miss Fei a dung car?

If it is, then I will be far away from Miss Fei in the future, and I will never appear in front of you.

After all, I am still afraid of getting dirty. "

"Puff." There was a suppressed laughter all around. The girl looked beautiful, but this mouth was really broken!

Fei Dingding wanted to grab Lan Yun Qingyan's face right away, but she suffered a lot from Yun Qingyan not long ago, which made her be more cautious this time.

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