"If it's just like that, as long as you bear her for a while, she won't persecute you again. But now, I'm afraid Fei Dingding won't stop." Yun said lightly.

Ai Yue suddenly jumped in front of Yun Qingyan and stared at her with Shuiling's big eyes, "Sister Qingyan, do you think we can bear the ding-ding?"

Yun said lightly, but he was speechless.

"If you change to you, you won't swallow your voice because of the power behind the Fei family, right? Likewise, so do we." Ai Yue said sonorously, the always soft girl's voice firmly firm.

"Yes, it's not the style of our Qingxuan Academy students to swallow a voice." Yun Qingyan smiled slightly.

Although Ai Yue did not slander the rules and act boldly like her, they were not the masters who swallowed their anger.

"Besides, in order to protect ourselves by pretending to not know friends, how can we do such a surreptitious thing?" Ji Tiantian jumped out, but the childlike face showed the calmness and determination of an adult, he asked the cloud. Lightly,

"If we offend Fei Chuchu, you will definitely help us stand up?

Just like before, didn't you pretend not to see it? "

This series of words made Yun Qingyan unable to say anything to refute, but the corner of her lips couldn't help but evoke a smile, which was the joy and joy of finding like-minded friends.

However, Yun Qingyan still couldn't help but worry about them, "What will Fedingding do against you in the academy in the future?"

"Soldiers come to block, waters come to cover the earth." Xiong Wuling said, on his tall body, there was no expression on his face like a man.

"Yes. Fei Dingding is the Fei family, but Wanye Academy is not the only one with her family, right?

Moreover, we are also geniuses of Qingxuan Academy, it is not so easy to move us. Ai Yue held Yun Qingyan's arm with a brilliant face.

"Sister, you said we went out for dinner together, have you figured out where to go? I'm so hungry now."

"Ahem, Ji Siwen and I are planning to call you, and then go to the Imperial Capital to see if there is anything delicious." Yun said lightly, in fact, she didn't even think about where to eat.

A hint of sly flashed across Ai Yue's face, "Then I will take you to eat delicious food!

Although the place is not well-known, the taste of the owner's cooking is very authentic. Although the function is not as good as the spirit meal, it is so delicious that people can't wait to bite their tongues.

My dad often took me to eat when I was young. "

With Ai Yue, the Emperor of Starfall, led the way to solve the dinner problem, Yun Qingyan and others naturally couldn't ask for it, and in his heart he also had an expectation for the delicious food in Ai Yue's mouth that people wanted to bite off their tongue.

From the four colleges to the direction of the imperial city, there is a food street in the middle. It is very prosperous. Because it is close to the small forest of Warcraft around the four colleges, there are many people who come to hunt Warcraft here to rest and supply, but more , But it is a person in the uniform of the four colleges.

Smelling the scent wafting from both sides of the food street, and looking at the long lines at the door of each store, Yun couldn't help but sigh, "Is there so many people here every day?"

The business is really hot!

"Almost." Ai Yue nodded, "I remember this food court was very popular when I was a child.

However, the four colleges have recently enrolled students, and more people have eaten. "

"How long will it be?" Ji Siwen was already tumbling with the gluttonous scent wafting from both sides, he touched his stomach.

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