"You will be here soon. Come with me." Ai Yue blinked at them, then led a few people to a very narrow alley.

Had it not been for Ai Yue to lead the way, Yun said that a few people would never find here.

"Is there really food here?" Ji Tiantian asked incredulously.

"Good things are usually hidden deeper." Ai Yue said, and then scratched her head embarrassedly. "But I was eating noodles here, but it was a childhood thing. I don't know if Uncle Zheng and the others still open a store. ?"

Yun Qingyan and others: "..."

It would be embarrassing if the store had not opened long ago.

However, since they are here, the few people are not willing to give up easily, so they followed Ai Yue's lead all the way.

After walking about a hundred meters or so, an alluring fragrance floated from the alley.

It was a very strong stewed chicken broth. Just smelling the scent, you can feel a fresh fragrance, which makes people secrete saliva. I can’t wait to drink more than a dozen bowls of clear soup in one breath.

"It's Uncle Zheng's noodle soup!" Ai Yue sniffed fiercely, her eyes brightened, and she ran forward like a lively rabbit, "Come on!"

Even without Ai Yue's reminder, when everyone smelled that tempting fragrance, everyone could not help but move a little faster!

After another 100 meters, everyone saw the true face of the mysterious shop in Ai Yue's mouth.

It was a very simple noodle restaurant. A kind old man in his 50s or 60s was below, and another old woman greeted the guests neatly.

There are only a few long tables and benches in the noodle restaurant, which are placed directly from the inside of the noodle restaurant to the front of the noodle restaurant. Apart from the tables and chairs and the stove below, there is nothing more. It is really simple, but very clean.

On the facade of the noodle shop, a plaque engraved the words "Deep Alley".

"Doesn't the wine smell deep in the alley?" Yun Qingyan said that as soon as he saw the plaque.

However, Yun Qingyan also had to admit that the name used by the owner of the noodle shop really deserved it.

Because in the noodle restaurant, except for the first free table, the other tables are full of people, and everyone eats noodles with relish.

"Uncle Zheng, come to seven bowls of special mushrooms and fresh chicken noodles!" Ai Yue came to the old man below with a nervous mood similar to homesickness.

The old man underneath heard the words, then slowly raised his eyes, a pair of muddy old eyes began to look at the young and lively girl in front of him.

Although the changes have been tremendous, the familiar eyebrows still evoked memories in the old man's heart, "You... are you Xiaoyue'er?"

"Uncle Zheng, do you remember me?" Ai Yue was overjoyed and couldn't believe it.

She has left the Starfall Empire for nearly ten years. Ten years of things have happened, and she is not even sure if she is the number one person in the other's memory.

"Of course I remember." Uncle Zheng nodded and smiled, "Who else besides you is the beautiful red mole at the corner of his eye?

When you were young, your father used to hug you to eat noodles. The special fresh chicken noodles with mushrooms and chicken never left. I still remember that when you ate noodles for the first time, you clamored to eat the second bowl of noodles and refused to give it to you. He just hugged your father's thigh and refused to go home. "

Xi Wei listened with great gusto, and had already sketched the appearance of a delicate and beautiful little girl in his mind.

Ai Yueqiao's face flushed suddenly, "Uncle Zheng, can you stop telling me the embarrassment when I was a child? My friends are listening to her."

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