"Okay, I'll bring it to you right away!" Zheng Shulang said.

Only Yun Qingyan keenly caught the word you in Uncle Zheng's reply.

It is not easy to make a master willingly call you respectfully.

Yun Qingyan left a few thoughts and continued to eat noodles, knocking a hand on Xiao Xuan who was trying to poke her body into her big bowl, "You have eaten it all, what shall I eat?"

When stealing was discovered, Xiaoxuan twisted his chubby **** with a guilty conscience.

Yun Qingyan did not blame it, and continued to drink the noodle soup gracefully.

"It's delicious! It's delicious!" After eating and drinking enough, Ji Siwen touched his stomach, "Unfortunately, it is only available in limited quantities. I can eat a few large bowls."

"Right." Ji Tiantian also narrowed his eyes comfortably.

The young man with a jade mask slowly put down his chopsticks, "This bowl of fresh chicken soup with mushrooms seems simple, but it is boiled from the meat of the ninth-order spiritual beast, Golden Pheasant pheasant, and more than 100 kinds of medicinal materials. It takes five hours to cook the chicken soup.

The production is also very complicated. If the noodle shop is not in a remote location, not many people know about it. Even if the supply is limited, many people will not be able to eat a bowl. "

Ji Siwen's eyes widened instantly, and he couldn't help looking at Uncle Zheng, "It's so troublesome to make? Is this true?"

But he saw Uncle Zheng's slightly smiling face.

Don't deny it, it's true.

Ji Siwen smashed his mouth, "Then how much does this bowl of noodles cost?" So troublesome, it is still made of Tier 9 spirit beast meat, that is not a sky-high price?

"Ten yuan jade is enough." Uncle Zheng smiled.

"Is it high-level or intermediate-level Yuanyu?" Yun asked subconsciously, each grade of Yuanyu has different value.

"I said, I don't open a noodle restaurant for making money, but for fun.

It is up to the customer to decide what quality Yuanyu to give. "Uncle Zheng replied, sorting out the platform.

What a wayward boss!

The exchange ratio between each yuan jade is 1,000, a high-grade yuan jade and a low-grade yuan jade, but the difference is huge!

Now Yun said lightly that they had to believe it. He said that opening a noodle restaurant is just a hobby.

When Yun Qingyan and the others were thinking about what quality of Yuanyu was suitable, the young man in white stood up, and dozens of jade quality light flashed during his shot.

"Meeting is fate, in Xia Ximo.

Why don't I invite this meal? I'll make friends with you all. "

Xi... Xi Mo? !

"Ahem!" The red-haired young man next to him was drinking soup. He suddenly heard what he said and was almost choked by the noodle soup.

He couldn't help but glanced at them curiously. What is the origin of this group of people? It doesn't matter if this black heart can take the initiative to fight the table, and even pay for the meal?

Uncle Zheng also proved that he was not an ordinary person, and with a wave of his hand, he easily collected dozens of yuan jade into his palm.

"Thank you for your patronage!"

Ai Yue, Ji Siwen and the others looked at each other, but they didn't expect to meet someone who volunteered to pay for a meal.

Yun Qingyan frowned. In fact, she didn't like to owe unfamiliar favors.

Especially, the person in front of him does not seem to have a simple identity.

However, as if seeing the refusal on Yun Qingyan's face, the white-clothed youth spoke again, his lustrous thin lips rose, but his eyes fell on Yun Qingyan's chest.

Yun said that he was a little angry.

Unexpectedly, this person looks polite, but he is such a nasty and nasty guy!

The handsome young man in white seemed to realize that his gaze was touching the wrong place, so he coughed twice to hide his embarrassment, and explained, "

Don't get me wrong, I am looking at the Xingyue badge of the First Academy on your chest.

I am also a freshman in the first college.

From now on, we will be alumni of the same school, and this visit is also to make friends with you. I heard that this year’s freshman trial will open the Secret Valley. My friend and I have only two people, and we are weak. We hope that we will have a care in the Secret Valley after we make good friends. "

The handsome young man has a sincere expression on his face. When those warm eyes look at you, you can't doubt what he said.

"Sucking—cough cough!" The red-haired young man eating noodles beside him coughed, this time the noodles directly choked his throat.

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