My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1239: Eat carefully, don't choke anymore

He stared at Xi Mo, and wanted to ask him what kind of freshman are you in the first college? ! As you are able to enter the four major colleges, you are not afraid of your elders talking about you?

However, when he was about to open his mouth, a white and slender hand seemed to lightly pat his back.

Di Ming swallowed his mouth with pain, and looked at it with wide-eyed eyes, facing a gentle and smiling face, "Di Ming, eat carefully.

Stop choking. "

The gentle voice was like a poison to Di Ming.

With a strong desire to survive, Di Ming obediently closed his mouth.

Yun Qingyan also listened to Ke Yao and the others about freshman training, but he hadn't heard of Secret Valley. Someone sent it up and took the initiative to send information, so she naturally wanted to keep it.

"What is Secret Valley?"

"In the secret realm of the four colleges, only the deans of the four colleges control the keys.

There are many inheritances and treasures, but there are also many traps. Whether you can find opportunities depends on personal luck.

Legend has it that the Wanbao Basin in the depths of the Secret Valley contains the ultimate treasure, hiding the secrets of the gods.

But only after the strength has passed the sect, can he approach the Wanbao Basin. "The young man looked at Yun lightly with a smile.

"I think that with our strength, if we form an alliance, it is very possible even to get the legendary secret treasure."

Emperor? A cluster of fire flashed under Yun Qingyan's eyes, but his reason was not lost.

"Since the Wanbao Basin hides such a big treasure, since the four major colleges have been established for so long, there is no shortage of sects and noble ranks, why has no one got it?"

The girl is still as cautious as before.

The stars in Xi Mo's eyes are gorgeous, and it seems that there is a faint golden streamer showing through, "Because, the requirement to enter the secret valley is a cultivator under the age of 25!

Among the four colleges, there are very few that can reach the sect rank at the age of 25, and even none can pass through the Wanbao Basin. "

Yun Qingyan raised his eyebrows and looked at him, "This is just the first time we have met, so do you believe in our strength?"

"Why don't I believe it if I can make the vice president suffer on the first day?"

Yun Qingyan examined him a few times and confirmed that he could not feel the slightest malice before reaching out his hand, "Yun Qingyan."

"Ji Siwen." Seeing Yun lightly stretched out his hand, Ji Siwen also extended his hand.

Ai Yue and the others did not move. Yun said lightly that they were from the First Academy, so they were naturally different from them.

"Di Ming." Di Ming, who finished his last sip of soup, quickly put down the bowl under Xi Mo's sign.

"However, my ugly words are at the forefront. Since I have formed an alliance, I hope to advance and retreat together in the secret realm.

If there is an act of putting a cold arrow behind your back, or if you do not hesitate to attack your companion for the treasure, I will never be merciless! "A sharp light flashed across Yun Qingyan's eyes.

Xi Mo and the others are not knowledgeable people, and Yun said that they didn't trust them.

This cold attitude made Di Ming, who has always been pampered, a little unhappy, frowned, and his temper was fierce, and he immediately wanted to stand up and go back.

What are their identities? Let them be teammates, these two guys are completely gone, okay?

That little baby, he still doesn't like it, if it wasn't for the one beside him who opened Chrysostom, he wouldn't want to go to the secret valley!

"You can trust me." Xi Mo blinked, eyes soft and pure and sincere under his slender eyelashes.

Suddenly he was blocked back to Di Ming, who was full of anger, "..."

What can he do? The big guy beside him speaks, can he still be tough?

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