My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1266: Share joys and sorrows with classmates

Coming to the training ground early after eating, Yun said that as expected, he saw the half-tired people on the large venue.

A group of students moved forward slowly with the crawling turtle.

Nie Zhao had already left, and Geng Di stood in front with his hand in his hand. The two brothers and sisters of the Ke family stayed behind him, looking a little tired.

Although it’s not a problem for high-level Yuan practitioners not to sleep for a few days, under a tenfold gravitational field, everyone’s physical energy is consumed faster and the body is more likely to feel tired. Even the Xuanjie Yuanshi is here. Staying one day and one night is also choking.

Seeing Yun Qingyan's arrival, the eyes of other people also gathered.

Geng Di looked at Yun lightly, with an unkind smile on his face, "Why is classmate Yun coming back?

Did it feel good in the load field yesterday and want to experience it? "

Yun said lightly, "No, Director Geng Jiao. I came here this time to ask Senior Sister Ke about things. I have something to do, so I won't make an old appointment with you."

"Oh." Geng Di retracted his gaze in disappointment and tried to persuade him, "The weight training ground is quite fun, and Yun can play often.

Although you have completed the punishment task, it is okay to come and accompany the students to share the joys and sorrows together. "

Those students who had run half-dead suddenly raised their hopeful eyes to Yun Qingyan.

I think I'm still running here and there, others have slept asleep, eating and swaying while eating the temptingly scented spiritual food, the uncomfortable feeling in my heart can be imagined.

If they still had the strength to speak, they would have woken up and asked Yun to stay and train together.

"I even hope that in future training, I can share the joys and sorrows with everyone." After receiving the eager gazes from all directions, Yun Qingyan's red lips lightly aroused, swinging a curve.

what? ! Hearing this, everyone's hearts shook, and their hearts screamed-I don't want it!

Are you kidding me? Train with Yun Qingyan in the weight field, and watch her eat melon after running?

That is simply torturing people!

"There will be opportunities in the future." Geng Di said with a smile.

The students who were dragging their feet and crawling hard felt an arrow shot in their heart.

"Junior Sister Yun, what are you looking for with me?" Ke Yao stepped forward in time to interrupt Yun Qingyan and Geng Di to continue arguing.

"I want to ask where is Vice Dean Nie's residence." Yun asked Ke Yao gently.

"This." There was a strange look on Ke Yao's face, "What are you looking for, Vice President Nie?

If it is just a small matter, it is better to find Director Geng Jiao, and he will solve it for you. "

As the teaching director, Geng Di should be able to make room for her. Yun Qingyan thought about it in his heart, and happened to meet Geng Di's unkind eyes, but he was actually somewhat reluctant in his heart.

"Student Yun, why don't you tell me if you have any suffering." Geng Di laughed happily, and the slightly treacherous appearance always made people feel a little hairy.

He was different from Nie Zhao because he had to come to school for some reason.

And the reason why he came to the first college to be the teaching director of the Yellow Division was just because it was his pleasure to train freshmen. The better the freshmen, the more he likes to test their potential and talents.

"I don't know if Director Geng Jiao can spare me a mixing room?" Yun hesitated for a few seconds before asking.

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