My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1267: Additional training

"The refining room?" Geng Di, who originally wanted to seize the opportunity to make Yun speak lightly, smiled on his face, "What are you doing in the refining room?

The refining room is only available at the refining branch, and those refining masters, whether they are instructors or students, have a terrible temper. "

Although he was the teaching director of the Huang-level Ministry, he could not control the refining equipment.

Refining tools, refining medicines, and array masters are special divisions of students, and there is another set of system management.

"Learning the refining device." Yun lightly gave three concise words.

Geng Di's expression was even more flies, "What kind of refining tool are you going to learn from a combat element? There are some sour old men. Besides, you are not a student recruited by the refining department, and they will not teach you. ."

As the director of the combat department, Geng Di hates those who use foreign objects the most. In his opinion, no matter it is refining equipment and medicine, it is empty, and it does not have a solid strength.

Therefore, his relationship with the refiners of those branches is also very bad. Especially Tang Yan, the director of the Refining Department, had the worst relationship.

"I want to try my hand." Yun said lightly.

Had it not been for Nie Zhao's tragic situation, I felt a little jealous of this student with many cards, Geng Di really wanted to slap her up!

What kind of refining tools should those who fight well to learn? A person's energy is limited, and learning more means not being refined.

Since you are so talented in cultivation, you should practice hard and work hard to improve your strength, instead of relying on foreign objects, evil ways like refining tools will only distract your attention!

However, Geng Di hadn't said what he said from the bottom of his heart. Yun Qingyan had turned his head and looked at Ke Yao, "Where can I find Vice President Nie?"

She had already seen that Geng Di didn't have the ability to help herself at all.

After Ke Yao told Yun Qingyan the approximate address, Yun Qingyan nodded and left.

"Well, what kind of refining tool?" Geng Di muttered a few words. When he thought that his student was going to the place where he was dead, his heart was angry.

But now I can’t find the manager, and Yun Qingyan is caught back for training. I can only look back and rush to the freshmen who took this opportunity to rest.

It's been a day and a night and haven't completed the task! What a shame to our first college! "

The freshmen were extremely wronged. They are also very wronged!

They are not the evildoers who say that Ji Siwen Sufeisha lightly! They are just a group of ‘ordinary’ primordial beings!

Under ten times the gravity, even if the body adapts to the high-intensity pressure, it will not consume less physical energy. They are not allowed to use star power. The more they run, the more tired they are, and the more tired they are, the slower they run. If they run slowly, their time will be stretched infinitely.

And every second of staying here is an extra burden on their physical fitness.

This is totally inhuman torture!

"Run up and run! If you haven't completed the task before noon, just, add, and train!" The devilish voice of Director Geng Di rang, and the students who were learning snail crawling immediately closed their teeth and bit them. I rushed out with my strength to feed!

Additional training is really deadly! Director Geng Di is a demon!

Following the route guided by Ke Yao all the way to the west, Yun Qingyan looked at the messy yard, somewhat suspicious.

The turf on the ground was lifted up, as if it was being crossed by a typhoon.

I heard from Ke Yao that Vice Dean Nie’s other courtyard is lush and quiet, but there are hidden secrets in it, and there are many formations that test intruders, which is very dangerous...

Is this... really the dangerous other courtyard that Ke Yao said?

This time when I went in, I just met Lin Zixiao who came out of it.

Lin Zixiao looked at Yun Qingyan's suspicious look, and couldn't help thinking that he had been scared by the mess here before and had gone to the wrong place.

"Master is in the room, just knock on the door." Although the relationship between the two parties was not good because of Jiang Wushu's relationship with Yun Qingyan, Lin Zixiao reminded him of the importance of his master to Yun Qingyan.

After speaking, he didn't even look at Yun Qingyan, and just passed her.

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