My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1291: Long time no see, gluttonous

"Guji." Xiao Xuan had already started to swallow her saliva silently, a strange crystal liquid hanging over her mouth.

Yun said lightly to throw the handkerchief on its head, "wipe it quickly, don't shame me!"

Yu Dapang covered his mouth and laughed, "Sister Yun, why didn't I see Brother Diao? I even prepared roast chicken for it."

Unexpectedly, Yu Dapang still remembered the Jinpeng Thunder Eagle who insisted on letting it recognize his eldest brother.

Yun said lightly that a Jinpeng Thunder Eagle was released, and the other monsters couldn't sit still, and they wanted to come out one after another.

Fortunately, this time, Yu Da Pang has enough ingredients, there are a lot of roast chicken and chicken legs, and there are a few spare roast suckling pigs in the kitchen, otherwise it is really not enough to stuff the teeth between the teeth.

"Hey!" A few beasts had just come out, and a beast with dark hair and a bend on the top of his head instantly rolled out of Yu Dafa's clothes.

The monster looks petite, but its speed is extremely fast. With a sigh, it rushes to Jinpeng Thunder Eagle and other beasts like a flash of lightning. Two palm-sized bodies stand in front of the food, like a beast protecting Jinpeng. Lei Diao and other beasts grinned.

Obviously it is a cute and petite appearance, but it is full of deterrence when it is fierce, like a wild beast roaring!

Jinpeng Lei Diao unexpectedly stepped back half a step unconsciously, turning into human forms one by one.

Yun Qingyan's eyes flashed, Jin Peng Lei Diao and the others are already super sacred beasts, even they can temporarily frighten away, this monster has a lot of blood.

"Master... the blood pressure of this monster is very weird." The voice of Jinpeng Thunder Eagle and other beasts came from the spirit sea, reminding Yun to be careful.

"Gold coins, what are you doing?" Yu Dapang ran over quickly, picked up the monster with curved horns and shaped like a sheep, and patted its head to teach, "They are all friends of Sister Yun, not enemies. You can't treat them. So fierce."

Seeing Yu Da Pang's expression of politeness like educating his daughter, Yun Qingyan felt inexplicably joyful.

What surprised Yun lightly was that the fierce monster really calmed down and licked Yu Dafaan's hand affectionately.

"Sister Yun, this is the monster that Big Brother Baili and I encountered in the Dead Wilderness.

Don't look at it being small, but it is very powerful. Saved my life several times. "With a simple smile on Yu Da Pang's face, he smoothed the beast in his hand.

"At the time, it had been running with me and helped us many times, so I brought it back.

Don't look at its fierce look just now, it's still very gentle at ordinary times, the only drawback is that it has a large appetite. "

Yun Qingyan saw the honest appearance of Yu Da Pang, he couldn't help shaking his head in his heart, a ferocious beast, neither domesticated nor contracted, so he brought it by his side, and his heart was chubby. It's so big.

Her eyes fell on the sheep-shaped beast, and suddenly, her red lips curled up slightly.

The sheep-shaped monster seemed to feel Yun Qingyan's gaze, and its body curled up into a ball, seeming a little scared.

Yu Da Pang was strange.

Gold coins are usually courageous. Although they are small, they are not afraid of encountering monsters that are a hundred times larger than themselves. Why do they become so timid when they come in front of Sister Yun?

Is it because Sister Yun is too good? Correct! This should be! Yu Dapang was very satisfied with the reason he found.

"Don't be afraid of gold coins, Sister Yun will not hurt you." He carefully calmed the sheep-shaped monster in his arms.

Yun Qingyan walked over slowly, staring at the dark and dark eyes of the monster, "Long time no see, gluttonous."

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