My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1292: Is the gluttonous woman obsessed with fat?

"Gluttonous?" Yuda's face twitched!

The gold coin is so small, how could it be the legendary ancient beast gluttony?

The sheep-shaped monster body shrank, as if it could not understand what Yun said lightly.

Yun Qingyan didn't care about its escape, he didn't speak, but used his **** emperor-level spiritual knowledge to directly communicate with Taotie, "You are the one near Liangshenghua, right?

Come on, what's the purpose of being around Xiaopang? "

Yun Qingyan's voice fell coldly at the last sentence, "If you dare to hurt Big Fat, I have a hundred ways to make you regret it.

Even if you are the gluttonous one of the four beasts, it is no exception! "

She still remembered that when she and Emperor Jiuque were looking for the missing Yu Dafang, Yu Dafang appeared next to Liangshenghua with a gluttonous girl incarnate.

At that time, it was directly frightened by the coercion of Emperor Jiuque and escaped. After that, Yun said lightly and never saw it again.

Although this gluttonous glutton is not as good as it was before in terms of strength and appearance, Yun Qingyan still remembers its breath clearly.

This is undoubtedly the gluttony back then, but I don't know why, its strength has degraded and its size has also become smaller.

The gluttonous glutton who just pretended to be dead finally couldn't hold on anymore. The immature girl's voice rang in Yun Qingyan's mind, "Sister, don't drive me away! I'm not harmful!"

It stretched out its head from the curled up, a pair of white eyes were very white, and the dark eyes of its pupils carefully scanned a circle, and found that it did not see Di Jiuque, and its tight body relaxed a lot.

It really was the gluttony.

Yun Qingyan secretly said in his heart, "Why do you want to follow Da Fatty."

"I like him..." Taotie hesitated for two seconds before speaking slowly...

Yun said lightly: Uh? ! Does this gluttonous girl look fat?

"The food..."

Yun Qingyan secretly wiped his sweat, and it really was like this.

"Sister Yun, what are you talking about with Gold Coin?" Yu Dafang asked. Although he couldn't hear Yun Qingyan's communication with Gourmet, he could perceive them talking.

Yun said lightly, squinting towards Yu Dafat, and slowly said, "gluttonous, greedy, ferocious, ancient beast, are you sure you want to keep such a beast by your side?

Back in the Starfall Mountains, it almost ate you in its stomach. "

"Ah?!" Yu Da Pang's cheeks twitched fiercely, and the two hands holding the gluttony almost couldn't stabilize. "It... it almost ate my gluttony back then?!"

The gluttonous eyes in Yu Dapang's hands were dark, he jumped out of Yu Dapang's arms, and violently attacked Yun Qingyan!

The immature girl's voice is very sharp, "Why are you telling him?!"

Facing the sudden onslaught of gluttony, Yun said lightly without panic, and the Bloodthirsty Demon Vine shot out and bound gluttonously all at once.

Glutton’s claws were very sharp, even if he was severely injured, the power regressed, the power was also very powerful, and the bloodthirsty vine was torn apart at once, but more bloodthirsty vines were bound up, and Glutty was unable to do anything for a while.

Of course, it will be at a disadvantage, and a greater part of the reason is that it is scrupulous about the existence of Yu Dafa, not dare to show a prototype to scare him.

But, seeing it attack Yun Qingyan, how can other people sit still?

Jinpeng Thunder Eagle took the lead in reacting to several beasts, transforming into beasts and rushing towards the gluttony, while Baili Qingxue's star power has already poured out, and the hard ice spreads along the gluttonous body, and soon it will His legs are sealed.

Seeing Baili Qingxue's move, Yun said lightly and quickly--

"Don't hurt its life!"

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