"I wipe it! It's too cool to advance to the eighth level at once?" Ji Weiran burst into foul language, jealous with envy and jealousy.

On the gluttonous side, the black light dissipated, revealing a girl in the form of a human figure, carved and jade-like, but her extremely white eyes made her look a little strange.

There are two croissant braids on the top of the head, which looks very young.

"Big fat brother, I will protect you in the future! But you have to cook for me." The little girl held Yu Dafaan's hand and tilted her head.

After transforming into a human form, the gluttonous character also approached human children.

"Okay! No problem!" Da Pang had just advanced, and he was so happy that he couldn't find Bei, so he agreed.

"Can I have dinner now?" Ji Siwen, who was thinking about having dinner, was very resentful, and he was going to be hungry!

"That's right! A lot of spiritual food is cold and the effect is greatly reduced, Sister Yun, let's eat soon!" Yu Dafat patted his head and thought of this.

"Yeah." Yun Qingyan glanced at the gluttonous food sticking to Yu Dafang's side, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and nodded.

With gluttonous companionship, at least a general danger, it can no longer hurt Yu Dafat.

The small villa is brightly lit, with the scent of escaping spiritual food, and the warm light, accompanied by bursts of laughter and laughter.

However, after eating the spiritual meal, Yun Qingyan and Ji Siwen's face changed.

"What's wrong?" Qin Li asked.

"I feel like I'm going to advance again." Yun said lightly, the power in the spiritual diet impacted the veins, and there was a faint tendency to break through the body. She must find a place to refine them immediately.

"Me too!" Ji Siwen said the same.

"Abnormal! You guys are going to advance again!" Ji Weiran squeezed his teeth out of his mouth for a long time.

Yun said that he has advanced again, so wouldn't it be even more difficult for him to defeat her and get a smooth start?

"I almost forgot!" Yu Dapang suddenly slapped his head, "It will be promoted for the first time eating a high-level spiritual meal!

We have had this experience too!

Sister Yun, you and Brother Ji have not yet adapted to eating high-end spiritual food, that's why this happens!

Go ahead and refine the aura! Don't miss this great opportunity. If you miss this time, it will be useless to eat in the future. "

"Yeah." Yun Qingyan and Ji Siwen nodded together, and no one would miss this great opportunity to advance. In the realm of Master Zongyuan, it is not easy to advance to the first level.

Moreover, the spiritual diet is mild, and there will be no side effects when consuming it. It is perfect.

"There are guest rooms in Baili's apartment. Go and refine it.

There are not only barriers around the central mansion, but also formations. It is very safe and it is just right to refine the power here. "Qin Li said.

"Quietly, come with me." Baili Qingxue nodded, leading Yun Qingyan up.

The neglected Ji Siwen looked blank, and finally Ji Weiran patted him, "What are you doing in a daze? Keep up!"

Baili Qingxue directly arranged Yun Qingyan next to her room so that he could approach the protector.

As for Ji Siwen, an unloved kid, he can only stay in the most remote guest room.

After Yu Da Pang and the others had eaten, they were called by their respective instructors, leaving Baili Qingxue alone to protect the two of them.

Baili Qingxue used the power of ice and snow to put a layer of defense around the room, sitting cross-legged in the room next to Yun Qingyan, with divine consciousness covering a 300-meter radius, he would know for the first time when there was a turmoil!

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