My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1296: Lust and jealousy (1)

It's not that he is so careful, but the sudden disappearance of Yun's words two years ago has left a big shadow in his heart.

Moreover, Yun Qingyan made a lot of enemies. Su Ying and Dan Wuji had come to Yun Qingyan a year ago. He was not sure if they had received news of Yun Qingyan's appearance now, and would come again suddenly.

He was very scared, afraid that he didn't pay attention, Yun said lightly and disappeared again, disappearing without a trace, he couldn't find it anymore.


Baili Qingxue, who closed his eyes attentively, quietly enveloping the villa's surroundings, suddenly opened his eyes, and a sharp chill passed through his blue eyes that were as clear as ice and snow, and an ice cone attacked 300 meters outside the villa!

"As expected of Baili Qingxue, such a fast reaction speed!" In the dark jungle, a black figure quickly flashed to one side.

Where he originally said he was, the giant ice cone directly smashed a three-meter-deep pit on the ground, and the diffuse icy cold air was emitted. The grass plants three meters around the ice cone were shrouded in cold air, and a layer of ice formed on the outside.

"He has improved in strength again?" This time, the cold voice was slightly surprised.

Pale moonlight projected from among the dense branches and leaves, shone on a somewhat feminine face, behind his head, a thin long-tail braid hung down.

If Yun said lightly here, he would definitely recognize it. This was Fei Dingding's older brother Fei Ze, who was known as the new-generation genius of the Fei family, the strongest person in the Wanye Academy, and the cold-handed Fei family young master.

Almost hit by Bing Leng, Fei Ze didn’t even feel any panic on his face. The whites of his eyes were suddenly smudged with a layer of black, and a faint black air came out from the hand, which was a strange shape of black. Diamond spar.

Black light appeared in his hand, quickly covering the black diamond spar, and Jie Ze pressed his hand to crush it.

"Hmm!" Baili Qingxue snorted in the room, and suddenly felt a sharp pain in his heart and dantian.

Those clear eyes, as if they were soaked in darkness, appeared a few dark colors, and were quickly suppressed.

This time, Jade once again stepped into the restricted area within 300 meters, and Bing Leng did not come as expected as last time.

But this time he didn't stay long, but quickly retreated after testing.

He knew that Bai Li Qingxue's first attack was only a warning, and if Bai Li Qingxue made another move, it would be more than just a warning. Even him, under the ice of death would be very difficult.

While Baili Qingxue was still under control, he had to quickly stay away from the three-hundred-meter range.

But the temptation just now gave Jade the answer he wanted to know.

He injected power into the silver ring in his hand, and soon, waves of light flashed, and a burst of light and shadow appeared in front of him.

Large purple mandala blooms, faint purple, luxurious, mysterious, and profound.

On the exquisite throne of the jade bone skeleton in the middle, sat a very enchanting man, like a flower demon transformed from a poisonous flower, charming and lingering, but extremely poisonous.

The weird silver mask concealed the man's face, the thin red lips were lingering and enchanting, the dark purple hair hovered down, extending from the Jade Bone Throne to the dark purple mandala flower, with a strange and enchanting breath. .

"His Royal Highness." Putting away the coldness and jealousy on his face, Jade's scorpion-like feminine face was respectful and humble.

Loyal cold-blooded poison, this sounds ridiculous, but now, it does happen.

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