My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1297: Lust and jealousy (2)

"Huh?" A soft hum, as if coming out from the tip of the tongue, indescribably charming.

The closed eyes of the enchanting man slowly opened his eyes, revealing a pair of deep and magnificent eyes like amethyst. As he opened his eyes, the black yuan beads floating in front of him also fell into his body.

"Say." Jiang Wuya's red lips closed, and his low, dumb voice flowed out, like a burst of electricity, making the listener feel numb.

Feize's body trembled slightly, but he quickly calmed down his abnormality, and bowed his head respectfully, "His Royal Highness, the plan in the Dead Wilderness has succeeded. According to your instructions, the two magic weapons of jealousy and **** have been implanted in Baili separately. The snowy dantian and the heart are now.

He didn't know it himself. "

At this point, Feize was full of words on his face, "It's just that... the seven deadly sins magic weapon seems to have little effect on Baili Qingxue, and can only cause simple damage to him.

Did not change his character. "

"Ha ha ha." A deep and elegant laugh came out.

Jiang Wuya's slender fingers pressed against his chin, and the tip of his tongue gently licked a circle of red lips, "No."

If we say that before, he still worried that the seven deadly sins would not affect the people who were born with a transparent heart, but now he is not worried at all.

Even the clearest and most innately emotionally indifferent heart forged by ice and snow in the world, once contaminated with obsession, it will become extremely fragile and full of flaws.

Lust and jealousy are the most suitable evil thoughts for Baili Qingxue.

Jiang Wuya raised his eyes to look at Jade,

"You did this very well, you don't need to worry about it in the future.

Step down. "

"Yes." Feize replied with his head down. Just about to close the communication, he suddenly remembered something, "His Royal Highness... Secret Valley matter?"

"You can enter the secret valley. But don't reveal your identity or use the power of the demon." Jiang Wuya said.

"Yes, Your Highness." Feize answered obediently.

After closing the communication, the slightly pale face returned to the coldness, and the figure disappeared from the jungle.

"Once the seeds of sin are planted, they will thrive." Jiang Wuya broke his finger and a enchanting mandala beside his body, his purple eyes seemed to be filled with sinful light.

Jiang Wuya's red lips curled up lightly, and the purple mandala was crushed in his five fingers, "I wonder if it's the Ice Emperor bloodline, or the greed and evil thoughts?

Kitty, even the people around you are so funny~"

The magnificent voice hovered in the gloomy space, and the nostalgia in the words made people have a creepy look of being stared at by a poisonous snake...


The sky is bright.

After one night's practice, Yun Qingyan's cultivation was directly improved to the seventh-order Zongyuan Master, and Ji Siwen also increased by two steps, reaching the realm of the eighth-order Zongyuan Master, and he was not far from the respect.

Not surprisingly, they should be the two with the highest level of cultivation in the first college this year.

When Yun Qingyan and Ji Siwen woke up from their practice, it was already noon.

Just as Baili Qingxue brought lunch from the cafeteria, she saw Yun Qingyan coming down from the second floor.

A smile appeared on Jun Yi's superb face, as clean and pure as polar snow, "Talk lightly, come down to eat.

Da Pang Yu was called away by the instructor, I went to the cafeteria to buy it. "

Yun Qingyan glanced at the cuisine on the table and immediately recognized that it was an expensive high-end spiritual meal in a canteen.

Baili Qingxue brought a lot of portions and a lot of dishes, and Yun said that he could roughly estimate the value of this lunch by looking at it.

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