My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1306: The red flame of the burning law

"Run! Run!" Finally there was a smart one who exclaimed!

On the mimicry training ground, there was chaos, and everyone didn't care about other things. In order not to be frozen into ice sculptures, they quickly started to squirt!

Geng Di smiled and nodded in satisfaction, "Young man! It should be so energetic! Life lies in movement. How lifeless to stand motionless!"

Now there is no more to complain about Geng Di, because they have all joined the running army.

Such a scene appeared in the entire training ground-countless primordial souls trembling from the cold, jumping up and down like rabbits.

Contrary to the people around him, Yun said nothing.

When the power of ice and snow struck, a stream of heat surged into her dantian immediately to maintain her normal body temperature.

Yun lightly said inwardly. The Chi Huanghuo that was originally entrenched in her sea of ​​divine consciousness turned slowly in her dantian at no time. Every time it turned, there was a heat rushing into the veins along with the flow of star power.

This is different from her dedicated effort to call Chi Huang Huo, she needs a lot of star power to use Chi Huang Huo.

But in this way, Chi Huanghuo's consumption of star power is almost negligible, but it is enough to resist the cold.

Yun Qingyan's eyes were bright, and he secretly said in his heart that the red flame was so powerful, wouldn't she be like a fish in the water in the ice secret realm?

Moreover, when facing the Yuan Zhe of the Ice and Snow Element, didn't she take a big advantage?

"The red flame of this deity is the supreme of ten thousand fires, the hottest flame in the heavens and the earth. But it is easy to keep away from the cold."

As Yun Qingyan sighed, Huang Yan's domineering and ardent voice came from the sea of ​​divine knowledge.

"Girl, you look down on Chi Huang Huo too, right?

You can only use one-thousandth of the power of Chihuang Fire. If you can use its 100% power, there will be nothing that Chihuang Fire cannot destroy between heaven and earth! Not to mention resisting the cold and conquering all fires, even if it is the law of burning, the profound meaning is not a problem! "

The law of incineration? !

Yun Qingyan's heart is overwhelmed!

The law is the most mysterious and elusive existence in the world! What level of flame is the sacred fire that can burn the law? !

Bai Feng and others outside the court also noticed Yun Qingyan.

No way, when everyone was jumping up and down, the only one standing still, Yun Qingyan, became the most conspicuous existence.

"Xin Leng, Baili, give Student Yun something!" Dean Bai Feng ordered, he wanted to see where the limit of this little girl was!

When the cultivation base was suppressed, the two senior masters joined forces and couldn't completely shake her. It was really surprising!

Don't you run? I will let you run!

Xin Leng was the most straightforward, "Bing Ling!"

As his voice fell, countless Bing Lengs flied towards the cloud from different angles!

Bing Rui's cold ice cones are densely packed, once they are shot, there are countless blood holes!

Of course, Xin Leng is in absolute control of all Bing Ling. Once Yun Qingyan can't escape, he will control the direction of Bing Ling's transfer and will not really cause Yun Qingyan to be seriously injured.

Of course, minor skin injuries are inevitable!

Seeing Xin Leng's move, Baili Qingxue's eyes flashed, and Bingxue's profound meaning quietly emerged.

Bing Leng, who flew away from Xiang Yun, slowly slowed down, as if being held back by mysterious power, slowing down a little bit.

The corner of Xin Leng's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help looking at Bai Li Qingxue, who was expressionless and indifferent beside him.

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