My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1307: The blood of the snow royal family

As an ice star elementary master, Xin Leng knew better than anyone what was going on with the slower attack speed of his ice ridge.

As long as it encounters a more powerful Ice Element Profound Obstacle, this will happen.

"Baili." A faint smile appeared on Bai Feng's handsome and gentle face, "Don't forget that your task now is to train freshmen."

If you don't go to work, you secretly release water. Is this really what Baili Qingxue's serious performance can do?

Yun Qingyan flew over in the ice ridge, and she naturally understood why the ice ridge hitting herself suddenly slowed down.

"Baili, you don't need to keep your hands on me." She also wanted to see where Chi Huanghuo's endurance was.

"Be careful." Baili Qingxue paused and whispered.

Yun Qingyan felt that the temperature on his side suddenly dropped, and the speed of the icy ridges around his body accelerated!

The biting chill gradually poured into the muscles and veins, the hands and feet seemed to be frozen, and the movement began to gradually slow.

The chill will dissipate one point every time the Chihuang Fire in the body turns, but after a while, the chill will start to erode the veins more deeply.

Seeing Yun Qingyan's gradually slowing down figure, Bai Feng and others looked satisfied.

This is considered exercise! Before, I was tickling Yun lightly!

"Xin Leng, Baili!" Bai Feng exclaimed, "Increase the power transmission!"

"Blizzard!" Xin Leng yelled, as the wind swept towards the cloud with ice and snow!

Others also got a chance to breathe because Xin Leng's attention was on Yun Qingyan.

"Frozen!" Baili's Xing Yuanli whizzed out, and his icy blue eyes paid close attention to Yun Qingyan's situation, and immediately stopped if anything was wrong with her!

The extreme coldness spread across his body, and Yun said lightly that he had to use the star power to urge Chi Huanghuo so that he would not be frostbitten.

"Huang Yan, it seems that Chi Huang Huo is not as powerful as you said!"

Yun Qingyan stiffly avoided the icy ridges passing by, and the red lips that had been taken away by the temperature looked a little pale.

"Huh?" Huang Yan took a shot and probed the situation of Yun Qingyan, and said softly.

His scarlet eyes were slightly narrowed, and there was a deep meaning in his eyes.

"Girl, I didn't expect that... there are still a few interesting people beside you."

In the Xuan Jie restricted area, Huang Yan stands with his hand in his hand, his handsome face is domineering and arrogant, "You can only exert one-thousandth of the power of the Chihuang Fire, and naturally you can't resist the Chihuang Fire without the power of the star. The ultimate ice and snow system like Winter Snow."

The cold spread to his bones, Yun Qingyan dodged with difficulty while communicating with Huang Yan with his spiritual knowledge.

She has a hunch, maybe... Does Huang Yan know Baili Qingxue's life experience?

"You said Baili uses the Ultimate Ice and Snow Element Profound meaning?" Yun said lightly in shock.

Ultimate Profound Meaning...that is the highest level of Profound Truth! A **** king, fully comprehending the ultimate profound meaning, can kill ordinary **** emperors in one hit!

This is not only the highest level of Profound Meaning, but also a big killer.

"Forget it!" Huang Yan's voice was a little more pondering, "However, what he used was immature and didn't fully control it.

Moreover, with his current cultivation base, he couldn't bring out all the power of Winter Snow. "

Huang Yan touched his chin, "Girl, have you stayed in Tianyuan Continent for several years? Where did you learn about the blood of the Snow Territory royal family?"

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