My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1345: Interested in you

After all, in the Tianyuan Continent, anyone who wants to reach the senior level under the age of twenty-five is definitely an astonishing existence like a Tianzong wizard! It can even be said to be the pinnacle of the young genius pyramid of an era.

"You know, this time in the secret realm trial, Wanye Academy sent some students from the Profound Level Department and the Earth Level Department to serve as vanguard troops..." Mu Liuyun's voice gradually eased.

"If new people want to come in, a group of people will be swept down to make room for the newcomers?" Yun said a cold smile on his mouth.

"That's right." Mu Liuyun nodded, "Jieze restricted a group of new students to enter the secret valley, leaving us the quota, so I was able to enter the secret valley with Fei Dingding the first batch."

Mu Liuyun is indeed the best candidate to enter the secret valley!

The strength is the ninth-order Zongyuan Master, just in the first batch of conditions to enter the secret valley.

And when he turned on the recovery state of the battle soul, his strength could soar to the ninth-order Zun Yuanshi!

He is like a loophole in the secret valley! Especially when the evildoers from other colleges hadn't come in yet, he could almost walk sideways in the secret valley.

It is a seamless plan for him to accompany Fei Dingding to capture Yun Qingyan, who has hidden the strength of the ninth-order Zun Yuanshi!

However, neither Fei Ze nor Fei Dingding might have thought that Yun Qingyan would know Mu Liuyun's grandfather, and even brought him a letter from home.

I can only say that all of this is a coincidence!

"Has Feize his cultivation level reached Master Zun Yuan?" Yun asked lightly.

Sending Mu Liuyun in, Jieze himself did not take the lead in entering the secret valley, most likely because Jieze's strength had reached the master of the master and was bound by the constraints of the secret valley.

"When Fei Ze was still Zongyuan Master half a year ago, he already had the ability to fight the junior Zongyuan Master.

I don't know his specific cultivation level now. "Mu Liuyun shook his head, looking guilty, because he didn't help Yun Qingyan.

"However, I guess that his cultivation has reached Master Zun Yuan.

He seems to be interested in you, you have to be careful. "Mu Liuyun reminded.

Reaching the Master of Respect for Strength and Reaching Master of Respect for Cultivation are completely different concepts.

A Star Yuan who has the strength to defeat Zun Yuan Master in Zong Yuan Master, when his cultivation base crosses the hurdle of Zun Yuan Master, his strength will be a qualitative increase!

After Mu Liuyun finished speaking, he bowed his hand and said goodbye to Yun lightly.

"Girl, where are you going now?" Huang Yan asked, standing behind him.

"Let's go back to the camp first. Now other students should also enter the secret valley." Yun replied lightly, and took the Nether Wolf King into the space by the way.

Jade will not give up easily, she can just wait for them to come.

"Let's go." Huang Yan followed Yun Qingyan leisurely.

While chatting with Huang Yan, Yun Qingyan flew to the first academy camp, not in a hurry.

"Huo Linghua." Suddenly, Huang Yan looked eastward.

"Huo Linghua?" Yun said lightly, his eyes lit up, and Yukong stood up without a word, "Let's go! Now that you have encountered it, take it off."

The fire spirit flower is a kind of spirit grass that assists the fire system star element master to cultivate, it is very rare.

"After taking the Fire Spirit Flower, it will also help you become familiar with the Chixiao Red Lotus." Huang Yan smiled and said, "Girl, you are lucky."

The two quickly slid across the sky, and under Huang Yan's guidance, they came to a broken wall.

A large red palm flower blooming in the sun was swaying in the wind before the wall was broken.

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