"Hey!" A red-feathered eagle-like monster was patrolling around Huo Linghua, and the moment it saw Yun Qingyan, it erupted with a long warning.

"Bi Lei." In an attitude of quick battle and quick decision, Yun said lightly that he didn't do anything directly, but called out Jinpeng Thunder Eagle!

Jinpeng Thunder Eagle has natural blood to suppress birds and monsters!

"Hey!" Jin Peng Lei Diao had sharp claws and sharp eagle eyes, and his body three times larger than the burning red eagle rushed towards it!

The coercion of the super mythical beast was shrouded, and only the fiery red eagle of mythical beast cultivation wailed sadly, glanced at Yun lightly, and fluttered away in embarrassment.

"Good job." Yun said lightly and flew over, complimenting him.

Jin Peng Lei Diao's body flashed with golden light and turned into a slap-sized golden bird. It rubbed Yun Qingyan's palm and jumped onto her shoulder.

"Girl, get the fire spirit flower quickly." Huang Yan said.

"Yeah." Yun nodded softly, took out the white jade shovel specially designed for medicine, and carefully shoveled towards the roots of the fire spirit flower.

The fire spirit flower is delicate and strange, and only a shovel made of mutton jade can keep it intact and remove it.

"Huh? Yun'er, we are so lucky, we found Huo Linghua as soon as we entered the secret valley!

Are you not the 9th-order Zongyuan Master now? Eating the fire spirit flower can hit the barrier of the noble rank! "

A joyful voice sounded behind Yun Qingyan.

Yun Qingyan frowned, but did not stop his movements, but continued to shovel towards Huo Linghua!

At this moment--

"Golden Blade!" The sharp golden blade cut through the air and struck Yun Qingyan back of his head!

One move, murderous!

"Wow!" An earth wall rises, and the golden blade crosses out. The earth wall is eliminated, and the condensed golden blade gradually disappears.

"The sixth-order Zongyuan master? The strength is not bad, it is no wonder that he dares to travel alone in the secret valley."

A slightly surprised voice sounded, but he didn't care, but with a high-level scrutiny.

Yun Qingyan turned his eyes indifferently, his cold eyes were like cold black jade, extremely indifferent.

Huang Yan's hands were wrapped around his chest, the corners of his lips were scornful and contemptuous, and the blazing red eyes were slightly cold as they swept across the crowd.

Opposite is a group of young men and women. The woman surrounded in the center is dressed in a white dress with feathers, black hair, and a badge with white feathers on her chest, occupying the center of the crowd.

Next to her, there were three men and two women. One man raised his right hand, and the star strength in his hand had not dissipated. The golden blade just now was caused by him.

When Yun Qingyan looked at them, they were also examining Yun Qingyan.

I thought that Yun Qingyan should be a senior student from several other colleges, but when his eyes touched the iron badge on Yun Qingyan's chest, everyone looked at Yun Qingyan's eyes slightly.

She is a new student?


The red lips moved slightly, followed by the cold voice, and a huge shadow crashed on the six!

"Hurry up!" The six immediately reacted, and the rotating star power flew in all directions, but how quickly Yun Qingyan started?

Even if they escaped the boulder, the rubble and dust fell on their faces!

The person who was still well dressed just now became ashamed in a second!

"What are you doing?!" A **** the other side screamed angrily at the cloud, the star power surged, and the green vines rose high!

With a free and unrestrained smile on Yun Qingyan's face, his red lips curled up, "Just say hello."

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