My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1354: Does his girl need someone else to maintain?

"This..." Ji Weiran scratched his head, "I don't know much.

But this seems to have become a college routine.

The top ten in the Secret Valley Trial all have rich rewards, and the ranking does not depend on the grade.

The new students entered the Secret Valley a few days earlier than the others, and they had already searched a large number of resources. Those who entered later had to go to a farther dangerous zone if they wanted to find good resources.

At this time, robbery novices have become the best choice. "

After all, I still feel unbalanced and feel that the freshman has an extra day's advantage.

"It should not have been so extreme.

But after the robbed freshman becomes an old fritters a year later, he can't help but vent his grievances from the previous year to the next freshman. Over time, a bad atmosphere has formed. "

Qin Li interface replied.

"You were robbed before?" Yun said lightly, raising his eyebrows.

"That's right." Ji Weiran nodded, "but relying on Baili, the four of us cooperated, and no one has succeeded in grabbing it.

But because most of our energy was spent on guarding, our points did not enter the top five. "

"They dare not grab you." Baili Qingxue looked at Yun and said lightly.

Yun lightly touched his nose.

Over there, the group of veteran students has split. Some people want to recommend Wu Yuan, but some don't buy his account.

Compared with Baili Qingxue, Wu Yuan is too selfish, and his usual reputation is not good, and his prestige is insufficient.

There was anger in the eyes of Lei Yu, these old students discussed in front of them how to deal with them, really treat them as soft persimmons?

But in fact, after fighting with Manyo Academy for a night, everyone's star power was almost exhausted. Against this group of senior students with high star power, they really had no chance of winning.

If it weren't for Yun Qingyan to arrive in time, I'm afraid they would have been served by a bowl.

"Rather than discussing how to deal with my own family, it is better to solve the external threat first?" A cold voice was inserted into the noisy discussion.

It was as if the clear water swept away all the gravel dust and suppressed all the noise.

Hundreds of eyes shot at Yun lightly.

"Heh! Do we have your part in talking?!" Wu Yuan's eyes flashed with cold light. With the embarrassing experience before, this time he learned to behave, no longer using coercion, but a star element force suddenly to the cloud Tap it lightly!

Attacks are much faster than coercion!

Also, much more deadly!

Yun Qingyan's eyes were light and dismissive.

Next to her, stood her companion!

And she put total trust in them!

"Bang!" A crystal clear ice shield quickly blocked Wu Yuan's attack.

At the same time, countless ice ridges appeared half an inch to Wu Yuan's side, and one of them was directly against his throat.

Baili Qingxue's voice is like the cold wind whistling deep in the Arctic in winter, cold and icy, "Death?"

In the blue eyes, the storm quickly condensed, murderous aura overflowed, and the frozen man!

Huang Yan narrowed a pair of long and narrow eyes to look at this handsome and beautiful man, a faint flame floated on his side.

Why did he think that this boy of the Ice Emperor bloodline was so annoying?

Does his girl need someone else to maintain?

The cold touch in the throat made Wu Yuan's body tense for a moment.

He could faintly feel the sharp ice blade breaking through his star power defense and piercing his skin.

"Bai... Baili Qingxue, what are you doing?" Wu Yuan swallowed hard, and said with a hard face, "I'm a student of the prefectural department, your colleague! can you treat me? Do it?!"

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