My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1355: Mastering the stick, but aiming for the yard

"Bai Li, stop." Yun said softly and stopped. Her red lips rose slightly, and her beautiful face was smiling.

Baili Qingxue closed her right hand, and the ice edge floating beside Wu Yuan dispersed.

Wu Yuan breathed a long sigh of relief.

His back is soaked.

He said to Shang Yun lightly, "What is the ability to hide behind others?!

Have the ability to fight me head-on! "

As soon as Wu Yuan's voice fell, a sigh suddenly sounded around.

Even the old student felt ashamed for him!

shameless! Shameless!

Tier 3 Zun Yuanshi challenges Tier 6 Zong Yuanshi? Is this unclear to bully the small? Also let the opponent fight head-on... It's shameful to think about it!

Although they are also relying on their cultivation base to obtain benefits from the new students, they will not fail in a sneak attack and clamor for others to fight head-on!

"Challenge me? Are you qualified?" Yun Qingyan showed an ironic smile on his face, spitting out a mouthful of blood from the arrogant and self-esteem Wu Yuan!

The corners of everyone's mouth suddenly twitched.

Wu Yuan is shameless to bully the small, this one... is narcissistic and arrogant to the anger of people and gods!

It's really one foot high and the devil is one foot high!

"Dare not dare?! What reason are you looking for?!" Wu Yuan sneered, his eyes even more disdainful.

He, a Tier 3 Zunyuan Master, is not qualified to challenge her as a Zongyuan Master? He can laugh at this joke for a year!

Yun Qingyan's eyes became colder, but the smile at the corner of her mouth became sweeter, her phoenix eyes raised slightly, "Okay!

Want to challenge me? can! Let's talk about the defeated general who defeated me first. "

He casually flicked the ash on his sleeves, and Yun said lightly that the eyes that didn't put people in his eyes made Wu Yuan so angry.

I saw that the two moist and thin lips opened and closed lightly, in a gentle and leisurely tone, "After all, it's not just any small fish or shrimp that can challenge me."

Wu Yuan was really angry this time!

His blue veins on his forehead were violent, his eyes were about to split, and his voice was stern, "Okay! Then let your men beat me in the future!"

Waiting for the defeated general who defeated Yun Qingyan, he wanted to do something with Yun Qingyan, Baili Qingxue had no reason to stop him!

He doesn't believe how strong a master Zongyuan's men will be!

Since signing the ‘Unequal Treaty of Losing Power and Humiliating the Country’ with Yun Qingyan, Cao Yan, who has followed Yun Qingyan in silence, heard the words “failure”, his heart suddenly choked.

Facts have proved that his sixth sense is still very accurate.

He heard the voice that was so pleasing to the ears but often irritating and not paying for his life--

"Cao Yan, it's time for you to play."

Cao Yan reluctantly stood out from behind.

"Wanye Academy? How could it be from Wanye Academy?" After seeing the badge on Cao Yan's chest, the freshmen erupted in exclamation, and their faces became more nervous.

They were the people who had just dealt with Manyo Academy last night.

"Don't worry. Since he is standing next to Sister Yun and listening to Sister Yun's orders, it can be seen that Sister Yun has already been subdued." Xing Lan comforted the new students.

Those nervous discussions suddenly became much quieter.

"Who are you?" Wu Yuan looked at the strange young man who appeared suddenly with a beard.

Because Cao Yan didn't reveal his cultivation base or use star power, Wu Yuan couldn't feel his rank.

"You'll know when I defeat you." Cao Yan raised his eyelids and glanced at Wu Yuan indifferently, his tone also indifferent and disdainful.

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