Hong Luo directly made Yun Qingyan couldn't help holding her forehead, she seemed to be able to understand how worried Hong Ye was.

The two sides take turns to fight, and the order of playing is also particular.

What's more, once one party sends someone, the other party can send a restrained element based on the opponent. Hongluo's battle has already exposed her attributes and cultivation bases. It is not difficult for Wanye Academy to send people against her.

But now that she has been on the court, she can't be called down anymore.

"Miss Yun, I have worked hard for you." Hong Ye looked at Yun Qingyan's headache, and said helplessly and sympathetically.

Now, someone is finally aware of his pain in taking care of the boss.

Yun lightly nodded at him blankly, "Nothing."

The best news now is that Hongluo's cultivation base is very high, and even if Jieze finds someone to deal with her, the range of choices is relatively small.

"Feibo, you go." Feize said to a man next to him.

Unlike the faces of most young people, the man appeared to be an adult, much smaller than most people.

When he launched the coercion, everyone was shocked!

"Sixth Tier Water Element Master Yuan!" An exclamation sounded from the crowd.

Hong Ye and the others became slightly solemn.

The sixth-order Zunyuan Master, his cultivation level was exactly the same as Hongluo, and the water system... just restrained the red fire system.

The elements are restrained, and the higher the level, the more obvious the manifestation.

"Did any of you bring the proving stone?" Yun asked the people on both sides softly.

She felt that that man was definitely more than twenty-five years old!

"No." Ji Siwen shook their heads one by one.

The test stone is a kind of rough stone that can roughly estimate the age. Although there is no such thing as a special instrument for testing the age, it is better than cheap and convenient.

"Girl, what kind of probation stone do you want?" Huang Yan's slender arm fell on Yun Qingyan's shoulder, and his deep and domineering red eyes looked at the opposite, with a careless look, "That guy is fifty years old."

Fifty years old? !

As soon as Huang Yan spoke, everyone's expressions changed!

This greatly exceeds the age limit of Secret Valley!

However, the one who reacted the most was the water elementary named Feibo!

In order to enter the secret valley, the young master soaked them in a special medicated bath, which can change their bone age status in a short time.

He tried it, and even the professional age-detecting instruments could not find out his true age.

However, he couldn't hide the professional equipment and secret valley restrictions, but he couldn't hide the eyes of the man in red?

He was surprised and looked at Huang Yan with great fear. When he faced the domineering, arrogant and powerful red eyes, a cold sweat suddenly appeared on his back!

The body took a few steps back unconsciously, in shock.

The golden light in Huang Yan's red eyes flickered, and he glanced lazily, one hand still resting on Yun Qingyan's shoulder.

"Emperor Huangyan, after so many years, don't you understand the principle of giving or receiving intimacy between men and women?" Xi Mo smiled gently, and the curved arc of his thin lips was just right to be graceful and charming, but his pupils were staring straight at his eyes like clear glass. Huang Yan's hand fell on Yun Qingyan's shoulder.

The golden light in his eyes flashed away.

"The deity and the girl are in a contract, living together, why bother about those vain gifts?" Huang Yan's thin lips twitched lightly, and his flying eyebrows were full of triumph. Not only did he not retract his hand, but the hand on Yun Qingyan's shoulder was even stronger. One point is heavy.

Looking back at Xi Mo's crimson deep eyes on the handsome and unruly face, the momentum is high!

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