My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1374: Ways to kill Xi Mo

"Same fate contract?" Xi Mo's pupils tightened!

The same fate contract, life and death have the same fate, both prosperity and loss will be lost!

Huang Yan... actually signed a contract with an ordinary human? This is to give his life and wealth to Yun Qingyan!

Yun Qingyan was also shocked severely in his heart. Hei Liang's eyes looked at Huang Yan in astonishment, "You... are you signing a contract with fate?"

She knew that Huang Yan had signed a contract with her, but she didn't expect it to be a contract of the same fate!

Generally, the same life contract will only appear on two people with little difference in strength, and the two share lives.

And once the difference in strength is huge, it will become a kind of **** to those with higher strength, and the enemy can completely injure the other party by killing the weaker party in the same life contract.

Signing a contract with her, Huang Yan lost, but also lost a lot!

"Can you still not feel the contract signed by the deity and you?" A smile appeared at the corner of Huang Yan's mouth, and his fingers tapped on Xiang Yun's forehead.

"You..." Yun frowned lightly, "Why do you do this?"

With his strength, if there is no agreement with the same life, he will continue to live well, but after signing the contract with her, if she dies, it will be an irreversible blow to him.

"If you want to do it, do it."

Standard Huangyan answer, domineering, arrogant, and extremely willful!

"I said, girl, what do you look like with a frown? The deity doesn't mind, what are you worried about?" Huang Yan raised his eyebrows and said.

An invisible protective shield has long been raised between the three, and only they can hear it during the conversation.

"Huh!" Yun said lightly, his sharp and murderous eyes suddenly shot towards Xi Mo.

She will never forget that there are still very powerful enemies behind Huang Yan.

The same fate contract must never be known to the second person.

Receiving Yun Qingyan's eyes full of killing intent, a hint of helplessness appeared at the corner of Xi Mo's mouth, but he was not panicked, and the clear eyes of Liuli watched Yun Qingyan gently and tolerantly.

Under the gaze of those eyes, Yun Qingyan felt a guilty conscience in his heart.

"You can't believe me so lightly?" Xi Mo's voice is not happy or angry, elegant and calm, as gentle as a jade tap.

It's strange if you can trust it!

She has only met for a few days, and she doesn't even know the situation behind her. How can she trust her?

However, under Xi Mo's gentle and elegant voice, the rock-like cloud softly said that he was a little shaken.

"Girl." Huang Yan patted Yun and said lightly, her indifferent posture relaxed her tight muscles, "Since the deity dared to speak in front of him, it means that this fellow can be trusted."

With an elegant and charming smile at the corner of Xi Mo's mouth, he did not show any trust in Huang Yan's words.

Yun Qingyan was even more confused.

What is the relationship between Xi Mo and Huang Yan?

Obviously, the swords are drawn to each other's eyes, but can they say so frankly about this kind of life-related matter?

"But..." Huang Yan's tone stretched, and the sound made Xi Mo's eyebrows lightly raised.

"If you really want to kill this guy, don't hesitate to do it!

This black heart lotus is best at shaking people's hearts. When you kill him, don't give him a chance to speak and don't look into his eyes, understand? "

Huang Yan gave Yun a soft move on the side.

Xi Mo's always indifferent expression was a little stiff, and the corners of his mouth twitched indistinctly.

The taste in his heart is only clear to him.

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